girls approach me on public bus, how do i response?


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
i know this may sound like total bs or just some fantasy from a lunatic, and you may not believe me, but here it is anyways

i just want to know how do you response when a girl start approaching you on a public bus. the akward part is that it's no ordinary appraoch like saying hi to me, instead she sits on a seat next to mine, and 10 min later, she literally rubs her leg with mine. im dead serious, and it has happened to me a couple of times now with different girls on the public bus on the way to school

if i have to rate myself in terms of physical attraction, i am not even drop dead handsome or sexy like brad pitt, in fact, i wont even consider having the word sexy to have anything to do with me. i guess it's just a regional thing, you see i live in asia and i look younger than my age, and some people say i have this "cutish" pretty boy face, it may sound like a good thing here in asia but im trying to get masculine coz girls in the west dont dig those kind of stuff and i will be going to canada for uni, so i have been working out and got some muscles to look more manly

anyways back to the chicks, most of them are hb 5-7, but 1 of them i would give a 8-9, i wanted to somehow get her number, but it's just akward since her leg is rubbing against mine in a crowded public bus in the morning where normally people are too tired or not completely awoken yet to talk

so ya i let her slipped and i feel so stupid now since i havent seen her since, if i get lucky again and this exact same situation (maybe diff girl) happens to me again, is there actually any approprate way i can responce to that?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
"girls approach me on public bus, how do i response?"

Well first of all, have you ever thought that they chose your seat randomly or there were no others free? I thought you were going to tell us they try to pick you up and you don't know what to do. el oh el

As far as what to say, its a mystery to me as well. Most girls these days listen to music so you have to tap their shoulder first, wait for them to remove their ear-buds and then say something creative.

I think there was already a thread about bus pickups, try searching...


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
no you are right, they could have chose the seat next to mine randomly, but you were certinaly right about one thing, it's weird how the seat next to mine (a two seater row) is always almost the last seat to be taken by someone in the entire bus

say, a random girl comes in, she would look at me (i look at her back, a very brief eye contact), and choose to sit next to an old lady a few rows behind me than sitting on a free seat next to me that is closer to where she got on the bus

even then, i still can't explain the leg rubbing part. i sit still on my seat and a few min later i am positive about their legs rubbing against mine, and i hadn't move any of my body parts an inch, so it must be them that moved their legs, i remembered one of the girls even leaned on me

and yet i dont understand why a free seat next to mine is always almost the last to be taken by anyone in the entire bus


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
k give me a starter

im thinking about an icebreaker that's c&f while not embrassing to her, coz girls usually dont like admitting in public (crowded bus) about approaching guys


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Dude, it's a bus...

I don't know what dictates where people sit on a bus... you know, like when you get on a bus and there's a gang of seats free, why do YOU sit where you sit? I know when I used to ride the bus, that **** was totally random...

Now, if you want general bus game then do a search for the thread on bus pickups using the board's search function... alternatively, you could just start ringing the 'Stop' bell repeatedly whilst making a declaration of your love for this chick...


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
So basically you're saying that random girls sit right next to you on a crowded bus, and they don't even talk to you? Yet you're taking that as an IOI? Wtf?