How to make a move


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2003
Reaction score
I'm quite good at getting girls phone numbers. I am even good at getting them to go out with me (by going out I mean just hanging out). However, I am unsure about how to make a move. I.e i don't know how to turn what would be a friendship into something physical.

Any suggestions, ideas?

I mean i think i have overcome a lot of the major obstacles, that is getting girls numbers and then doing something with them. I just need to be able to take it further.


Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by strauss
I'm quite good at getting girls phone numbers. I am even good at getting them to go out with me (by going out I mean just hanging out). However, I am unsure about how to make a move. I.e i don't know how to turn what would be a friendship into something physical.
Heres your problem.Do not make it a friendship in the first place.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2003
Reaction score
OK good job so far. But you will need to read up on this in the bible and you can also do a search on this site and you will find lots of stuff. You basically want to up the Keno pretty good, this will help indicate to her that you want to be physical.


Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by 516
OK good job so far. But you will need to read up on this in the bible and you can also do a search on this site and you will find lots of stuff. You basically want to up the Keno pretty good, this will help indicate to her that you want to be physical.


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
yeah this is exactly where I'm at, I need help too. If anyone can post kino, teasin, flirtin techniques here that'd be cool.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
First what i do is all that bull**** talking you know like where u from, why are here, what u like to do, if you work, you know all that stuff (look at pimpologists post on the conversation if ur not sure of the basic talking stuff)...... ok then after all that shes more comfortable with me..ok so i this point the question is what do you do to get it physical? Well i do either one of these things or many times i do both

i'm a pretty funny guy and i can get girls cracking up with just the basic conversation **** so what i say is ..i bet i can make u laugh 10 times harder than u are now and she'll be like oh really (or if ur not funny or if things seem boring still after the basic convo **** then say i bet i can make you laugh)...and i'll be like hell yeah where are u ticklesh....and then she'll

1. tell me where shes ticklesh
2. tell me to find out
3. say shes not ticklesh

so from here no matter what answer she gives u... tickle her...most girls are and once u do that u get her laughing and most likely shes gonna try to tickle you so then your both laughing and touching each other so from there keep flirting and keep touching and you should be in

the other thing i do is tell them that i need a massage and i'll return the favor if they give me one and i make sure to let them know that they won't be dissapointed with it (this usually gets them excited) ok so she gives u a massage and u give her one and hell yeah thats some good kino right there.............if u don't know much about massaging don't freak out....just start on her shoulders... go in circular motions and make sure every finger is moving, work your way down to her back, then back to her shoulders, then to her arms, grab her hands and rub your thumbs on them softly then glide your fingers back up her arm to her shoulders, rub her neck, then put your hands through her hair girls love that **** (but if she has her hair done some special way u better let that **** go),then start the whole thing over again and switch speeds... like go from fast to slow and slow to fast and very slow to medium etc (this shows her ur variety too...if u can switch things up so good with a massage...she might think wow what if he does the same with sex;)) ok so do all that and feel free to ask her what feels good ...this method is real good cause you might just find her hot spot and all the touching will turn her on

both these can tie together

if you start with the tickle method and you both are tickling each other say something like well damn since u like touching me how about you give me a massage....then you give her one and sneak a couple tickles in when u do it

or if u start with the massage ...towards the end of it start to tickle her... this makes it more "flirty touchy" and this is what u want

so i hope this helps someone it sure works for me