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  1. M

    Mike Dmitrz - Can I Kiss You?

    I actually like that better. Sounds like the sort of advice DeAngelo would give. This seems to be the best of both worlds. But I stick by what I said b4, if you can get it to work than by all means do it. I'm just scared that the next girl you try it on says yes and that cost you a first...
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    Mike Dmitrz - Can I Kiss You?

    LOL. That was one of the first articles I ever read on like 2 or 3 years ago. man that brings back memories but I've never tried it.
  3. M

    Was this a "no" or just her being shy?

    Either you made that story to complicated or that girl is too complicated. i'm thinking its the latter. Look I'm with you. I usually go after the shy type (maybe for different reasons but nevertheless). Anyway this girl sounds like she needs a lot of pushing to do anything and when a girl...
  4. M

    question for you playerz

    Just say something along the lines of have a good one maybe I'll see you when you come back. However it might not be the best idea to pursue her imo. You'd be better off lookiing for someone else. Seems like it could work if she was staying around but unfortunatly thats not the case. best of...
  5. M

    Mike Dmitrz - Can I Kiss You?

    Look, I had a lot of problems with the stuff I've learned the first time I came accross it (like spelling). Then it started working, but I still had a moral problem with it. Then when I realized that women love going through these processes, I became a lot more comfortable with it. My point...
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    How Long Until You "Ask Out" A Girl

    Don't sweat it man. Just about every 9 of 10 of us have gone through a period where we fall on our ass more than we care to admit. Best of luck man.
  7. M

    Mike Dmitrz - Can I Kiss You?

    Yeah maybe hes right that once you know what we know that it takes a lot of balls to ask a girl to kiss you. However we've been taught techniques of asking and getting a yes without using words. The kiss test by DeAngelo (which I'm thinking your familiar with) has worked without fail for me...
  8. M

    Your Reviews on Hydroxycut Hardcore: My personal review too

    Good points. Your definatly right clen and T3 aren't exactly a cake walk and if your not careful you will end up killing yourself or putting yourself on the verge of it. However if you do have a solid base than take my advice. If not then listen to suikeisuru.
  9. M

    How Long Until You "Ask Out" A Girl

    First of all just about everyone in the post HS world sets up a date or a reservation for a date sometime after the first meeting. Now in HS it might be a little different because girls in HS have stronger slut complexes. Anyway I'm just thinking that this whole situation is not a good idea...
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    Video of DJ

    First half had some good advice. Second half made me laugh my ass off
  11. M

    Well, my clubbing skills just aren't up to par with everything else.

    Go to the club, have fun, don't expect to go home with some1. You were right about the ***** shield, its high. Heres whats wrong with the club. 1. Most girls don't want to go home with some1 (slut complex. Every girl has one to some extent. Fear of being a slut) 2. Tons of guys, harder...
  12. M

    Do most 9's and tens suck in bed???

    good point but I really felt like I wanted to finish quicker and it was like the harder I tried the longer I lasted. I actually wanted to have premature ejaculation. It was that bad.
  13. M

    Need help with doing the inevitable !!

    A few things. First of all if she has a BF don't do it. I don't care how hot she is. Kharma can be a ***** down the road if you know what I mean. Second............... NEVER ASK A GIRL TO KISS. Maybe I read your post wrong and you were talking about a vibe you were sending...
  14. M

    Does she like me?

    WORDS TO LIVE BY...great response
  15. M

    Do most 9's and tens suck in bed???

    I hooked up with a girl this weekend that was pretty hot. Most people would rate her as a 9.5. You know a little better than a 9 but not good enough to be a 10. Anyway her body language tells me she enjoyed herself, but I couldn't help thinking that it was the worst sex I ever had. The fact...
  16. M

    Your Reviews on Hydroxycut Hardcore: My personal review too

    Look Hydroxycut is BS ever since Ephedrine was banned in weight loss suplements it became nothing more than an overpriced green tea pill. Look heres my advice. 1. Get your diet and training in order. If you've done that your on your way 2. If you really want to use a fat burning sup that...
  17. M

    Turning girl friend into girlfriend...

    Thats all I need to hear. Look if she 'seems' disintrested don't bother yourself with her. You got better things to do with your time. Move on to the next one and don't become an Average Frustrated Chump or AFC.
  18. M

    Good stores to buy clothes?

    Goodwill!!! That **** is cheap
  19. M

    How much is too much when hanging out with your girlfriend?

    I have to agree with what OC said. Look DeAngelo put it in perspective for me. He said "give them the gift of missing you." When people are not with someone they're attracted to they start thinking of them and convincing themselves of how great they are. As a result the anticipation...