Need a 3rd Party Perspective on this situation / What should I do next?


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
In my house
OK...So today was the girl at my work's last day. Her and I have have had a lot of fun conversations, and have a bit of rapport. However, she does have a boyfriend. We still kind of flirt a bit though, teasing and stuff.

Anyways as I said, today was her last day. So let me paint the picture:

About 5 minutes before I was planning on leaving, I said to her "4 more minutes" (in a tone that said, I was ready to leave) and held up 4 fingers. And she looked at me, kinda puzzled. And she asked something like "4 more minutes till what?" and I responded "Till I'm done here for the day." And she replied "Awww. Only 4 more minutes. Its my last day here. You should cherish these 4 minutes."

So then it was time for me to leave, I went to clock out, and she was at the register. So I said, "Listen. Here is my number" and I wrote it down, call me and we'll hang out sometime. She smiled and said, "Let me give you my number, I don't call boys." I responded by saying, "I'm the coolest guy there is though." She smiled and said okay. I then handed her my pad and she wrote down her number and then gave it to me. As she was writing down her number, I slipped the paper that I wrote my number on for her. After she handed me her number she said, "How can I call you without your number?" And I smiled and gave it to her. I walked out of there feeling like a million bucks.

Now here comes the twist..

As I was leaving work, I pulled out my pad, and there was nothing. No number. It must have fallen out of my pocket, or could I have accidently handed her number back to her when I gave her my number? Either way, I couldn't go back now and get her number again, I would have looked like a mega tool. Needless to say, I could have kicked myself. I figured, I would just wait on her to call me, and if she never called, oh well. Well sure enough, on my way home, I get a text message that says:

"You can't call me if you didn't take my number."

I waited a bit and texted her back saying:

"A guy like me has to play hard to get sometimes."

She texted back and said "Whatever"

So that is the end of the story.

Now here are my questions

1)What do the DJs here think of my response? And the situation in general?

2)Is this girl into me even though she has a boyfriend? Or just glad were going to become friends? or maybe has other plans for the future?

3)How should I proceed from here? Should I wait for her to call me now? (Since I texted her back and she responded with "whatever". Or should I call her next week and see if she wants to hang out?)

Any answers/thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!:)


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
geez, you posted this topic four times, you know that??

how desperate are you? i think you are pretty desperate for that chick :nono:

as for now she probably likes you and isn't too serious with her bf, you remain an open option in her perspective, kinda a reserve when her bf drops it


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
You are still afraid of rejection.

1) You should have asked for HER number from the getgo, don't give your # to them, it puts the ball in their court, not on yours.
2) Why would you have looked like a "tool" for going and getting the #? You just go and say "hey, I think I lost your #!" Done.
3) Your reply to the txt, would have been a call (if I did it). You call and say, hey great I'm relieved you called I lost your #, so, I'm busy on ___ and ___, but let's meet on _____...

So, go and call her before you text anymore.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
In my house
SamePendo said:
You are still afraid of rejection.

1) You should have asked for HER number from the getgo, don't give your # to them, it puts the ball in their court, not on yours.
2) Why would you have looked like a "tool" for going and getting the #? You just go and say "hey, I think I lost your #!" Done.
3) Your reply to the txt, would have been a call (if I did it). You call and say, hey great I'm relieved you called I lost your #, so, I'm busy on ___ and ___, but let's meet on _____...

I kind of think this sounds sort of like semi wussy. Saying, I am relieved. Like I was on edge hoping to somehow hear from her. I would like her to think I have a life. lol :cool:


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
she said "whatever", in ********, that means your attitude is starting to annoy her. From what it sounds like to me, she liked you, and was hoping the phone call situation should have worked out. but you were becoming too insistant on the "no, you call me" attitude. It was like you cared more about the fact that she has to call you than the event of the 2 of you getting to talking on the phone and moving on with a date. Im sure it turned her off. Its good to be confident and makin women work for you/hard to get. But too much is poisonous. Your overdosing on it. you should have just called her. Next time, be able to bend you "work for me" rule. call her, do the work, especially if she wants you.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
In my house
God_of_getting_layed said:
she said "whatever", in ********, that means your attitude is starting to annoy her. From what it sounds like to me, she liked you, and was hoping the phone call situation should have worked out. but you were becoming too insistant on the "no, you call me" attitude. It was like you cared more about the fact that she has to call you than the event of the 2 of you getting to talking on the phone and moving on with a date. Im sure it turned her off. Its good to be confident and makin women work for you/hard to get. But too much is poisonous. Your overdosing on it. you should have just called her. Next time, be able to bend you "work for me" rule. call her, do the work, especially if she wants you.
Okay. Thanks for the tips for the future...but, I'm looking for tips for this situation. How to move forward?


New Member
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Mate, just play it cool.... you dont need to rush it! Just msg her sometime over the next week and say something like how is life after working wherever you work.... then just take it from there and keep replying till you set up a movie or coffee date.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
In my house
maximunez said:
Mate, just play it cool.... you dont need to rush it! Just msg her sometime over the next week and say something like how is life after working wherever you work.... then just take it from there and keep replying till you set up a movie or coffee date.
Should I just play it like the boyfriend is not even in the picture?


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
INXS said:
"A guy like me has to play hard to get sometimes."

She texted back and said "Whatever"
Wow, talk about shooting yourself in the foot with a double-barrel!

What's worse than admitting you weren't all Rico Suave? Instead of simply saying, "uh yeaa...that might help ;)"...

DLVing yourself by telling to a girl that you're the type of guy (low-value loser) who has to play games to get girls...and is shameless enough to do so. :crackup: Shyt, might as well give her the link to this forum and your username so she can really see how clueless you are?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Very odd.

1) Its your job to call her - next time stop with the BS and just take her phone number.
2) She even gave you a 2nd chance by texting you - where a normal human being would say, "opps, can I have your number?." via text message. And you tell her to call you?
3) Assume she likes you.

I'm also confused because a text message is usually has the cellphone number right in it doesn't it?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
INXS said:
I kind of think this sounds sort of like semi wussy. Saying, I am relieved. Like I was on edge hoping to somehow hear from her. I would like her to think I have a life. lol :cool:
That is exactly your problem . . . you try too hard to be on top. Sink it in your head that you're the ****. You can be polite, have a kiddish voice, and other things, that don't mean you lose control.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
You fvcked up with your ****y response when she contacted you the last time saying you didn't take her number. ****iness in e-mails and txt never plays well anyway - they can't see your body language. A lot of guys overdo C+F it's really just for the occasional comment here and there, you don't use it in every sentence.

I assume you have her number now from the txt, so just call her up and play it cool, i.e. less ****y. She has written you off with that "whatever" comment, so it's last chance saloon. (Note, I'm not commenting on whether she actually is or isn't interested, as I don't know the backstory here - I'm simply talking about if you ever want to contact her again).

You should always ignore the BF, she gave you her number, so make sure to use it. She obviously genuinely wanted you to have it. But don't get tooled, find out sooner rather than later if you can get anywhere - you don't want to develop a oneitis. You find out by asking her on a one-on-one date and trying to kiss her on the lips. You have nothing to lose.


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
INXS said:
Should I just play it like the boyfriend is not even in the picture?
Dude INXS, this is a classic text-book AFC. It still amazes me that AFC guys are asking whether to go for a girl that HAS a boyfriend. It's a bad idea. Date other girls man.

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
ProtoMan1 said:
Dude INXS, this is a classic text-book AFC. It still amazes me that AFC guys are asking whether to go for a girl that HAS a boyfriend. It's a bad idea. Date other girls man.
WTF is this advice?? INXS, approach EVERY woman as if she is single. In most cases, just like this one, you'll get the number.

Dude, she's interested. Wait a few days, and call her up like this text message fiasco never happened. Set up the date. Go for it...she wants you to do it(she initiated giving you her #...she picked YOU up). We're rooting for ya! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: