Official: Boot Camp for the masses thread (beginning 10/01)

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Borgia you got rejected by 7 girls? What happened? Also, off topic but this is the 100 post on this thread :D


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score

I don't actually know what happenned - i think it just went pear shaped after the first few rejections, my body language went to sh*t and it was all downhill from there. Well, having slept on it, i feel a lot better about the whole situation - this is a learning experiance as well as a fun one and i learnt something from last night - i simply put too much pressure upon myself.

Anyhow, i remembered that i approached a girl sitting by herself during a buffet pizza party a couple of days back so i actually have a approached 5 ppl - so 5 more to go. Sadly, i have loadsa work over the next couple of days but i am going to make some time to get out there and approach people so i a complete this week.

Thanks All


Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
So i just went back and counted to see who posted so far on Week 2. I guess we narrowed it down to 8 people still in bootcamp that are posting. I dont know how many are reading and doing the boot camp without posting. It does seem like we lost alot of people though.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Borgia

I don't actually know what happenned - i think it just went pear shaped after the first few rejections, my body language went to sh*t and it was all downhill from there. Well, having slept on it, i feel a lot better about the whole situation - this is a learning experiance as well as a fun one and i learnt something from last night - i simply put too much pressure upon myself.

Anyhow, i remembered that i approached a girl sitting by herself during a buffet pizza party a couple of days back so i actually have a approached 5 ppl - so 5 more to go. Sadly, i have loadsa work over the next couple of days but i am going to make some time to get out there and approach people so i a complete this week.

Thanks All

Hey, I know exactly what you are talking about. This might be really hard to do at first, but I've gotten a lot more success with a "don't give a f*ck" attitude. Nowadays I actually think the rejections are funny. Sometimes I can't even believe it myself, when I get rejected by an unbelievably hot girl and I'm just like "nice meeting you" and walk away, totally unphased and searching for new targets. I think the problem I had in the past was that I put too much importance in the girl. You have to realize that almost none of these girls are special and if you get rejected then it's no big deal, becuase another one just as good, or maybe even better will be along at any moment.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2 Day 5

No convos at all today. I didnt really go anywhere except for lunch. However, I did get a new computer :)


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2, Day 3 &4 , 10/11/03 -10/12/03

Well today hasn’t been so hot in terms of talking with random people. I woke up late and me and my roommate got lunch and I made a lot ec with chicks that I saw and I winked at this hb 8 that I met at a party. After that we played bball for about 4 hours , I met a lot of new people doing that and talked to a lot of them but they were just in and out or during pauses of the game so I’m not gonna count those. I’m still trying I have to get at least 1 today.

1. I talked to this chick who was walking behind me in some loud high heels so right when she got beside me I said …dang those shoes are loud. Then she started talking about high heels and how they mean one thing. I said what do they mean and she said they mean you want sex…..haha interesting convo I didn’t even get her name but we talked for about 3min

2. I talked to this dude coming out of the dorm. I just asked him what he was getting into and **** and we talked some about *****es and parties and **** nothing to big but it was a good convo…lasted about 3min

Well after that convo me and 2 other guys rode out to this party that was supposed to have mad chicks but it was an hour and a half away. It’s a long story but I’ll try and make it short. So we got to the town and my friend kept calling his friends and asking them where the party was but they gave him terrible directions and we ended up riding around for 55min in the town and didn’t find jack… we drive to the next town and get dropped off at his friend charlie’s place. Ok now let me tell you….charlie has got to be one of the nastiest, un kept, stupid, loser, burn out, pot head, highschool drop out scum I’ve ever seen. But anyways he lives with his hb8.5 gf!!! How in the ****….i lost all respect for this fine girl…Charlie and his 6 other pot head drop out friends all moved in with him at his gf’s place. That place was smellier than a hog farm. Well anyways all these 6 burn out scum dudes do is sit around thinking there pimps selling weed and smoking weed and working to make money to buy more weed. What a life, these losers have no goals or nothing I just couldn’t believe what I saw in these guys… I had convos with them but I’m not even counting them for BC. Just after spending the night there and just seeing how these guys live and how one could have a hb 8.5 gf, it just made me think how rare a DJ is, and how lucky a chick would be to even have one of these rare guys talk to her. Anyways we spend my whole day 4 there and I was stuck with them all day (whole day was dedicated to buying weed) so it was a bad night and day but oh well at least I got a reality check.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Havent posted in the last few days b/c ive been busy.

Week 2 Day 3
Woke up early went to work and when I was finished I met up with my HB boss said a few words then she took bus but I didnt b/c it was to busy she asked why and was cool abt it then 3 mins later waiting 4 next bus I get into convo with guy about where he lives, work, college and holidays and such but got a big silence in between convo went on for abt 15mins.

Week 2 Day 4
Didn't BC at all.:mad:

Week 2 Day 5
Woke up early didnt do anything at all till 10pm.
When out into town b/c didnt have work the next day. While in town went looking for good cafe went into 1 talked to guy about the average stuff and got free beer out of him then I took him leave. Went further bar hopping couldnt find many cafe most r closed on Sunday, went into other bar started talking to americain tourist who the whole time talked abt his work convo went on 4 abt 8-10 mins. Hi'd guy(JW) 1 min later started talking to guy(this guy helped out alot I tell u later) got into convo then played acouple of quiz games on arcade and along came 2 chicks
on the heavy side which were his friends which I didnt know so I introduced myself to them made a few cracks all 3 laughed got into small convo with big chick then went further with games then off we went to other bar. Talked to bouncer in bar b/c I wonna b 1 20mins later we went back to bar from b4 b/c at 2 it closes and we waited on HB bartender to come along then off we went to bar where bouncer was then JW came across HB and kissed him 3x on cheek then I said sadly "hey where my kiss?" she said "but I dont know u" I put out my hand and intro'ed myself then said "problem solved now wheres that kiss" she gave them them JW laughed his pants off I then got into convo with HB 4 a couple of mins half an hour laterI thought I was late enough So I said farewell and closed on JW + 3 chicks and bartender from b4 (There not counted as dateable hb closes), So by the end of the night I made 5 new friends.:D

Now alittle about JW without knowing it he's a halfway natural DJ he didnt know about Sosuave till lastnite I told him abit abt it and the BC and think its great b/c I told him what an AFC is and he nearly pissed his pants and said (laughing)"ur right there r to many AFC's here. On edge of dance I asked do u think were the only non AFC's here, laughingly he agreed. He helped me alot b/c he's a salesman and is teachin me about greatopeners and how to get into persons vib b4 opening.:D

BTW I talked to 2 of the chicks abt relationships and I said nearly everybody puts to much emphasis on BG/BF's that why there desperate unbievebly they were astound that I said that b/c they totally agreed with me and never aspected that to come out of a guys mouth (me laughing to myself so unbievebly fukking hard).

Week 2 Day 6
Got up late from lastnight and then my consious started giving heaps of reason not to go into town to BC:mad: so in the end I didn't BC.:mad:

oh yeah b4 I 4get I also had an extra convo on day 1.
I have already got 10 but im gonna make it 8 b/c other wherent that great.

So 9 convos down 1 to go.

Last edited:


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Crap! It went really bad this week. Not a single convo!

Week 2, Day 3

I woke up late, packed my stuff and went to my hometown with my friend. No BCing.

Week 2, Day 4

Saturday I went to the city and I had two oppurtunities.
One was with a woman who was skimming through a LOTR book. I wanted to say something and started walking towards her but when I was close she put down the book and walked away.
The other one was with two girls who were giving away flyers. I choked.
Did two hi's though.

Week 2, Day 5

Sunday I visited some friends, didn't do any bootcamping.

Week 2, Day 6

Today I went to the city at 2 in the afternoon. I made all sorts of plans of where and how
to talk with people but it didn't help. I walked around a bit in the shops and all and continually reminded myself of approaching, breaking out of AFC thinking etc, but I just didn't ****ing do it! When I was in a shop everybody was just walking around there, checking out the goods, minding there own business. I just couldn't get myself to it. I hoped I could open up a convo by observation but I couldn't start with anything.

I'm pissed right now. If I don't make any plans I don't do convo's because I don't get into enough situations to talk to people and don't think about it, but if I make plans I'm putting too much pressure on myself and end up doing some ordinary shopping in the city. On saturday I had good oppurtunities and choked, today I just couldn't think of anything to say.

Well, I now got a single day left for... 9 convo's? Hmm, well I've got a plan. I'm not giving up!!! I'm going to the city quickly, need to buy something and do a convo there. Later I go to the university building and I'll also visit the local supermarket. Maybe if I get to a lot of different places I'll be able to do convo's.

Total number of convo's: 1



Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 2

Day 3:

Didn't do much on friday, had a busy day, went to a dance, talked to a couple girls together, turns out I'd met them before, but neither of us realized this until about 10 min later.

Day 4, 5, 6:

Went to my parents place, had literally no contact with noone I didn't already know all 3 days.

Will have to go do my other 8 convos tomorrow

2 Down, 8 To Go

Sir Lancelot

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Days 5 & 6:

Got absolutely no BC done at all :(.

Had a lot of work to do, and it was absolutely pouring out. I kept thinking about quitting boot camp and trying again in a few months (this was the AFC mind trying to take over again) but then I got some totally random confidence and told myself there was no way in hell I'm going to quit now.

I still ahve 7 convo's left to go, which I don't think I'll be able to finish by tomorrow (it's going to be another bad homework day). If I still have a lot of convo's left to do by wednesday, I think I'll join the newer BC thread (started by Nickell) as they are just about to begin week 2, and from there I'll just start again. That way I won't be trailing behind you guys the whole time.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score

Well today is day 7 of week 2

On day 5

I got two conversations

One from sitting next to a girl in the library and talking to her of and on for about ten minutes - however, it really isn't the best place to talk because u have to be quiet. I can not remember the other one now, i think that it was in the gym.

On Day 6

I got the one and this was by sitting next to this guy in the dining room. Talked for about 5 minutes

So today, i need to get one more to hit the ten and scrape past week 2. It is essentially scraping as most of my conversations have been in the same places and with guys. Well, in week 3, i won';t be able to talk to guys so that problem will solve itself. I have sh*tloads of work until thursday eve so its going to be difficult to do to much but once it is over, i am going to make effort to go to different places.

For example, on friday i plan to get a bus to the mall.

For all that are falling behind. Ask yourself, do you really want to quit, do u really want to be scared to talk to girls your whole life? If the answer is no, get out there - if u make 7 conversations, for 4 minutes a time then its asking for 35 minutes out of your day - no excuses, u just need to grap ur balls and do it


[1 more to go today]

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2 Day 6

I talked to a couple of freshmen girls i met. Neither were that hot but the convo lasted for about 5 minutes. The thing is with all my convos they just seem to work out. I havent yet had to like go sit down next to someone and start talking.

Anyway, i have one more to do and i will do it today and start week 3 tomorrow.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2, Day 7

That's it. End of the week. No convo's. Except for some very short exchange of words. I've managed to say something to the cashier at the local supermarket. She did an exam I also had so I asked about her grade, she said she didn't got it yet. Then she went on helping the rest of the people in line. That was like the most minimal convo ever but I just wanted to do it. She works there for a few years now and I decided that I just had to say something now. Before BC Week 2 I already wanted to do this but I today was the first time I saw her again since a while.

I couldn't sleep last night, but I could in the morning so I woke up at noon. Had a project meeting and a class. After that I went to the supermarket.
Ok. I'm extremely ineffective and lagging like hell, but I'm not gonna quit. Tomorrow I'm gonna start over and the counter is at 0. I'm gonna go to Nickell's thread since they're starting tomorrow as well.

Enough about this.

You're doing great. Good luck with Week 3!



Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Week 2, Day 7

I got 4 conversations today. 3 during my lunch break, and one on the train ride home from school. I lost 3 days out of my week due to being at my parents place, so I'm going to take an extra day to finish week 2, and get my last 4 conversations tomorrow. I need to work on using kino and incorporating it into my conversation skills. I'm using it a little, but not very much, not near as much as I know I should be, it's hard to do though, if you're not naturally a touchy person. Anyways, enough typing, too much homework to do this afternoon.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Hi guys I hope none of u r lacking behind b/c there r already 2 recruits droping out to start in another BC by the looks of it it seems i'll be the only 1 2 reach week 8, so now were down 2 6 recruits.

Week 2 Day 7
Pretty slow day today didnt do much really still have to wait till thursday 4 work.
Late in the afternoon I went into town well its not really a town its just one long street with heaps of shops, went into toy store and got convo from 40+lady lasted abt 3-4 mins.

Hope u guys r ready 4 week 3 b/c each week gets more difficult.
Im guessing there will be 1 drop out by the end of w3, 2 even.

10 convos down.


Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2 Day 7

I got my last convo in with some dude I met in class. Convo on and off throughout class but it was over 2 minutes of talking


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Not that its relevant but i am SO f*cked with my work - its 10pm and i am on page 2 on a ten page essay. Anyways, i got a five minutes conv with a guy from my dorm whom i had never met before. So thats week 2!

As for week 3, i highly doubt that i will be able to do any djing tommorrow as i have to revise for two important exams on thurs, if i don;t then i may give myself a extra day at the end of the week.


Good luck with week 3 everyone



Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
End of week 2 wrap up...

Week 2 - Day 5:


Week 2 - Day 6:


Week 2 - Day 7:

Conversation 1:

Walking from the parking lot to the student center I found myself next to an asian dude. I had previously seen him in the parking lot standing next to a WRX so I opened with "Hey is that WRX yours?" he said "No, I drive a TSX" I said "Oh, well the reason I was asking is because I used to drive a WRX, that is until I flipped it..."

Coversation 2:

At breakfast I sat down at this table of 4 girls, 1 HB8, 2 HB7s, and 1 UB4. I opened with "Hey, can I sit here?" and followed up with "So what is everyone's name here?" It turns out they were visiting from their highschool and they were checking out the university. Man I looked like such a pimp doing that, all the pathetic chumps at the tables around us had their jaws dropping to the ground. That totally made my day.

Bring on Week 3...


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
Ok, went to dance class. On the way home I got conversations with 3 different people on the train, and I just remembered I got another long conversation on friday, so that fills up my 10 (and they were even mostly with hot chicks). I think I'm ready for week 3. And JX, I will also be making it all the way.

Conversation 1:

Guy wanted to sit beside me, with an open seat across from me. I motioned him to sit across from me instead. I told him "Nothing personal, just like my seat to myself". he told me he wanted to sit beside me so he'd be able to look at the HB 7 or so who was sitting farther down the train. I told him he should just go talk to her, he went on about being to shy or whatever, he reminds me why I'm doing this. talked to him for a bit, until a couple good looking girls came on.

Conversation 2:

2 good looking girls got on the train together (I think they were sisters), and were looking for a place to sit, one walked down the train past me, as the other was walking by, I moved my bag from beside me (i was taking the whole seat) and asked her if she needed a seat. She sat down beside me, we had a quick laugh at the other one looking for another seat. I talked to her for about a min and a half before...

Conversation 3:

The other good looking girl came back, and insisted we shove over to make room for her beside the other one. Thinking back, I should've insisted she sit between us, next to me, but ah well. She asks the first one how long the train ride is, the first one doesn't know. I ask where they're headed to, same station I am, so I tell them about 10 min. I talk to both of them off and on for the rest of the trip. I think mr. shy from convo 1 was a little bit jealous.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2, Day 6, 10/14/03

Got a slow start for today. But I ended up getting some convos in

1. I talked to this guy about weight lifting for about 5 min, it was a solid convo.

2. I talked to this chick for about 5min, turns out shes from my town so we talked about that.

I also made some ec with this girl and she kept staring so made a funny face and she started laughing. I was gonna talk to her but this guy started talking to me about weight lifting stuff and when I looked up I could find her at all…so DAMN but its all good u win some and u lose some.

Well I took some adderall and that really got me pumped…I went to a party and talked to so many people I can’t even remember all my convos…these are the ones that I remember.

3. Talked to this chick named caroline…we talked about all kinds of stuff and it was fun, it lasted about 15min straight

4. I talked to this dude about adderall and he was telling me all this crazy **** it was interesting it lasted about 5min

5. I talked to this chick and messed with her cause she was smoking cigs, we talked for a good 7min

6. I talked to another chick that I kinda knew but not real, we talked in and out during the party about 8min

7. talked to this guy that actually has a cd coming out here. His raps are tight so we talked about that for about 10min straight.

I did a lot more talking but those are the ones that can really remember good.

Everyone stick in there, reading your post and knowing that were all in this together has helped me stick with it. Keep it up!