Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
MR D, you were the 100th person also wern;t you - talk about claiming all the major landmarks :) Today has been a warm up day, How did it go>?

Well, a few conversations, and more then a few eye contacts and hi's etc. its nice to be doing this again. Nothing spectacular today therefore but a good solid day. I am going to start week 4, day 1 tommorrow. So this is going to be fun - i think that i will do some real dumb approaches to make it fun. Have any of u been doing that?

Also Rhual, i heard on another post that u will be goining onto MaSF after you complete this. What is that and why are you going to be doing it. Another question to all of u - do u always keep a notepad and do u always go up to girls that u wanna date?

Thanks my friends


Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
ya i was the 100th post as well. Both were by complete coincidence. Both times i happened to be looking at the post count and it was 99 and 199 respectively. So i thought i would be the significant number. :)


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Borgia
MR D, you were the 100th person also wern;t you - talk about claiming all the major landmarks :) Today has been a warm up day, How did it go>?

Well, a few conversations, and more then a few eye contacts and hi's etc. its nice to be doing this again. Nothing spectacular today therefore but a good solid day. I am going to start week 4, day 1 tommorrow. So this is going to be fun - i think that i will do some real dumb approaches to make it fun. Have any of u been doing that?

Also Rhual, i heard on another post that u will be goining onto MaSF after you complete this. What is that and why are you going to be doing it. Another question to all of u - do u always keep a notepad and do u always go up to girls that u wanna date?

Thanks my friends

Well, I've not been doing what you might call, "dumb" approaches..."crazy" might be a better term. All of us have probably imagined just going up to a chick and saying right out of nowhere "hey, give me your number". I've done a couple of those approaches, and let me tell you, your balls feel like they're made out of steel once you start doing them.

mASF is the moderated newsgroup, it's where David Deangelo goes, where Maniac (from maniac high's layguide) goes, where Gunwitch (from the gunwitch method) goes. I'm going there basically because I feel like the focus of this site is not what I want to go after. I don't want a LTR nor do I want to make myself into a "truly good guy" like pook says. I want to be evil, and I want to be a masterful seductionist, not a nice guy with a backbone.

As for the notepad thing, I've just started keeping one, I don't know what the rest of the guys are doing. But I would HIGHLY recommend it, your approaches improve FAST. When you have a notebook, not only are you more motivated to go out and approach, but you are also more analytical in what you did right and what you did wrong in your approach and can improve that for the next time.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
I keep a journal, I'm going to start writing in it after every approach. I hope to do lots of approaches tomorrow, I don't have any homework assignments to worry about, so it shouldn't be too hard.

Was doing homework in all of my spare time today. Had one opportunity to approach a hb9, too focused on my homework to even notice it. I guess I'll have to keep my eyes open tomorrow.

Happy Early Hallowe'en. Just in case I don't make it online tomorrow.

Stupid teachers, gonna give me a take home midterm hallowe'en weekend. Honours Advanced Calculus too, so it's gonna be a b!tch.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego
Hey guys good work by all. I havent dropped out but the fires down here threw me off for this week completely. Now that the air is finally breathable i got to get back out there.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Here's my update from yesterday and today thus so far:

Week 4 Extended

10/30/03 2:20 pm

Sitting in the collegium girl comes up and says "hey, are you gonna go to class tomorrow?" I say "probably not" etc, fluff talk and say "you should give me your number so that I can get my homework when I'm not there". Not a real PU but whatever, every little bit counts. (AB6)

10/31/03 9:27 am

I saw a girl I had calculus with till I dropped it, walked up and said "hi" she smiled and said "hi" back. She automatically moved her stuff and I sat down. Was heavy on the humor and EC but no kino, it felt kind of weird (this is something I REALLY need to work on). When she was about to leave I said "I never see you anymore, give me your number and I'll call you sometime". (HB 8.5) - though she's really cute and personally I give her a 10.

10/31/03 11:42 am

Saw a girl I recognized, walked up to their table and opened with "Hey is there room for one more at this table?" sat down, fluffed about halloween. Talked about what they were doing, talked about what I was doing, said "hey, you should give me your number so we can get together sometime". (HB8)

10/31/03 12:23 pm

Saw a girl sitting at a table, know her from english class and had build good rapport over the last month or so. Said "what are you doing tonight?" she said "I don't know, you should call me" I reply with "ok, whats your number?" Note: strong rapport has been built over a month or so, SHE's been giving ME kino. (HB7)

10/31/03 2:53 pm

Saw a girl I knew walking up some steps as I was making my way to the parking garage elevators. I said "Hey, what's up?" she said "not much, going to the bistro to a meet a friend and her boyfriend" asked what she was doing tonight, she did the same. Then I said "We never see each other, give me your number and we'll hang out sometime" got her number with 0 hesitation. (HB7.5)

Just some general observations I'm starting to make about getting numbers and laying down your game, you will start to get comfortable with certain situations and even certain lines (I did with "we should continue this conversation sometime" the other day and "we never see each other, give me your number" today) I guess it's because we become comfortable doing things a certain way. I know I am totally comfortable and in my element doing a cafeteria PU now, but I am not as comfortable doing a street PU (which is something I want to work on). So basically for those of you getting into the habit of using only one technique, start experimenting and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, because that's the only way you can grow.

Tally thus far: 13 #'s, 5 rejections (getting rejected is harder than you think)

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
I am going to a huge halloween party tonight down in Norman after the bedlam game (OU vs OSU) Go Pokes!! My friends said there will be tons of females. I should be able to initiate conversation with at least three of them. I see Rahul is getting tons of numbers. Man you've got some serious balls. good luck to the rest of you.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Week 4, Day 1

Hi All

Spent most of yesterday doing chores and didn;t really have many chances to approach girls. Also, i still felt a little ill. So, during the day - i didn;t do anything. But i got a nap and woke up feeling a lot better and went to a Halloween Party. I got one number and one rejection at this party. I am not counting either because i had had a few beers, i wasn;t drunk but i was definitly more relaxed then i would have been otherwise.

Anyways, so i am chillin with friends when i glance to my side and see this girl looking at me - i smile and she smiles back and i decide to talk to her in few mins which is what i do. I asked her her name and took it from there. After a while, i could tell that i needed to leave the conversation which is what i did and asked for her number.

Her response was weak. saying "oh ok" which doesn;t sound like the highest il and then my AFC friends surrounded me congratulating me for the number which can be expected but isn't good when she is in the room, she wasn't looking and didn't hear but its poss one of her friends did. She left the party shortly afterwards - but she was HB7.5/8 and i will give her a ring on Sunday and see.

Then, for the first time, my friend acted as a competent wingman getting rid of this guy that was talking to this HB8 that i wanted to talk to. He basically went up and started talking to him. Anyway, do the same thing but when i number close it, she tells me that she would give me her number but is engaged, at 18 - DAMM

Anyhow, that was my night and i am quite happy with it. Its not difficult to ask for numbers, we talk about techniques but ultimatelly one just has to do it. So i have a number and a rejection but am not counting them. I am gonna stroll around campus in a bit and look for HB's but dunno if any will be around due to their being a football game going on (i can;t be fuc*ed to go)




Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
If any of you have any opinions on the number i did get - i would be happy to hear them

thank you


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Well yesterday wasn't anything special numberwise. But last night I made out with 3 girls, a 9 and 2 7's. The 9 I probably coulda slept with if her ride wasn't leaving right away to go to a party. Ahh, well, next time I see her. The first 7 was making lots of EC while I was talking to my friends. When I walked by her, I put my hand on her back, she really seemed to like that. I found her again later, asked her if she wanted to dance. Surprise surprise, she did. We danced and made out on the dance floor a couple times. Found her again later, actually sat down and talked to her. Her IL plummetted though when she found out I was younger than her... oh well. The second 7 was sitting just off the dance floor while I was dancing with my friends. I asked her to dance, she declined, saying she doesn't dance. I figured fvck it, and went back to my friends. A while later I see the same one watching me and smiling while talking to her friend (who I think was a lesbian). So I wave her over to me, to start dancing. She still doesn't come, so I go over, grab her hand, and drag her onto the dance floor. What do you know, she can dance. Made out with her for a while, when she had to leave, I asked for her number, she started trying to tell it to me, I pulled out a paper and pen and she wrote it down for me.

4 numbers, 5 rejections

I've come a long way since coming to this site. When I first got here, hell, maybe even when I first started bc, I would've been too afraid to even touch the HB9, and probably wouldn't have talked to either of the 7's either.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Hmmm, I just realized, in the 5 or so weeks since we started boot camp. I've gotten more girls phone numbers than in the 5 months before that.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score

Week 4, Day 2

Nothing to report :(

Week 4, Day 3

I got a rejection :), basically i realised that it was day three and other then at the party - i hadn't done any appoaches. So, i left my room and walked around chickening out of a few oppurtunites. After about a hour, i got really single minded - like i am gonna get a rejection damm it. I stopped caring about the number - i really wanted to get rejected. I see this girl sitting, reading a book - hb7.5.

I walk past her meaning to get it but lose my balls. I turn back and pace myself for a few mins then go back and turn to her and ask her name - introduce myself and then ask for her number and check this - she panics and doesn;t really know what to do, she then if its just to hang out at which point i am thinking reject me damm it. Eventurally, she apologies and rejects me and i walk away feeling like a million dollars
So i did it - broke through my fear and although i am sure that i will still be nervous - i will be less nervous in the future.



Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Deathfyre
Hmmm, I just realized, in the 5 or so weeks since we started boot camp. I've gotten more girls phone numbers than in the 5 months before that.
I've gotten more numbers in the last 5 weeks than I have in my entire life.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
The halloween party last night was awesome. I know I talked to at least 10 hot chicks for long periods of time. That means i am easily passed week 3. I had one ****block from my roomate and he ended up hanging out all night with a chick that I started a conversation with :rolleyes: I didnt want to get any numbers because I was at OU and I go to OSU and the distance is too far to try and hook up with one of these chicks

The highlight of the evening besides the chicks was my friend and I running full speed next to a Jewish guy dressed up completely like the pope (even had the pope hat) who had a stolen keg shell, and thrown it over his shoulder. We were being chased by a bunch of angry sooners who wanted their shell back :eek: :D


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Just goes to show how much we've actually been cheating ourselves out of all our lives so far.

Originally posted by Rahul
I've gotten more numbers in the last 5 weeks than I have in my entire life.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 5, Day ? (What day shall we call this?)

Haven't posted updates for a couple days, managed to finish week 4 with 8 numbers and 11 rejections.

Called up one of my numbers today, she wasn't there, I'll try her again tomorrow or wednesday. Tried another, wanted to go skating on wednesday, ends up we're going snowboarding on sunday, oh well, that works too. The conversation went pretty good. I started out asking how it's going, how are exams, etc. Asked what she's doing wednesday, she's busy, so I ask what days she's free, she says sat/sun. So I say we should go snowboarding on sunday, since the hills are opening up. I tell her I'm not sure exactly which hills are open so far, but that I'll give her a call later in the week once I'm sure. Snowboarding is lots of fun, and she says she's no good at it, so should be lots of opportunity for kino.

Glad to have midterms done, my calculus one wasn't too bad after all, but still took a fair bit of time to do.

The one I'm snowboarding with is an 8 or so, I'll see what I can do about bringing her home afterwards, for a couple drinks to get warmed up. ;)


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Week 4, Day 2- 5, 10/31/03- 11/3/03

Well I met a ton of girls this day since we went to ECU for Halloween, but I was very drunk so I can’t really count any of the new numbers on my phone….i don’t even know how half of them got there. Then the weekend consisted of being hung over and drinking more so heh not much really has got done. Monday was pretty bad too.

Week 4, Day 6, 11/4/03

Well today has been my boldest day in bc yet. I got tired and pissed off at myself for not putting as much effort in bc as I should and thinking like a pathetic little afc. So…

1. I got up and went to get breakfast this morning. I got my food and went to find a place to sit and I saw this HOTTTTTT girl she was a 9.8 I’d say. So I was like what the hell and went and sat with her and said “would ya like some company” and she smiled and said yes. So we talked and went pretty good I made her laugh a lot. She had to leave and go to class so I said “well I’m gonna give u a call whats your number” then she responds with “Umm I don’t think my bf would like that” so I laughed and said “really…are u guys getting married” and she cracked up, smiled and went on

2. So after that I was still hungry so I went and got more food and came back and saw another HOTTT girl sitting by herself…so feeling from really confident from the first approach I went right up to her table and sat down. I used the same line “would ya like some company” and she smiles and says sure. So we talk and have a good conversation about this and that. I had to go to my weight lifting class so I asked her what she did for fun and she says nothing…so I laughed and said aight well I’m gonna call u up and will do nothing…she laughed and gave me her number.

So right now I’m still not done with this day 6 but I’m at 3 numbers and 1 rejection…still got a ways to go.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Yo whats up just seeing where everyone is. I'm still stuck on this week it takes forever to get rejections.