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  1. D

    I Will Tell You How To Impress Girls Because I Am One

    no way, you are way too honest for a chick :down: nice try pretending to be one, but next time at least post a nude pic of yourself or something and it will be more convincing on us :crackup:
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    Wow, I treated her like ****

    she said she was hurt, and think you dont like her she never asked you for apologies then why did you SAY sorry? And oh yeah, it was over a phone too, real personal and intimate don't you say? if you are really sorry for what you did, show it by action, take her to a movie, amusement...
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    Need a 3rd Party Perspective on this situation / What should I do next?

    geez, you posted this topic four times, you know that?? how desperate are you? i think you are pretty desperate for that chick :nono: as for now she probably likes you and isn't too serious with her bf, you remain an open option in her perspective, kinda a reserve when her bf drops it
  4. D

    ugh. wtf is up with this?

    be a jerk if all u want is humpty dumpty be the alpha male for everything else actually truth is, i can never be a true jerk, i guess im just born a nice guy with my parents and the education i had, turned into AFC but fortunately found this site and on my way to be a true DJ :rockon:
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    Girls don't change, at all

    that's not what i meant lol rofl lmao ok i think i know where the misunderstanding is, but, NO, WE DID NOT DO ANYTHING SEXUAL, AT ALL, PERIOD. NO KISSING, NO MAKING OUT, NO TOUCHING. NO NOTHING clear now?
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    Girls don't change, at all

    geez guys, think of it as a great experiement, dont get all fuzzed up was i really attracted to the 13 emotionally and physically? no, of course not!!! you ever hang out with a female friend and casually flirt with her for fun although it never develops more from there, it's exactly the same...
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    Girls don't change, at all

    just this week i have learnt a very interesing personal lesson that: Girls don't change, at all. No matter what age they are, 13, 26, your game remains the same i have been hanging out with a 13 for two weeks now, just for casual fun, i would never dive into any kind of relationship with her...
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    What happens when a chick thinks all your friends are consist of girls?

    Just a simple question, what do you think will happens?
  9. D

    Search for something more interesting than sex

    I once read this quote "An intellectual is someone that has found something more interesting than sex." Wow that qoute can't be more right. A mortal hopelessly stranded in the desperate quest for sex is like a bird being trapped in a 2 feet cage unable to spread its wings and journey into...
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    Martial Arts

    if you want to train for self defense, muay thai isn't your best choice
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    Martial Arts

    Wing Chun is quite popular in North America now, first because of Bruce Lee, now Jackie Chan and Jet Li. You can easily find a school and start getting lessons. Wing Chun doesn't neccessarily make you physically stronger, but it is a very practical Martial Arts that teach you how to defend...
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    Martial Arts

    False, Muay Thai is almost a purely offensive martial arts used by soldiers in ancient Southeast Asia. You can still knock someone down with it against a common street bum, but if against stronger fighters Muay Thai is nowhere as effective as other defensive arts. And contrary to what most...
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    A very unusual but unique ice breaker, but will it work

    im not too into pick up lines myself, but if its interesting and original enough i wont hesitate to giv it a try simple ones, like: walking up to a HB and say, :"hi, im currently practicing to talk to pretty attractive babes without being too nervous, so i am i doing?" these ones always...
  14. D

    wow you are 174? damn you are tall, im only 165 cm!!! :mad:
  15. D

    why are girls afraid to approach guys

    a good thing too, since we are the ones deciding if we are gonna take the shot or not what's so good about waiting to be approached? you either get approached by ugly ones, or you dont get approached by the ones you are attracted to be glad you are a man :up:
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    A very unusual but unique ice breaker, but will it work

    i found this as a joke on the net: A rather confident man walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance, then casually looks at his watch for a moment. The woman notices this and asks, 'Is your date running late?' 'No', he replies, 'I...
  17. D

    girls approach me on public bus, how do i response?

    k give me a starter im thinking about an icebreaker that's c&f while not embrassing to her, coz girls usually dont like admitting in public (crowded bus) about approaching guys
  18. D

    Just need some quick tips.

    you waited too long you should have kissed her right then and there, no more waiting for her to break up with her bf crap, no more deep conversation crap, you kiss her, and if you can even fvck her, she's in the bag, she won't even consider the possibility of dumping her bf, coz she knows...
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    girls approach me on public bus, how do i response?

    no you are right, they could have chose the seat next to mine randomly, but you were certinaly right about one thing, it's weird how the seat next to mine (a two seater row) is always almost the last seat to be taken by someone in the entire bus say, a random girl comes in, she would look at...