Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by TheCollector
Hey Rahul nice going man thats the attitude i need. Today i went to the college campus to pick up some job listings and try some approaches but i completely pussed out. I even had about 5 girls lock eye contact with me and smile and i still was an absolute AFC. I was so pissed at myself that i've decided to penalize myself. Until i can approach i will be forcing myself to wake up at 8 am instead of the lazy 10 or later that has become my routine. I have to snap out of this AFC rut.
Thanks bro, I guess the reason I was feeling so crazy is because I was already in the state, I had worked up to it. Maybe you could try warming up before your approaches? Like talk to those girls that are obligated to be warm and friendly to you (IE: RAs or girls working the information desk at the student center). Once your in the right mindset, once you are confident that girls will respond well to you then you can start more risky approaches.

Week 4 Day 2

Walked around downtown, sadly I only made 1 approach yesterday, applied for a job at Banana Republic (being in sales would really help my game), and went for a # close with this chick that was walking by. She just ignored me and kept on going.

Tally so far: 2 phone #'s, 1 rejection

Hopefully at some parties over the weekend I can try approaches in a more conducive setting.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 4, Day 3

At school today was fairly uneventful. After school I went out to a gay bar with a couple of my gay friends. The chicks there are AWESOME!!!. Not just dikes either, lots of hot straight chicks go there to get away from guys hitting on them all the time. Made out with one chick, danced with about 20. Asked one for her number, turns out she had a b/f, so now I'm up to 2 rejections. May have to frequent gay bars more often, lol.

1 Number, 2 Rejections. At this rate I'm not going to have enough numbers to do next week, lol.

So far the rejections aren't hurting tho, just wish I could get more numbers.

Anyways, tomorrow I'll be dancing all day, so should be able to try for some numbers there.

Edit: The girls at the gay clubs are desparate for guys to dance with. You can be butt ugly (I'm not tho) and just walk up to a 9 or 10 who wouldn't even look at you in a straight bar, and they'll start grinding with you.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Week 4 Day 3

Damn, no approaches yesterday, I need to start cracking if I'm gonna make 10 rejections. I had one opportunity when me and my friend were fluff talking these girls in the lobby of the dorms and I said "I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name" the girls and her friends went around and said their names (they were HB7s-HB8s) so I said, "I'm probably not going to remember that because I'm not very good with names, but I am good at remembering faces...especially pretty ones" the girls were like "ooooh" and one of them said "damn, you're smooth" I knew I should have gone for the # then but I b*tched out, probably because it was a group and not just an isolated girl and the risk for embarrassment was much bigger. So I just said "well, see you later" and left.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 4, Day 4

Today was uneventful as far as BC goes. Was at a dance workshop all day, not much in the way of hot chicks there. Best was a 7, but she was there with her b/f. I went with a 6 for lunch, and took the bus home with her (she lives near one of the train stations, so I took the train from there). Anyways, when it was time for us to split up, I asked her for her number, she hesitated, so I figured it wasn't worth the trouble, said "no number? ok, see you around." and walked to the train station.

Dunno if that really counts as a rejection, but whatever.

1 Number, 3 Rejections.

Probly won't get any tomorrow, so I'll have a lot of work to do come monday.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 4, Day 5

I was right, it doesn't even look like I'll make it out of the house today. Means I have 2 days to get 7 more rejections (and hopefully enough numbers so I don't need to worry about them next week). By the end of the week I intend to have tried some crazy approaches, some pick up lines, and some more cold approaches. This is the worst part of my game, the part I most need to work on, so I'm gonna try a little of everything. Any suggestions are welcome.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Well I actually talked to 3 girls for a while on Saturday night. Its strange that the week I was supposed to get the convos I couldnt get any but now within this week so far I have 7 :confused:


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 4, Day 6

I was really tired all day, talked to a couple of girls, didn't go for any numbers though. That means I have 7 to do tomorrow. I think I'm going to just go up to girls and say something like "Hi, My name is Devin, I'm doing a program to help overcome my fear of rejection from girls I find attractive, so could I please have your name and phone number?" Any suggestions on improving or changing the wording to maximize my chance of actually getting anyone's number are welcome, though noone seems to be posting in this thread anymore.

Edit: On the bright side though, the boot camp has already done wonders for me. Before starting I would almost never talk to (have a conversation with) random girls without a reason, even on a good day. Now I'm doing it even on a bad day.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Week 4, Day 6

Originally posted by Deathfyre
I was really tired all day, talked to a couple of girls, didn't go for any numbers though. That means I have 7 to do tomorrow. I think I'm going to just go up to girls and say something like "Hi, My name is Devin, I'm doing a program to help overcome my fear of rejection from girls I find attractive, so could I please have your name and phone number?" Any suggestions on improving or changing the wording to maximize my chance of actually getting anyone's number are welcome, though noone seems to be posting in this thread anymore.
I noticed that too, a lot of people seem to have been weeded out in week 3. To all those that p*ssed out, I say f u *****es. To those that stuck through it thus so far even the ones that are still working on week 3, congratulations and keep at it.

Week 4 Day 4-5

Nothing :rolleyes:

Week 4 Day 6

Well I made 2 approaches today, and got rejected both times. so that brings my tally up to:

2 #'s, 3 rejections.

Looks like tomorrow is crunch time.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Rahul, if you're having trouble meeting your quota, try my approach I posted in my last one, it'll make things go fast at least.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 4, Day 7

I've gotten 2 so far, in the course of 2 minutes. I got them while I was on my way home from my lab. I asked the only 2 girls I saw that I would cousider going out with. All the good looking girls seemed to go into hiding. I'm going to dance class tonight, so hopefully I can do some there, if not, I'll rush through my last 5 first thing tomorrow morning.

1 Number, 5 Rejections

How's that for a ratio, lol. Ah well, it'd probably be better if I had spent more than 30 seconds talking to some of them


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Hey everyone i'm still here just been pretty busy....this week hasn't been so good in terms of bc....i haven't really put as much effort into it was i should of ...but i'am talking to girls a lot and making ec and all far i'm at 1# and 0's rejections ...if i'm unable to finish it all tomorrow then i'm gonna do a repeat of week 4 cause i think this is an important seems from the thread that everyone is kinda having an off week with bc but lets stay with it and if we need to repeat this week its ok.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Deathfyre
Rahul, if you're having trouble meeting your quota, try my approach I posted in my last one, it'll make things go fast at least.
I hear that. LOL, the only rejection I got today was because I did a really crazy approach without any previous rapport building.

Week 4 Day 7

Well I went into total PU mode today after school when I realized I had only gotten 3 rejections and had to complete 7 by tomorrow. I followed up on both the phone numbers after having waited a few days and both those girls flaked so I immediately deleted their numbers. I went to the bookstore on the way to a job interview at banana republic and bought a little black notebook to document my approaches. Here's how todays approaches went:

4:45 pm

Street PU. The girl was walking accross a crosswalk. I was already standing at an island in the middle of the crosswalk waiting for the next signal. I looked at her and noticed she was J-walking so I made EC, smiled and said "Hey, you know that's illegal?" continued to build rapport, made her laugh, focused on her except for "me too" statements. *Didn't use enough kino, but it felt kind of weird to use it because she was a total stranger that I had just met off the street. Her cross-street had come and I said "It was nice talking to you, we should continue this conversation some time". She gave me her number with no hesitation.

5:30 pm

Campus PU. Saw HB8 that I remembered from somewhere. Sat down, initiated convo, did lots of C+F, smiled and heavy EC. Some dudes sat down at the table (4 other guys) and I was the only one macking her. It felt awkward, and I make it a habit to make sure that I am the only guy at a table full of girls so I used the same line "We should continue this conversation sometime, so write down your number in my book" easily got her number as well, and she was really into me. Damn, I really want to hit this peice. As I left I thought of all the positions I would nail her from.

6:30 pm

Campus PU. Sat down at a table of 2 fine b*tches. One was a HB9 and the other was a HB 8. I really wanted to jump on the 9 but I played it cool and gave her the least attention. I think I might have overdone it because the 8 was really into me but the 9 wasn't as much so. They're room mates though so I can try to hook up with the 9 later on. Used the same d*mn line and it flowed off my tongue so naturally this time, got her number easily and left.

6:35 pm

As I was walking out I saw a HB7 sitting. Made EC, smiled, and said "hey". She smiled and said "hey" back. I stopped with hesitation, she said "do you need anything" a huge grin crept accross my face and I said "yeah, give me your number" she laughed and said "what??? I'm not gonna give you my number" I say, "well, that's unfortunate, bye" and leave.

Current Tally: 5 #'s 4 rejections.

Stamina, I think you're right, I want to complete BC so I'll just have to stick it out and continue with week 4.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Man is no one going to make it to week 5 on time. I thought at least one person would :confused:


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Well, I went to dance tonight, got a number on the way home, didn't see anyone worth talking to on the way there. No more rejections. I've got a few of the girls in the dance class lined up and ready to be asked out.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to just go up and ask 5 girls with no rapport, see if I even get 1 number out of it, lol.

2 Numbers, 5 Rejections.

I've got some numbers from other times earlier during bc that I can use next week too.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Holy frijoles Rahul , 5 numbers in 2 hours!?!?!?!?
That's amazing!


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
I decided since everyone else was extending this week, that I may as well too. I got another number this morning, no more rejections though.

Edit: Besides, I won't have time to go out with anyone until at least monday night anyway, so no point rushing.

How about we extend this week until Friday, then we start the new week with the new month?
Last edited:


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
sup everybody....right now i'm at 2#'s and 0 rejections so i'm repeating week 4 again

i'll start posting my days more often now that i'm not as busy

and the second number i got was great....i went to this girl sitting by herself eating lunch and did a great C& was funny as hell cause she was like D4mn your ****y but so funny!!! i was cracking up when she said that...but yeah i got her number but i need to do this week again cause last week was bs

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Stamina
....i went to this girl sitting by herself eating lunch and did a great C& was funny as hell cause she was like D4mn your ****y but so funny!!!

That made me laugh while I read that. It couldnt have been more perfect :D


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Hey All

It sounds like you are all doing ok. I don;t think that many people could get 10 rejections in a week, even Walden didn't - the difference is that Walden preservered and i see that you are all going to do that.

I made a mistake though, and i haven;t been doing BC for a week because of it - my mistake was leaving this thread. Since i have, nothing has happenned - partly due to being ill (but today i feel better then yesterday so i should have broken the back of it), but the main reason was that i left this thread and lost motivation.

I hope you all wouldn't mind if i rejoined now. Assuming not, i am gonna give myself a couple of days of "going back to the basics", in these couple of days - i will get myself going again and should shake of the last of this damm cold.

Then i will start Week 4

Cheers Mates



Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Here's my update from yesterday:

Week 4 Extended

12:05 pm

Saw a HB6 and HB7 sitting at a table. Approached with "hey, can I sit here?". Conversation was average but I managed to keep it lively. Didn't use enough C+F or my usual amount of humor. Got her number (HB7) with little hesitation.

12:30 pm

Saw a girl sitting at the front desk in the dorm lobby. I sat with her at lunch the other day so I walked up and said "Hey, I forgot to get your number the other day" a little hesitation: "Why do you want it?" I covered with "I might need it sometime" I handed her my pen and my little black book and she wrote it down. (HB7)

1:20 pm

Girl I see everyday in class. I was looking at my PU notebook/journal so I looked at her and said "Hey Jill, give me your number". 0 Hesitation, but the rapport has been built over time so I guess this one doesn't count as a PU. (HB7)

4:47 pm

Waiting for the elevator to the parking garage, had just gotten back from the gym. See a girl come up to the elevator out of the corner of my eye. Opened with "Hi, how are you" fluff talk about halloween. In the elevator I saw "Well I have to go soon but give me your number and I'll call you sometime" turns out she's married. Total time >30 seconds. (AB6)

Tally at this point: 8#'s, 5 rejections

One thing I would recomend to everyone is to get a small notepad or little black book to journal your approaches and write phone #'s down in. It's something tangible to track your progress and it motivates you because you want to fill it up as fast as you can. Also, I think Anti-Dump once said that girls have a POSITIVE response to this type of approach, because when you have a place where you write all your numbers down it looks like this is something you do all the time.