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  1. S

    Sosuave Create More Problems For You?

    My Situation Before I was able to talk to almost everyone and make people laugh like hell…I kept things fun…I never really worried much about what I said. Then other times I would shy out and strangely not be able to talk to everyone with confidence, but I could...
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    Neg Hit Database

    Sup everyone, i've been experimenting around and neg hitting hot chicks and it really does set u apart from the other dumbass guys that just worship her looks. If your not neg hitting hot chicks then u need to. So i'm asking everyone to post a neg hit they use or know of so we all can have a...
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    Bootcamp Join Now!!!!!

    North Carolina
  4. S

    JUST JUST JUST... go get rejected

    good fing post man ...i agree with u the more u get rejected the better you'll get and it happens pretty damn fast since u don't give a f4ck
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    Bootcamp Join Now!!!!!

    Whats up everyone, i'm just coming out of boot camp but i only made it to week 5 and started getting lazy. Now i'm all rusty again and the simple things are becoming to tricky.... so in my best interest in completing my goal of being able to talk to women anywhere, anytime with confidence, i'm...
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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    well right now i'm at 9 numbers and 5 rejections but i haven't been trying like i did when bc first started i've been getting lazy with it and not been trying as hard as i could...and now i'm starting to get rusty again with the basic things like ec and hi and conversations So i think its in...
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    "The Get Laid DJ Boot Camp" Idea

    I'M IN!!!!!!
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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Oh 1 more thing...i'm just trying to see whos is still with us ...seems like ever since week 4 started its been taking us a long time to get all the rejections so a lot of people stopped posting. So lets just do a quick role and say here or present if ur still with us. :D
  9. S

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Well the other night i went to a strip club with some friends hehe it was a lot of fun...and yesterday night i went to this party and met about 7 new girls, for some reason i didn't go for any number closes? hmm well f that i'm gonna straight up ask them tonight or the next time i see them...
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    Honest opinion ONLY!

    C!!!!! HAHA aight well i'll be serious and say B Give it sometime before you ask her. Take someone else to the show, its too soon to talk with this girl. If you give it enough time and shes really interested then she'll start asking you why you haven't called her or don't talk to her...
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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Yo whats up just seeing where everyone is. I'm still stuck on this week it takes forever to get rejections.
  12. S

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Week 4, Day 2- 5, 10/31/03- 11/3/03 Well I met a ton of girls this day since we went to ECU for Halloween, but I was very drunk so I can’t really count any of the new numbers on my phone….i don’t even know how half of them got there. Then the weekend consisted of being hung over and drinking...
  13. S

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    sup everybody....right now i'm at 2#'s and 0 rejections so i'm repeating week 4 again i'll start posting my days more often now that i'm not as busy and the second number i got was great....i went to this girl sitting by herself eating lunch and did a great C& was funny as hell...
  14. S

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Hey everyone i'm still here just been pretty busy....this week hasn't been so good in terms of bc....i haven't really put as much effort into it was i should of ...but i'am talking to girls a lot and making ec and all far i'm at 1# and 0's rejections ...if i'm unable to finish it all...
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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Sorry i haven't posted, i've been pretty busy but heres my situation... i still have 3 more convos to go for week 3 but i'm gonna continue on to week 4 but today i'm also gonna go on and finish those 3 convos as well Week 3 , Day 3, 10/18/03 1. Talked to this girl that’s a friend of my...
  16. S

    Why am I like this?

    I feel you on that man the same thing happens to me... When i'm in my DJ mode i say the funniest sh1t ever i crack everyone up and everyone i know wants to be around me, i get very confident, out going so i can literally approach any girl and get her crazy over me (now that i think about it...
  17. S

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Week 2, Day 6, 10/14/03 Got a slow start for today. But I ended up getting some convos in 1. I talked to this guy about weight lifting for about 5 min, it was a solid convo. 2. I talked to this chick for about 5min, turns out shes from my town so we talked about that. I also made...
  18. S

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Week 2, Day 6, 10/14/03 Got a slow start for today. But I ended up getting some convos in 1. I talked to this guy about weight lifting for about 5 min, it was a solid convo. 2. I talked to this chick for about 5min, turns out shes from my town so we talked about that. I also made...
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    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Week 2, Day 3 &4 , 10/11/03 -10/12/03 Well today hasn’t been so hot in terms of talking with random people. I woke up late and me and my roommate got lunch and I made a lot ec with chicks that I saw and I winked at this hb 8 that I met at a party. After that we played bball for about 4 hours...