Was this a "no" or just her being shy?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2004
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First met this girl at a recruiting table we were both working at... aparently we work in the same department. Anyway, she seems cute... and shy, I fluff talk a little with her since we're stuck behind the same table. Didn't think to much more about it.

A week later me and a guy friend are skating at the college ice rink. Gay, I know, but there are girls like mad in there, so I kindof think of it as sarging. Anyway, we see the girl skating by herself so I go up and talk to her a little bit. She seemed receptive and smiled, seeming excited that I was talking to her but didn't do anything to keep the coversation going.

During the break when they're grooming the ice or whatever, she comes over and asks if she can sit with us. We both try to chat with her a little, but she doesn't talk much at all.

According to her co-workers, she's really shy and the "homeschooled" type. Actually I was too so it doesn't really bother me that much, plus I dig the shy type.

Me and my buddy were going to take off early to go get something to eat at Hardees or something, and he suggests I ask her to come along. I figured since she was alone on a Friday night she would gladly accept, so I asked her. She was like "well, I kinda want to stay until it ends" so I'm like "whatever, I don't know when we're leaving but I'll let you know". We ended up not leaving until the time was ending anyway, so I told her again, "hey, you should come with us" to which she responded "well, I don't really know the other guy, maybe some other time."

If she had come I wouldn't have really concidered it a date, that's why I didn't think it was wierd to invite her to join us. Does it sound like she just really didn't want to come because a "stranger" was coming along, or was she just making up exuses for not wanting to go out with me.

A couple weeks later I saw her again, in the same place, kinda neg-hit her a little bit, but didn't try asking her out again.

Me: Well, you're doing alot better than before, last time you just stayed up against the wall the whole time
Her: Yeah, well after you left last time I doing alot better and going alot faster
Me: So basicly you just get nervous around me?
Her: *laughs* no... blah, blah...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Either you made that story to complicated or that girl is too complicated. i'm thinking its the latter. Look I'm with you. I usually go after the shy type (maybe for different reasons but nevertheless). Anyway this girl sounds like she needs a lot of pushing to do anything and when a girl needs to be pushed beyond what your comfortable with, then you end up becoming needy. If you read the stuff I read then you know thats a no no. Look let someone else introduce her to the real world. You got bigger fish to fry.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
I don't think she was feeling you man.

Even if she was really shy she is still a woman with needs. She balked at your offer and offered you excuses and then you came back again with a counter offer (which was a mistake, you should never counter offer at a rejection, its her loss) and again she turned you down.

Just because a chick is shy does not make her anymore easier then your avg chick with good self-esteem, the kind you should be pursuing.

However you can still find out the real truth. Instead of dancing around the issue, I would ask her for her email maybe she will open up to you this way and won't be as shy if you develop some rapport first (of coarse after 2 emails you better get her number and ask her out).



Master Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
If you say prefer shy girls then you are going to run into that problem quite a bit. If she doesn't have the balls to say no or give a definite answer to anything then you're going to be asking yourself that all the time. It seems to me like you would end up wasting a lot of time on girls that are not as direct as most are. If you plan on dealing with girls like that often then you will have to learn the difference between shy and not interested. Or anything for that matter, if she's barely talking.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
I don't think she was feeling you man.

Even if she was really shy she is still a woman with needs. She balked at your offer and offered you excuses and then you came back again with a counter offer (which was a mistake, you should never counter offer at a rejection, its her loss) and again she turned you down.

Just because a chick is shy does not make her anymore easier then your avg chick with good self-esteem, the kind you should be pursuing.

However you can still find out the real truth. Instead of dancing around the issue, I would ask her for her email maybe she will open up to you this way and won't be as shy if you develop some rapport first (of coarse after 2 emails you better get her number and ask her out).

Scratch what I said b4. this guys response is better. But I gotta say I disagree with you on the shy girls. If you can get something going with a shy girl imo it will be worth it in the end, but thats just me talking.

With that said ISIMAN84 also had a really good point when he refered to not limiting yourself to a type. You only do that when you start getting to many girls and not a lot of us are going to get to that point without being on TV.

So I leave you with a quote from Fez:

"Big, Small, Fez loves them all"
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