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  1. S

    Eurotrip: Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Munich

    Man i did a eurotrip last year, and i can tell you a bit about Prague- considering i used to live there. Get your beer from the supermarkets- 6 crowns for half a litre (and last time i check 1 Euro got you 30). Food to get- national dish is vepro/knedlo/zelo (pork, dumplings and...
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    High Interest Level or Pricktease? How do you tell?

    I want to know something- how do you tell the difference between a girl whos genuinely interested in you and one who jsut likes to lead you on? Theres a girl at work who i flirt with all the time but i cant decide which one it is. She has a boyfriend and has never actually made a direct...
  3. S

    Why this site won't get any better

    Because they read too many gay-arse posts thats why! Saying theres a lot of keyboard jockeys on this site is like saying the New York phone directory has a lot of numbers. So i agree, this site will never get any better- all its getting is clogged up with ****. To answer your second...
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    Question About When Making A Joke

    Deangelo is full of crap I aint no experienced Don Juan, but i am an experienced comedian. No offense, but probably the reason nobody has replied is because its such a stupid question. You either have a sense of humour or you dont. If you had a good one you wouldnt be asking such a...
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    Help me destroy my ego

    Hey guys, ive got a bit of a strange request here. Now i've seen a few posts about this recently, mainly Jariel's recent one over in the Tips forum, but as with anyone whos studied and mucked about with this DJ stuff for long enough i've come to the conclusion that self esteem sucks. Im...
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    Humor and Comedy Writing

    Yeah i bought it (Amazon), but not simply because DeAngelo reccommended it: my dream career spans in that direction too. I must admit, i am only halfway through, but i DO reccomend it. But it depends on what your intentions are for it. If you just want to get ideas for funny lines so you can...
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    HELP.... with a entire dating life... i feel like a loser

    Dude, seriously, if i were you I WOULDNT WORRY ABOUT A THING I know exactly what youre on about as i was in that exact position myself. 15 is a tough year- in fact i think the 14 to 16 bracket is the hardest part of all your growing up. Its when so many outside influences push you to...
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    Kissing a girl's hand

    Yeah true, but i guess it just depends what impression you want to make. Sophisticated gentleman then forget what i said earlier :] Circus act works for me, thats why i use it. Making a girl laugh is the fastest way to a girl's heart- as far as i know at least.
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    Kissing a girl's hand

    Kiss her hand by all means, but do it with humour. Put a fake french accent on and say; 'Aw mon petit cherie, you are so beautiful! Your hands! Your hands are as soft as a Louis Vutton designer handbag! All other women are merde compared to you! Come, madmoiselle, let us elope to Paris...
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    should i tell her i love her?

    Thanks guys, ive taken to heart all the things youve said Yeah she was all that, an absolute one in a million- but i did have the courage to ask her out and we did: but we never slept with each other, so yeah i guess i could have a nice dose of oneitis. We only met in the last couple days...
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    should i tell her i love her?

    I'm very much in love with this girl. I've met lots of girls, but none quite like this one- and yes, i am perfectly aware of how AFC that sounds. I met her while travelling just before i left and we really hit it off- and i feel really strongly about her, but have never actually told her. The...
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    My First post...hopefully my last

    Ive been in your shoes before so i know how it feels (and being a Sydney boy i know what aussie girls are like too)- so heres what you do. Its all just a basic confidence/people skills thing really. Ever notice how all the confident people never say anything boring during a conversation and...
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    Good news about the MILF Fvckbuddy.

    Banging a 39-year old crack-wh0re without a condom? Maybe Affliction is going to live up to his name...
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    Flirting help needed...

    Dont worry dude, i used to suck at flirting too. But when it boils down to it, flirting is really just a conversation and a conversation requires people skills to keep going. I remember back when i sucked at flirting i also happened to be a nerd AFC. But there are ways to improve. There are...
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    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    I was in McDonalds once and i saw a real cuite sitting with a bunch of friends. As i was walking to the stairs i couldnt keep my eyes off her- she was so beautiful! She glanced up and our eyes locked, and i smiled at her meekly (my AFC days). She smiled back. I was so delighted i kept walking...
  16. S

    help me stop looking!!

    I had a girlfriend. I broke up with yesterday (about time- our relationship was a sexual cul-de-sac with all the emotional intensity of brand power commercial) and i am now happily single. Or at least sort of. When i am seeing someone i can just go talk to any girl, flirt, fart about have fun...