Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Rahul I am very surprised that that is the first girl you have taken out before. By what you post assuming its all true you have been sounding like you have been doing this stuff for a while. I have had plenty of dates in my life but my very first date was nothing like yours. I say you really are on the right track with what you are currently doing and just keep at it.

In other news I took that chick out on Friday. She invited me to go eat with her, her mom, mom's friend and mom's firend's kid. I got a free meal out of it and heard some interesting stories about her family. After that we went to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre (on her request) It was a pretty good movie and there was constant kino throughout the whole movie. Shes kind of strange though. She will be all flirty one moment and then I will reciprocate and she will completely back off the touching and move across the room. She does this constantly. She is pretty religious and doesnt believe in sex before marriage and she doesnt drink or smoke or anything. This maybe why she plays those annoying games. She is very inconsistent with the kino she accepts and what she gives. Anyway, overall I had fun and i will take her out again.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2001
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Ok. I'm not new to this game but last week thursday I decided to start the bootcamp all over again. I'm not american, I'm Dutch. we don't have malls where all the good looking ladies (from now on reffered to as GLL) go to. We have streets with shops in it. and only shops and some snackbars. So the ladies are focused on shopping and not on hanging out (like they probably do at the mall). Why this is relevant?? You'll see.........

Here's my first week. (translated from my personal journal quotes between * * are notes especially for this forum)

Thursday 13-11-2003
Said Hi to 7 people whom where mostly elders. From now on I'm only going to say hi's to people (and mostly GLL) my age. The elderly don't count anymore for my score. (** Boy did I set myself up for a challenge here. It meant me having to go outside of my small town (25000 people) to do the bootcamp and you'll see where I made this practise even harder for me. BTW: reason for this extra rule was that the elderly didn't get me out of my comfort zone, people my age did**)

score: 7 hi's
total score: 7 hi's

Friday 14-11-2003
Said hi to 10+ persons in The Hague. The beginning was difficult. Nobody would look me straight in the eyes (**or they'd look away the moment the came within 5 feet from you**) and everybody seemed unapproachable. After the first few Hi's it went easier and easier. No longer would I wait for THEIR permission (in the shape of eye contact), I'd CREATE the permission. Those 10 I counted were all GLL. Some were in pairs. I counted the pairs as 1. Guys, uglys and elderly were in the plus (**see this is where I gave myself another rule. Not only did they have to be around my age, they HAD to be GLL TOO!!!!**) so they didn't count for the score.

Of 3 or 4 ladies I got a response back in the form of a smile or a hi back. When I did this exercise with more confidence and fun I'd get a better response.

At night I went out and approached one couple of ladies.

Score: 11 Hi's (10 in The Hague, one when going out)
Total Score: 18 Hi's

Saturday and sunday:

Was very busy so I had no time to do the bootcamp

Monday 17-11-2003

Went to Amsterdam today to get closer to the 50 hi's. Said hi to 10 ladies of whom a whopping ONE reacted by saying hi back!!!;)
I hadn't practised for 2 days so I had the feeling I had to start all over again.

Some observations:
- The days "bootcamp break" made me lose the buzz I aquired Friday
-The GLL in Amsterdam reacted WAY colder then they did in The Hagues. Saying my hi's louder and more noticable would be my answer to this (to be tested wednesday).
-After getting no response a few times I started doubting myself and started thinking about what I was doing (**which made me more unsure in this exercise**). Not thinking about simple things would be my answer for this.

Score: 10 Hi's
total score: 28 Hi's

Wednesday 19-11-2003
Went to Amsterdam again. Said hi to 14 GLL. Again not alott of response, except when I said my Hi from 9 feet distance or when I kept on looking VERY notible after I said my Hi.

Went to The Hague after that to get the last 8 Hi's. The response wasn't really that good. It probably needed more enthousiasm. Also it turning dark might have been a factor (**people think everybody is a rapist when it's dark;))

Score 22 hi's (14 Amsterdam, 8 The Hague)
Total score: 50 Hi's

End of Bootcamp week one

One thing you might have noticed was that I (after day one) only counted the hi's I did to GLL. This was to get me out of my comfort zone. I was comfortable greeting elderly and REALLY young people, but women my age was a WHOLE different ballpark. So If I count everyone it's probably above 100 but I just needed to push my limits.

A funny observation: REAL good looking CLASSY women aren't easy to find in the big cities in holland. There are ALOTT of them but they're not everyday in the city.