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  1. S

    Is it possible to change a bad first impression?

    adopt I don't give a crap attitude. This has happened to me a few times. I just go to a group that's trying to insult me (in fact, I think they still run a website on how much they hate me..its hilarious!), and laugh at them trying to insult me. I then question their intelligence in front...
  2. S

    My journey from a padawan to..well, we'll see - a day to day update

    Day 1 - Friday, June 3, 2005 After School. Me and my friends had played soccer and once school ended, we run to the bus stop (the public transit, we dont take the school bus home for obvious reasons). We waited for a few minutes, and got on the bus and I saw this amazing girl in pink. I'd...
  3. S

    My journey from a padawan to..well, we'll see - a day to day update

    Introduction Hi. I'm still in highschool and I'm 16. I'm a brown guy living in Canada (no, I don't have a damn Indian accent). This thread is going to be full of field reports as I start my journey from theory of PU to actually applying it in in the real world. It's a day to day thing, so I...