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  1. S

    OMG! I've just realized the answer to everyone who's ever been nervous to approach!!!

    I like to dress up as a squid when approaching women. If i get rejected i simple attribute it to the fact i'm dressed up as a slimy tentacled sea creature. It really helps my confidence knowing its the squid shes rejecting and not me.
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    AFC Bootcamp and my approach journal plus field report

    This guy cant possibly be for real. He's a troll. The wussiness is waaay overdone- the stupidy level is too high to be normal. Notice he does the exact opposite of what a helpful poster tells him to, just check out his ****y & funny post. Other things he does jsut to annoy people are putting...
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    I\'m f*cken lonely,life sucks!

    I'm beginning to think our friend Henry here has no friends and no life because he is horribly deformed. One of his hands is some wicked twisting evil claw that is causing him untold depression and misery. My proof? Check out how many times he hits \ infront of every apostrophe. Its...
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    Your fav seduction ebooks/products & your fav seduction gurus?

    The best book is Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. The best seducer ever was Errol Flynn. 'Nuff said.
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    from "Goatman" to "Funnyman"

    No the book is actually quite good. Its more a resource guidebook for budding stand-up comedians though- if you jsut want humour to use in social situations expose yourself to as much funny material as you can and hopefully your funnybone will develop from that. And KarmaSutra, yeah man i...
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    Why am I tired of So Suave?

    Im totally with you. I've been here for more than a year, and it took me just about a month to get bored stupid of it. I hardly ever got to 'Don Juan Discussion' or 'Don Juan Tips', i just like 'Anything Else'. It seems like the only part of the site where people actually post anything worth...
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    Poll: How should women dress??

    I spent about 2 weeks in Slovenia and i almost died. The women there are STUNNING. Didnt see much worth talking about in Bled, but in Koper, Piran and Ljubljana you need a little dribble bowl and *** dish if you plan on staying longer than half an hour. Theyre awesome, but i still rate Czech...
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    Best actors come from England and Wales

    No-one beats CHUCK NORRIS!! 'cause Chuck Norris beats them! :box:
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    Bratislava or Prague?

    Please tell me this isnt a serious question. PRAGUE!!!!! I've lived and travelled all over Eastern Europe, and of all places Prague was my favourite. From a tourists perspective, you need a solid week for a decent look at the city, whilst a good hour or two to see Bratislava. There is...
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    I cant pick in clubs (but i can everywhere else)

    Yeah kinda both those reasons. It isnt an issue for me, i am merely wondering why. That and sometimes when i have no-one and im in a club in the mood for some i find it frustrating that i dont get anywhere on the night. To be honest i find club chicks synonymous with slutty materialistic...
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    I cant pick in clubs (but i can everywhere else)

    I cant pick up in nightclubs. I mean i have once or twice before, but compared to the amount of times ive been in a club its practically never. If i ha absolutely no game then duh- id know what the problem is. But i do and i can pick up virtually anywhere else EXCEPT a club. I once walked into a...
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    Continue the Sentence using 3 words....

    has no ****oris
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    Continue the Sentence using 3 words....

    - band-aids - that were
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    Continue the Sentence using 3 words....

    squid impersonator
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    She called me cheap and "too aggressive"!

    When a girl tells you you are cheap and too aggressive its means you're only thinking about your own pleasure and not hers, and making it painfully obvious too. You dont care about her, you only care about getting some off her. Nothing else could possibly be more counter-seductive In laymans...
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    Call To Arms

    Oh for god's sake- will you please cull your ego sometime soon? You reek of insecurity buddy Oh, and i believe the phrase you're looking for is 'Call To Arms', not 'Call Of Arms'
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    Natural DJ Turns out to be a dud!

    donjuan87, you are an absolute idiot. Let me get you in on a little secret: this 'DJ Bible' stuff is a load of crap. Apparently its the be all and end all of dating women but its not. All its there to really do is help you develop the confidence and inner game to go out and meet and...
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    Challenge#1: Create A Neg 2005

    Once started talking to this girl in a bright red jacket ME: I like your jacket. Red looks good on you HER: Thanks ME: Yes, you make a nice tomato She cracked up laughing with that, but i didnt close in any way. She was kinda boring.
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    Any actors?

    I'll tell you what it is- it aint talent or skill or looks or anything- its contacts. its simply who you know. 'Oh you looking for an acting job?' says youre producer friend. 'Yeah ill see if i can get you in somewhere' If you want more proof of this just check out the whole Hollywood...
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    Eurotrip: Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Munich

    Yeah the bone church (Kostnice) is awesome. I'm assuming you're talking about the one in Kutna Hora- becuase thats the most famous one where all the tourists go (there are a few others splattered around the countryside but you have to be in the know to know how to find them). Its awesome- i...