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  1. S

    Giving a girl compliments............gone wrong.

    i'm sure the guy knew what he was doing.. this seems like a satire story at best..a parody of a neg.. i dont think he actually did this. still pretty funny.
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    I'm a respect

    just today, i was with my friends during lunch and we were sitting besides this other few kids. one of them outta-nowhere just suddenly started blabbing about me like how I have issues. Everytime he did, his friends started laughing stupidly. Now he's a tough guy, and I'm not as tough as him...
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    I'm a respect

    It's about inner game - not outer game. It's not how big your muscles are that matter, but how big you THINK your muscles are that matter. Maybe weight training will make you feel more confident when you tell guys to shut up, but I guess you'll have to wait until forever when you get those...
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    So things are alright, except for my feelings..

    go on a much larger seduction forum like Another seduction Forum and look up Direct Style.. look at Woodhaven's post in the Advanced section. It has done wonders for me. You'll see what its all about and how popular it is. Direct Style is based on Inner Game. It's also often refered to as...
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    So things are alright, except for my feelings..

    make your emotional position known to her..that you're not into a long-term serious relationship thing...that you'd always want to be friends. talk about this in vague in a way that you'd be describing the type of girl you'd want to be with...not specifically HER. Throw this into...
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    One thing you should know people in HS - They're shallow.

    focus on the present. nothing else matters when you approach a chick. NOTHING. there is no past, no future, just now. that's it..nothing but now. Instead of thinking, just observe. If you can't stop thinking, then observe your mind which is thinking. YOU ARE NOT YOUR MIND. YOU ARE YOU. The...
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    So things are alright, except for my feelings..

    you could express your feelings for her and still not get rid of the friendship. just tell her what type of women you like, and what type of relationships you're into..and then start approaching her...that way, you still get her, and her friendship.
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    So things are alright, except for my feelings..

    go direct on her. dont try and hide your intentions on her. she'll freak out if you start acting all AFCBoyfriendy. i love the direct/natural style. you see her, tell her she looks beautiful..start a convo, do some kino, escalate, kiss/f close her...worst comes to worse, you get her number...
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    Gaining Confidence to go out there and perform!

    excuser mode, that is! Teenagers are the most open minded people. which country are you in right now that people are treating you like this? THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY What YOU think others think about you, is not really how it is. It's your own interpretation!
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    Gaining Confidence to go out there and perform!

    I am like many people here. I've had my up's and down's, and as a teenager, I am terribly self conscious. I don't like that. This is my limiting belief and it stops me from approaching women. Now, like many of you, I also dont want to waste my time for 8 weeks and go through the Boot Camp. Of...
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    My journey from a padawan to..well, we'll see - a day to day update

    Day 5 - Thursday, June 9, 2005 Nothing. None. Zilch. Nada. Hard to think of anything other then going to sleep or relaxing in a bath tub in 31 degrees celcius with a high humidex.
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    Calming your nerve??

    WIll help you develop a: I dont give a crap attitude BY ACTUALLY SEEING IT! We've heard of all these awesome DJ's, but can't see 'em. Tyler Durden is one, if there ever was one.
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    My journey from a padawan to..well, we'll see - a day to day update

    continued I just came home from an awesome little meeting. I just joined the Mayor's Youth Advisory Commite and I met some awesome people there. One of them was an amazing looking girl. I'd give her a 9. She turned out to be pretty interesting from the discussion we were having in the...
  14. S

    Another boring summer...

    you're on the internet, so I'll assume you live in a place where civilization exist. If that exists, I'm sure people are there. If they are there, I'm sure there are hot chicks as well. And if its summer, I'm sure they're all wearing skimpy clothes. And if its day, when the sun is out, you...
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    My journey from a padawan to..well, we'll see - a day to day update

    Day 4 - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 Yes, another uneventful day. :( The weather was hot, the buses were extremely crowded, I was sweating, and my breath stunk. I just wanted to get back home and relax and get the darned heavy backback of my shoulder. Not the best state to approach girls in...
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    A freaking positive thread for once

    hahaha. I hear you man. I've been browsing the forum lately, and I see many problems with such descriptive titles such as, "help!" and "need help!." Although I'm not experienced that much myself, I will share some good news. The weather has been great, I've been on track for this week...
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    Calming your nerve??

    watch Fight Club for one entire week. Everyday, atleast once. Now that's a mindjob! Should make you confident for anything!
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    Is it possible to change a bad first impression?

    hey Laney, I've heard about DeAngelo before, mind telling me more about what its on? These tapes you talked about? I'm getting them right now, but I'm curious.
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    My journey from a padawan to..well, we'll see - a day to day update

    Day 3 - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 Nothing to report today. Didn't get many..or any opportunities to approach any girls. I feel ashamed about that a bit. But I have come up with goals that I want to finish by the end of the week. Goals include: -Approach 5-8 good looking or cute girls...
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    My journey from a padawan to..well, we'll see - a day to day update

    Haha man. I know. My looks dont matter. Which leads me to today's progress Day 2 - Monday, June 6, 2005 I decided to track back, and work more on my confidence. I downloaded the Boot Camp guide (the pdf) and went over many posts on this forum. I guess I needed to go through all that. But 8...