Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 2, Day 1

Starting the week off slow, didn't get anything done today. Ok, a few hi's, and some EC, but that's about it. Will have to start tomorrow.

Sir Lancelot

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2 Day 1

Woohoo! Week 2 here we come ... :)

I had various little conversations with strangers throughout the day, but only one which lasted a little over 3-4 min. Talked to the security guard at my school (I goto high school, btw).

He seems like a funny guy, he likes to joke around. I kicked the convo off with something like "Break up any fights yet this year?" or something to that extent .. he was like "Haha, no not yet. Those don't come for another month" etc. It went on for another couple of minutes.

So thats 1 convo down, 9 to go. I did probably one hi today, and some EC, i'll have to keep at it.

Oh yeah, and a question: where do you guys go to execute this BC stuff? Besides college/school campus?

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2 Day 1

Man some of you guys got some balls in your convos. This is something I am really struggling with. I got lucky and just happened to be put in a group project again with 3 people I dont know so we had to talk for a long time. As far as approaching strangers I am no good at that all and I dont see how you guys can do it. I need some help bad. Maybe i will just hang around a nursing home and talk to old women but i know that wont help my overall objective :(


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Mr. Delicious don't worry at all man, the bottom line is your just gonna have to do it...don't take it serious at all...the 3 second rule will also help you....just see someone and force your body over to em and make a comment on your surrondings or them

read Senor Fingers Freestyling Street Approaches (plus the whole Weapons of Mass Seduction for that matter) the link is on page 4 of this thread in Silk's post

just remeber that BC is gonna take you out of your comfort zone,its already done so with me...when i wanna chicken out i think of myself being old or crippled, or really sick dieing in some hospital bed regreting not making a move when i was capable of it.

Hope that helps u some man, were all in this together

Ok so for my week 2 day 1 so far

1. Talked to a hb7 named BJ (haha) on my way to music class…I asked her if she was ready to kick the test’s ass and we talked about the test and the class and then I asked for her name and that’s when she said BJ (had to hold my laugh in) then she was silent so i went on and told her my name…I should of called her out in playful way for her not asking me my name but hell that’s what BC is for, learning…anyways we talked more about where were from and what not and she said shes at school on an academic scholarship and then we got to class and that was that.

She gave me a big smile on her way out of the door after finishing her test. (wish I could of finished mine quicker so I could of walked out with her) …but I’m off to a good start so far… good luck to everyone and keep posting.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Week 2 Day 2
:( Today didnt go so well, went to work then went home finally went into town from 7:30pm-9pm b/c every thursday shops r open all day.
I went too shop ask HB for advice we went around shop then I saw 2 HBs said "why not ask them for an opinion"(looking at them) they were like "what?" I asked them then they went off but, its not a worthy convo.
Walked around town some more but couldn't approach it felt really difficult today and also there were heaps of people and im not used to convo with heaps of other people listening.

(I shouldnt really type here but hey ive already started hahaha)
I went to hobbystore(gamesworksshop if u guys know what that is) where theres alot of people that I know but not many people where there, they havent seen me in awhile so some thought I changed abit in the last 3 months then I asked ugliest fukking dirty slutty hoe ive ever seen (im angry at her now) if shes noticed anthing then she asked me when was the last time I fukked I told her then she laughed then said "u getting laided dont make me laugh u'll never get laid) I asked her why did she act like that she said "its just u, ur pathetic uve got no fukking personality" I told her " fuk off u ****ing slut ive got a better pers than u its really unbievible how many friends u got b/c uve got the ugliest pers I ever seen you dont have a single attractive trait" she kept going at then I walked off I wanted to BC but could b/c slutty whory fukking dirty skanky smelling full of her self beocth got to me and aint in a good mood to BC so went home.

Guys I need some help how can I make her shut up or really bust her so she wont be disrespectfull anymore, please I really need some help guys.

Btw I tried the 3sec rule and thinking don't give a fuk and thinking of being old and bitter but nothing helped.

Total convo's 3 down 7 to go



Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Hey All

Week two, Day one

Yesterday was a day of study, i left a ten page paper for this day and had to do it in one day so that was literally all i did.

Week 2, day 2

Today, i was still working on my essay until five which was when i started thinking of making conversation with people. No oppurtunities until the eve when i went to the gym - there i talked for one guy for about 5 minutes and a girl (off and on, inbetween lifting) for about 3 minutes. I also went to watch some soccer (which i ref) and bumped into a fellow ref - this HB8 whom i have spoken to once.

Although i do not think it can be counted, i striked up conversation with her and talked for her for about 20 mins although in this it materalised that she had a BF which sucks but i am not fussed plently more fish in the sea.

I should be going to a bar tonight - while i will not include any approaches in this BC, i will let you know how it goes

1 down, 9 to go

Sir Lancelot

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2 Day 2

Nothing special today, I was kind of in a crummy mood that I couldn't get out of. Talked to an HB 8.5, but she was just passing by, so the convo only lasted 45 seconds at most. I won't count that one.

I'm gonna make a major effort tomorrow, and hopefully do 3+ convos during the day. I really need to push myself to my limit, and break out of the comfort zone.

Didn't do any "hi's" today, which I'm a bit disappointed about.

Anybody ever notice how it's always the first "hi" or the first convo with a stranger that is the hardest?


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 2, Day 2

Got one good convo at lunch today, lasted around 20 min. HB (7 or so) sits down near me, starts studying. So I ask her what she's studying, etc. End up talking for like 20 min, her name was Erica, didn't get the number tho, for some reason didn't feel like it. Ahh well, I know where to find her next week same time. Got one hi on the way home from school, and various EC throughout the day.

Has anyone else noticed that EC is becoming almost a habit? I find myself making eye contact and smiling with most of the good looking girls I see, and even making EC with other people. Hopefully the hi's will become habit too, and then the conversations, etc. I think after this BC is done, I'm gonna restart right away, just to make everything natural. Once I start doing all this by habit alone, it should be hard for me to lose it.

1 Down, 9 To Go


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2, day 2

Got a convo today! I went to amsterdam to a concert with two friends. On the way back we sat down in the train, I was sitting opposite to a girl, my friends were on the other side of the aisle.

I heard some guy's discman play jimi hendrix so I said 'That's jimi hendrix, you hear that?'. She picked up on it, said she liked that music. Then we talked about were we came from, where we went, music, bands etc. Convo lasted about 20 minutes, with some silences in between.

During the convo I also used techniques from the BC articles, like paraphrasing, delayed follow up questioning, I think it helped to get a more detailed and longer convo.

Jango, what a *****! It's tricky to put someone on their place, you have to show that what they're saying doesn't phase you at all, by turning it around and deflecting it right back at them. I wouldn't know what to say in your situation. When I'm going out to the club or somewhere and people don't like it or say it's boring or putting me off I just say, 'Lucky for you that you don't have to come along with me, huh?' Then they'll shut up.

Total number of convo's: 1



Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
J_X man but your town must have the highest beotch ratio of anywhere!

Fcuk man I am astounded at how nasty that skank was!

CHicks with their sh*t intact are not like that eh!

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2 Day 2

First of all sorry this is so late but i have been really busy. Ok I got stood up again!!!! This would be the second time this week. :mad: I was supposed to play tennis with these two freshmen girls i met last week and so i told them i would call them and get directions. I called a couple of times and no answer (they dont have caller id or message machine) Anyway, i knew i would see them later at this church thing. Sure enough i did and i asked what happened and they said they werent home and they were hanging out with their boyfriends. Great time to mention it after we had set up a date :rolleyes: I am getting really sick of getting stood up. Thats three girls in one week and i also got stood up by a girl a few weeks ago. Its really taking a toll on my confidence

As far as conversations I got 2 in today. I talked to an aquaintence of a friend for a couple of minutes and i also talked to a foreign exchange student for a few minutes at the church thing. Both of them were guys. Thats 5 down with 5 more to go and its still really hard.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 3 Day 3

I am posting this right after day 2 which was much more interesting. Today i had 0 convos but a few hi's and some eye contact.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2, Day2, 10/10/03

Got this girls phone number that I kinda knew I’m not counting that as one of my convos but I did it in a really dj way and got a lot of confidence from it…..did a lot of ec with hb too that’s becoming real natural. Last night I met a lot girls at this party (not counting them either tho cause I was kinda drunk and so were they) and thought i’d try something on this hb 8….see I figured out chicks love secrets….so I talked to her on the couch for about 5min then told her “I’m gonna go talk to other people and I got a secret to tell you later on” and holy **** the whole night everytime I saw her she kept begging me to tell her (I really didn’t have one but I ended up making up something tight) so finally at the end of the night i said heres the secret and hugged her she was like awww that’s a sweet secret.

1.Hah well anyways today so far i talked to these 2 guys that are friends of my friend at lunch. We ended off having a good long 20min convo on how bad the dorm bathrooms were and how bad people **** em up and leave **** all in and over the toilet. We all had a really good laugh, like we couldn’t breath at all cause we were laughing so hard.

I went to a party tonight and met these 2 chicks Leslie and Jessica I think were the names. Leslie was a hb 8.8 almost a 9 and Jessica was a hb 7.5. I got over to there apartment and even tho we were both drunk, me and the hb 8.8 talked good for about an hour and she even made me food,we had a good convo on just about everything….but they wouldn’t let me spend the night cause they both had bf’s and one even had fiancé, I did everything I could but it was to hard to break them…oh well day 3 here I come.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2 Days 2-3

Well, I went to a frat party at the UW greek system last night. I can't really remember the conversations from the last two days, but I remember eating lunch and breakfast with strangers at least 2 times and I had at least 2 conversations with strangers last night (that I remember). One was a HB8 who was really warming up to my game until she asked how old I was, I was too ****ed up to lie to her so I just blurted out "I'm 18, what about you?" Turns out she was 23 and she thought I was 24/25. I talked to other people at the party and they were like "no way, dude, you're 18?" I went back to the keg after that crash and burn to have some friends pour me a cup and right when I got there, one of em said "man, you were doing pretty good until that part about being 18" I said "yeah I know man, that was a stupid stupid move" the other one said "yeah dude, 18, 23, that's like a 5 year difference, what girl is gonna go down 5 years?" the first one said "you notice how he got the math down really fast? I've already heard the story" I was just like "Oh ****" and I started laughing. He said "when I was a freshman I always told the b*tches I was 21, when you're 21 you're old enough to drink, you're old enough to ****". So I grabbed a marker and wrote "21" on my hand to remember that because I knew I wouldn't remember it in the morning if I didn't write it down.

All in all it was a good night and the start to a very good weekend.

8 convos so far, 2 left to go.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score

I have had a few conversations -

Day 3, week 2

I sat next to a guy at the dining hall - just talked a little = nothing too interesting, i was just happy that i sat next to somebody like that

Also, i went to this international day at my school as i am london but am studying in texas and there students sitting infront of signs saying where they were from - i went up to two girls and started conversations - i got one girls email address, as i showed some interest in going to Mexico (where she is from) and she gave to me - so i ask her more = I am thinking of asking her to go for a coffee and see what happens

Then i went to a club and just wandered the dance floor - often on my own - dancing with girls i liked the look of - about 4/5 in about 45 mins so i was pleased with that - however, some moved away but i don;t really care - i am not that experianced in dancing but the more i do it the better i will get - besides its fun :)

However, i didn;t talk to the chicks - just danced


It works out to being 3

and four down - 6 to go

I am starting to enjoy this



Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Good sh*t B!

I got a PM from one of the guys on this thread asking for an opinion , and his mailbox is full. So if you guys will excuse me I'll just post what I was gonna say here to save me having to retype the whole d*mn message.


Dude that wasn't a compliment , (I only compliment fat girls with cute friends) you are doing really well.

As for making convos go , you sound like you have one of three problems (I had em all).

1- The Perfect line.- Don't try to have the perfect line to open with , if youre relaxed and confident and smile and have a good time then you can open with any crummy line you like. The other day I started a ten minute convo on the strength of "beautiful day huh?".

2- Lack of structure- Before I approach I get clear in my head what I'm gonna open with , some inane observation or story to follow with (what you're doing in town today or whatever) and how I'm gonna close at the end of the conv. I call it the know rule "Know your opening, Know your follow up,know your close and know you're money).

3- The 30 second and 3 minute rules. These are that even if a chick likes you you will need to carry the convo for 30 seconds.The three minute barrier occurs after three minutes when you can no longer pretend this is an innocent conversation. Good!. You can get thru that barrier by getting the chick to talk about herself. For some reason people are charmed when you appear to be facsinated as they tell you about their pet hamster or their fascination with lint.

Phew what a marathon. Hope this helps , keep me posted my email is

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2 Day 4

Well I had to go to my friends wedding today. And randomly one of the girls that stood me up this week was there with her boyfriend! That was completely unexpected and threw me off. So anyway, I only got 2 conversations with 2 old women and it was just over 2 minutes. That puts me up to 7. Three more to go


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Slow day...

I had no convos with strangers today as I was nursing my hangover. I went to a wedding this morning, but the thing with Indian girls is that their moms are always there to c*ckblock. Anyways, reception is tommorrow night, hopefully that will be more fruitful.

Sir Lancelot

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry for not replying for a while, but I haven't been able to get on lately.

Week 2 Day 3

Again, had several small convo's with some HBs but none of them really lasted over a minute. I need to work on this. Did a hi or two and made lots of eye contact. Kind of a quiet day for me.

Did have a convo with a chick that was looking for something. I'm a TA in our school's counseling center for 6th period.. and she came into the room looking a little confused. So I say "Hi, how are you?" and it branches off from there. She wanted SAT packets or something for her son, and we talked about all the standardized tests, etc. that they're making kids take these days.

So 2 convo's down, 8 left to go.

Week 2 Day 4

Went to the mall to go see a movie, "School of Rock" with my friend. This if off topic, but I just want to say, this movie kicks a$$! Anyway, I went to the mall a little early (before my friend arrived) to try and get in some more hi's and do a couple of convo's with random people but something really bad happened... I see my one-itis (an HB9) there. She's with a friend of mine (another girl, about an HB6) and the HB6 calls me over. I make stupid small talk for a while, feeling uncomfortable.

Before this little incident I felt just fine, I had already hi'd several people and was feeling confident. But after the one-itis incident I started getting extremely AFC thoughts. "Does she like me?" "Does she think I'm a loser?" blah blah blah .. it felt like my confidence being taken down a notch. I knew this kind of thinking can destroy, but I just couldn't break out of it.

At least the movie was good though.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Last night i went out, i had a really good night. Stupidly, and i realised it was stupid even when i was doing it - i put pressure on myself to better it this night. Well, clearly my body language wasn't right as i was rejected by seven b*****s. I am really pissed off becuase i wanted to have a good time and i didn;t let myself and now i am going to have wait until thursday to make errands and i know that the fact i am thinking about making errands means that i will (if i am in the same mindset) put more pressure on myself.

I guess that it would be inevitable that i would be knocked back though - i am just going to keep going but thanks for listening to the rant - sometimes, i don;t why i make things so difficult, but 2nt - i did.
