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  1. S

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Week 2, Day2, 10/10/03 Got this girls phone number that I kinda knew I’m not counting that as one of my convos but I did it in a really dj way and got a lot of confidence from it…..did a lot of ec with hb too that’s becoming real natural. Last night I met a lot girls at this party (not...
  2. S

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Mr. Delicious don't worry at all man, the bottom line is your just gonna have to do it...don't take it serious at all...the 3 second rule will also help you....just see someone and force your body over to em and make a comment on your surrondings or them read Senor Fingers Freestyling Street...
  3. S

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    Hey people everyone is doing good.....i'm gonna finish by hi's and ec today ....its been going kinda slow but after yesterday things really started speeding up...i went out and just kept doing it and damn it feels good....i'm finding myself just naturally saying hi to every girl i pass now...
  4. S

    Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

    lets see here its been going so so....i need to put more effort into it. On day 1 on started making eye contact with a bunch of girls...i found my eyes kinda getting watered up when i held it but most girls on day 1 i made ec with 7 girls and 4 of them smiled and 2 smiled and said...
  5. S

    Bad Experience Tonight

    nah its not that i couldn't ***....i just couldn't get it big like usual and thats started ever since i taken that protein **** cause the samething had happen to my friend a few months ago
  6. S

    Bad Experience Tonight

    Well i'm in college and i got this fine ass ***** in my room and we were ****ing around and stuff and i've been taking creatine and whey protein supplements and well ever since i started taking them i haven't been able to let my **** live up to its thanks to that BULL**** i...
  7. S

    How to make a move

    First what i do is all that bull**** talking you know like where u from, why are here, what u like to do, if you work, you know all that stuff (look at pimpologists post on the conversation if ur not sure of the basic talking stuff)...... ok then after all that shes more comfortable with me..ok...
  8. S

    Whos With Me?

    Sup everyone i've been reading these post and the bible and what not on this form for awhile and now i finally went on and made me a name. Well i've been reading and doing that DJ magic and i'm improving with girls. I'm getting more confident and can walk up to random girls and start a...
  9. S

    A truth problem...

    hah i've messed up like that before ...telling this chick i was a junior at nc state (and i was a senior in highschool) so what to do? Well there a couple things u can do. 1. you can tell her the truth 2. you can avoid the subject at all cost and if she brings it up be very short...