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  1. N

    Study journal

    posted this post in wrong thread-meant to post in my study log. sorry.
  2. N

    nikko49's Ending Procrastination/School Log

    it's currently 6:20am...i need to finish this short reading then go to school and talk about it at 7:15. this assignment was previously waived for me because of my school-excused trip, but i did bad on another assignment and need to make it up.
  3. N

    Study journal

    good luck. see mine (just started it today). can you go into more detail about your study habits?
  4. N

    nikko49's Ending Procrastination/School Log

    I just got back from a Flordia vacation (with a little something extra) and am ready to turn my grades around. Right now my Powerschool (online grade report) has my GPA at a 3.21. I have A's, B's and C's. I have an essay and a programming project overdue that I haven't turned in yet. I stayed...
  5. N

    nikko49's Ending Procrastination/School Log

    I don't know where else to put this log, so here it is. Insipred by: This semester my grades have taken a large hit because I cannot seem to dig out any more motivation to do well in school. In addition I put things off (procrastinate) a...
  6. N

    nikko49's Boot Camp Journal

    Week 1-the beginning I just got back from an awesome Florida vacation (with a little something extra) and am ready to start working on the bootcamp. I just got the PDF file and have read all of week 1. I love the articles on being a man and making eye contact. I really want to practice being...
  7. N

    nikko49's Boot Camp Journal

    This thread is my boot camp journal. Hopefully you will be able to find all 8 weeks of my progress here. I don't know what else to say, so...
  8. N


    Yeah, some close contenders to the corvette for me are the Audi S5, Mercedes SLK55, and BMW M3 Coupe. I'm really only typing this message to see if my signature works, though.
  9. N

    Virgin o no? (Check my espanol!)

    ugh. whoops. it's been a long day and i accidentally voted non-virgin when i meant to say virgin. i'm 16 years old so this mistake was made in the 14-18 age bracket. sorry:whistle:
  10. N

    Stop me from procrastinating

    haha i have the exact same problem as all of you (what a pathetic generation) i think i'm gonna try crazy asian's idea of taking small steps (also getting enough sleep) but yeah, for me procrastination existed but wasn't that severe in 9th and 10th grade but really made itself noticeable this grade.
  11. N


    All guys love cars...what are some of your favorite cars? If I had $100,000 to spend on cars I would get these: Chevrolet Corvette Great engine sound, looks like a jet plane, people instantly know what it is, awesome speed is a good cure for when you are feeling down... Jaguar XF...
  12. N

    after piss

    Oops The page wasn't loading so I pressed "start topic" 3 times, apparently. Ignore the other two, talk here. sorry.
  13. N

    after piss

    has it ever happened to you where after you take a piss and zip up your pants and leave the restroom and a little later a little more piss comes out involuntarily...this is a very serious problem for me as sometimes even I can smell it lowers my confidence and it sucks to have a soggy crotch...
  14. N

    txt first or call

    go beyond 15 min in terms of what? and so should I call or text first another thread on page 2 said not to text but I'm afraid just calling would be too upfront and direct
  15. N

    txt first or call

    first of all I'm writing this on an iPod touch so zsorry for any abbreviations I may use there's these 2 girls,one I knew since beg of soph year and talk to pretty often but we are kind of friends however we have been talking differently and more lately+she is showing signs of interest and...
  16. N

    Something happened the other day..

    talk in person as much as you can just call her and talk sorry this wasn't particularly helpful, i'm sure others can do better.
  17. N

    where to ask a girl out

    where do i ask a girl out on a date, or to a dance? in school? when we're out and about?
  18. N

    how to deal with bad days

    once you realize your day has gone sour and there is little chance of recovery, immediately start to divert resources to making the next day as good as you can.
  19. N


    alright, like i said i was going to try it this time but decided not to next dance i go to i will be fully armed with underarmor and antiperspirant!
  20. N


    ugh, because before i thought 'maybe i should wear underarmor' and i didn't i thought it would make it worse and get more sweat away from my body and onto my outer clothes. do you need both a deodorant and an anti-perspirant?