My journey from a padawan to..well, we'll see - a day to day update


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score

Hi. I'm still in highschool and I'm 16. I'm a brown guy living in Canada (no, I don't have a damn Indian accent). This thread is going to be full of field reports as I start my journey from theory of PU to actually applying it in in the real world. It's a day to day thing, so I will update everyday.


I'm 5'9, black hair, glasses (think of the old fashioned retro look), short hair, rectangular/ovalish face. I wouldn't call my self obese or thin. I'm normal, but I dont have many muscles that I can show off. I have acne on both my cheeks, but that's it. None of those humungous bulging pimples. And not a lot of red marks all over my face either. Just on the cheeks, and that's that. I do have thick eyebrows (not a unibrow though)

I wear comfortable loose clothes (none of that gangsta **** everyone is so gung-ho about these days). I'd call myself a 7.

I have many friends - guys and girls. Most of them are smart people, but they've not had much experience with the opposite sex other then in turns of friendship. So, when I said that, just for fun, I want to approach women and talk with them, they immediately felt I couldn't do it. They even bet me that I can't keep a conversation going for a minute.

But that's alright. They're my friends, I'm a smart guy myself, and I respect them as people. I'm good at my school stuff, and I dont want to devote all my time and effort to PUing.

For me, PU is something more then just getting chicks. It's about growing myself. It's about increasing my confidence, my self respect, and self worth. I also think that all of these things are important to learn - confidence, respect, worth, and persistance. Especially since I want to be an entrepreneaur.

My choice in girls is usually high school girls or university girls. And although I do like many white girls, I still feel more comfortable with brown chicks. And yes, I am a virgin.

That's all the background info I can think of. But here it goes.

This is my story from zero to hero in God knows what time.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Day 1 - Friday, June 3, 2005

After School. Me and my friends had played soccer and once school ended, we run to the bus stop (the public transit, we dont take the school bus home for obvious reasons). We waited for a few minutes, and got on the bus and I saw this amazing girl in pink.

I'd call her an 8. She felt slut-like, so I dont know about her personality, but she looked like an 8. She had her backpack still on her shoulders in the little seat she held up. None of my friends took any of the seats nearby (they feel uncomfortable sitting with strangers at times) but I just took the seat. On both of my sides, were girls. The 8 was on my right.

This was a Friday, things were good, I had done good on a major test today, and things were looking up. I felt TODAY WAS THE DAY! to start what I had learnt on this forum and reading Gunwitch's Method.

After playing for sometime, and running to the bus stop, I was tired a bit, and breathing. I gained my wits, and I closed my eyes and tried to get to this sexual state that Gunwitch kept mentioning about. She was sitting right besides me. I was sitting in Alpha position. Completely comfortable and relaxed. I have always shown alpha body language ever since I read up on that stuff. I act in alpha way (not an *******), but someone that has power and authority, and someone people have to respect.

My friends were not around me, but they could see me. They didn't care what I did, as they were busy making some sexual jokes or playing tetris on their calculators (they're hardcore nerds as I said. I'm definately not like that)

So I close my eyes and try and get into a sexual state. I can't seem to feel that complete passion - but there was definately something. I would look out and say to myself, "Ok, in five seconds, just face her and start talking with her." I did that like 10 to 15 times, before I actually talked with her.

"Hi! I was wondering about your opinion on movies.."
"What's this for?"
"Oh, for nothing big. I'm just bored."
[blankly looks outside the window as well]
"So, you're not bored at all?"
"Are you sure?"
[turns around and the convo ends]

For the rest of the bus ride, I actually do get bored and go to sleep beside her (I was tired from the day at school). She leaves, one of my friends wake me up, and I leave as well as we reach the main bus terminal.

My analysis:
- In the beginning, when starting off with girls, try and stick with someone that doesn't look to slut like and sexual. Go for someone less attractive or something. Possibly another 7 or 6.
- Be direct when opening. I was a dumbass to not go direct and that I chicked off at the last moment with that "I like you and I'd like to get to know you."
- Start talking as soon as you sit down. Don't wait to think much. Don't delay!

Realize that the bus and the bus terminal is the ideal place for me to approach chicks. Its the place I HAVE to go after school to eventually go home. A lot of chicks are always there.

My problems/questions:
- Approaching in front of my friends makes me more anxious..or so I think. I'd like to approach myself and I am always more comfortable then, but in the beginning, a bit of support from friends is needed..or so I feel. So, what to do about my friends?
- Often times, I come straight from school with high adrenaline levels to the bus. I can't get into the relaxed sexual state in a short time after this. What do I do about that? Do I wait beside the girl, as I go into the sexual state, or do I start talking with her right off the bat?
- At the bus terminal, I get a lot of chicks that are in a hurry, waiting for their bus or something. I think it will be hard for me to gain rapport in that environment, what should I do about this?
- If I see this girl again, should I approach her? How?

Anything else you guys can come up with?

My plan is currently this, on a normal weekday, I approach atleast one girl everyday until I get better and better at it. I don't have time to spend an entire afternoon by skipping school picking up girls at a mall.

For now,
Out. :e


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
HMmm first of all I would try to find some friends who are really good with girls and can help you with your game so that when you approach in front of them they'll tell you what you did wrong (really hard to find ppl like this in high school). As for the friends you have now just forget about their opinion and you don't need them for approaching. DO it by yourself and you;ll gain even more confidence. In the words of NIke: Just do it. WHo cares if you are in a sexual state all that matters is that you approach and say something. This is a good beginning. Best of luck.


Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Helsingborg, Sweden
Seriously man: that thing with the chick on the bus.... you should've talked to her INSTANTLY! She knows you've been next to her for whatever amount of minutes, and she'll just think you're some kind of socially retarded freak sitting next to her and thinking of something to say... if u talk to her the same moment you sit next to her, it'll seem spontaneous (which is very good...). Also, a good opener is to comment on something she is wearing (ex: Hey, nice dress... my grandma has one just like it. Did yours cost $5 too?)...

Also, from your first post, it seems you are a bit concerned about your looks. Looks DONT REALLY MATTER. As long as you act if your looks mean sh1t, you're good, k? Get your attitude worked and show the girls the true power of a DJ!


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Haha man. I know. My looks dont matter. Which leads me to today's progress

Day 2 - Monday, June 6, 2005

I decided to track back, and work more on my confidence. I downloaded the Boot Camp guide (the pdf) and went over many posts on this forum. I guess I needed to go through all that. But 8 weeks still seemed like a long time. So, I thought I'll think about how to accelerate it later on.

Monday, after school. I decided to take another bus home and I ended up chatting with other friends that I didn't hang out with much.

There was this cute girl from my school that I didn't know before. My friends started playing poker (yes, they play poker on the bus..with like simple bets for say $0.24), and I sat besides this cute chinese girl that I had not met. My friends introduced her to me and I basically sat behind her trying to get strong kino going with her hands and arms...but my friends had to go, and the game stopped, and in a few minutes, my stop came as well.

At the stop, there were these two really cute (note: not hot) girls. One of my friends was trying to convince me why he should be part of my spanish presentation group, and I saw one of those free newspapers by the bus stop, picked it up, and started reading the horoscope. My friend suggested I do what the horoscope asked me to...ironically, it said I should form new groups to work with (complete co-incidence). I said I dont believe it (all in good fun), and that I needed to ask others.

So I go up to all these girls (3 of them) and just start a conversation with my friend besides me. We talk for around 5 minutes about all these random things, our horoscopes, when they've come true and stuff. my bus came and I had to go.

On the bus, I saw this other really beautiful girl, but she was surrounded by a group of guys, but I kept on giving her strong eye contact, and so was she. Besides, I was sitting besides a friend of mine who had many problems with his leg and I didn't want him to get up.

So, my analysis is this for today:
- It's really the friends I am with that effect my confidence. My friends on Friday were jackasses and often found it funny that I was doing this (they might as well be 6 years old and afraid of cooties)
- I should talk with people that I am even vagualy familiar with, rather then people I dont know at all. (Not sure about this)

Questions remaining:
- How to approach a girl who is amongst a group of guys? None of them appear to be her boyfriend (they're all AFC's and afraid to tell them how they feel), but if they do end up, that would be pretty screwed up.

That's my report for today. Things are looking good. I'm trying to accelerate my Boot Camp experience this way. I'm sure I'll come across all those girls tomorow as well.

Things to work on (long term/short term):
- greater confidence
- to approach girls that look better then me. For example, if I'm a 7, I can approach other 7's easily, just not like 8 and over.
- improve/start approaching girl with a group of guys.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Day 3 - Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Nothing to report today. Didn't get many..or any opportunities to approach any girls. I feel ashamed about that a bit.

But I have come up with goals that I want to finish by the end of the week.

Goals include:
-Approach 5-8 good looking or cute girls.
-Get number from atleast 3 of them.
-Kiss close 2 of them
-Setup date with 2 of them.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Day 4 - Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Yes, another uneventful day. :(

The weather was hot, the buses were extremely crowded, I was sweating, and my breath stunk. I just wanted to get back home and relax and get the darned heavy backback of my shoulder.

Not the best state to approach girls in.

My questions:
The weather will get hot now, and public places will get crowded. How to maintain a cool attitude and body ni this situation?


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score

I just came home from an awesome little meeting. I just joined the Mayor's Youth Advisory Commite and I met some awesome people there.

One of them was an amazing looking girl. I'd give her a 9. She turned out to be pretty interesting from the discussion we were having in the committee, but later I discovered she was 3-4 years older then me. I didn't go up to her and discuss any further. I had to go, and she was staying to talk with a few old time members about some upcoming projects.

But outside, I met up with 2 girls. I approached them, and I did some light talk such as what school they're from and stuff. We're walking as we did this, and at the crosslights, one of them asked,

"hey, are you going left? because the light to cross the road is on right now."
[3 second pause on my part]
"are you always this nice to people who are trying to be nice to you?"
"no, I'm trying to be nice as well."
the other girl says:
"oh Jane (not real name), you're such an idiot to talk like that!"
"I'm sorry.."

We both walked our own ways. The convo lasted like 1 to 2 minutes and didn't go THAT well. The girls were younger then me by one year, and it went ok.

Note to self: approach girls that are by themselves before you approach girls in groups.
Note to self: don't be a damn excuser to approach older girls.

Thoughts? Comments? Whatever? Please DO ACTUALLY SHARE THEM HERE!