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  1. D

    girls approach me on public bus, how do i response?

    i know this may sound like total bs or just some fantasy from a lunatic, and you may not believe me, but here it is anyways i just want to know how do you response when a girl start approaching you on a public bus. the akward part is that it's no ordinary appraoch like saying hi to me...
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    Mission: Help Luke Sywalker get laid before he turns 31!

    hey luke being DJ, unlike what most awakened AFCs think, is NOT the hardest task in the world personally i think there are two most important things that attract women like no other: confidence and humor. yes good looks and money and a nice car and all the other stuff help too, but if you...
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    Life's Cruel Little Joke

    nope what he said is true i forgot the exact numbers, but in a sperm cell it has less chorosome numbes then an egg cell, and chorosomes has something to do with the genetic info that you pass on to your offspring it is a known fact that male chorosomes are decreasing in numbers every new...
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    A girls says to you: "I want a **** buddy"

    I know this girl from school, there is nothing between us, we just have casual ordinary friendship we have been talking on and off, and topics include anything from stupid topics to sex. basically i found out that she likes to talk openly about sex, either masturbation or anything that does...
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    Possible to make a les attracted to me? (yes i am a guy lol)

    personally i believed that no one is born homosexual, that's because our bodies are created biologically to mate with the opposite sex, and our brain is pre-wired to find the opposite gender sexually attractvie, therefore we have sex and reproduce offsprings to carry on the human race. for...
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    Possible to make a les attracted to me? (yes i am a guy lol)

    damn......i never knew homosexual relationship can be this loyal and commited
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    Two questions i have been wanting to ask for a LONG time, please help

    1) How do you train chest muscles? I know for abs you do sit ups, for arm you do the normal push ups and weight lifting etc. But chest muscles? Beats me. 2) Should i shave my megs? I am an asian and for asian standards i have very hairy legs and thighs. Usually the underwear models in the...
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    Possible to make a les attracted to me? (yes i am a guy lol)

    i go to this saturaday classes teaching job seeking skills, interview skills etc. There is this lesbian in my class. But no, she is ugly as hell, but damn her gf is pretty pretty, i would do her. Is it actually possible to convert a les back to straight and attracted to me? For now it seems...
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    Handshake, kiss or Hug?

    that's cool, thanks guys. Another question, how do you bear hug girls without being seen like a pervert? Lower body can't touch right, like legs. Or what if the girl is a lot shorter/taller than you? How do you hug then? :crazy:
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    Handshake, kiss or Hug?

    I just have a simple question, how do you know if you are suppose to goodbye kiss, handshake, or hug after you met a girl in a club and she's about to leave? And speaking of handshakes, i know that a handshake with a guy should be firm. Not so hard as to break his bones to represent...
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    This is soooo weird....

    wouldn't it seem like weird if i didn't talk to her in person before, and suddenly now i do?
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    This is soooo weird....

    ya i dont get that too, why is that?
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    This is soooo weird....

    so guys i should play the cold reponse, distance myself or go and hit the marks while it's still hot
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    This is soooo weird....

    today we saw eachother again in assembly but again we didn't say hi or anything we just talk to our own friends back home on msn i started talking to her about normal stuff but she doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic, although she said she is still in her second day of her period.. is she...
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    This is soooo weird....

    ya she's probably looking for a **** buddy, she told me she found the hots for her ex's best friend, and she wanted him to be her fuvk buddy but then she think he's too boring and plain so she lost interests for him, so is she making me as her fuvk buddy now?
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    This is soooo weird....

    i know this girl jenna from a female friend of mine, we only met once in real life and we dont have that many chance to see eachother, so we only talk on msn. Even then we talk only a few times about normal things and each convo doesn't last more than 15 min. Today she saw me at school but we...
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    Insecure girls, red flag??

    lol i know she's young stop laughing man what should i do
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    Met an Ideal Girl, but Did I BLOW it?

    ya just set up another date soon to "make it up" to her and make it seemed like you are a nice and considerate guy
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    Met an Ideal Girl, but Did I BLOW it?

    ya just set up another date soon to "make it up" to her and make it seemed like you are a nice and considerate guy
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    Phone convo: tips??

    what if she's the passive type and wants the man to be the agressor?