txt first or call


Don Juan
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
first of all I'm writing this on an iPod touch so zsorry for any abbreviations I may use

there's these 2 girls,one I knew since beg of soph year and talk to pretty often but we are kind of friends however we have been talking differently and more lately+she is showing signs of interest and ithink it can go to the nextlevel there's another who I don't talk to very often but its obv she like me although we don't come in contact much...

I have both their numbers would it be wiser to text first to break the ice on the 2nd one or just go ahead and call I'm thinking about sending a funny text message like "hey (name)do you have texting if you do well what's up if you don't umm..." what do you think will texting look too Afc I'm leaning more towards calling but think it might be too direct...for the first I'm gonna call cuz we know each other well. thanks


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score

when texting always use a cool nice name for yourself (your ID) SEXYADAM, SLICKRICK, CUTEGUY,ETC)

then initiate contact with a tease text-incorporate something familiar (from their profile, email, your conversation earlier, etc) and associate a nic name to it.

Hey four eyes, hey tramp stamp chic, Yo dances with Boots how are u doing,
yo america next top model wannabe.

Wait for a response and build from there. Keep the texts in small chunks rather than write the max characters.........unless of course your reaching your text maximum allottment. Anytime you text long communication or go beyond 15 minutes.........time to take it less virtual and have a phone call.

Good luck


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa Bay
Honestly, I'm a lot more comfortable with texting because I have time to come up with better responses. However, I'm trying to call more often now because it forces me to get out of my conform zone and get more talking experience.

Phone game is good if you can keep up a conversation, but you shouldn't stay too long on the phone. You should always be doing something while on the phone so you won't be as stressed out and it will show her your time is valuable.

Don't get me wrong, texting is awesome too, but phone game is just better if you can do it write because she will hearing your voice.


Don Juan
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
CO said:
Wait for a response and build from there. Keep the texts in small chunks rather than write the max characters.........unless of course your reaching your text maximum allottment. Anytime you text long communication or go beyond 15 minutes.........time to take it less virtual and have a phone call.

Good luck
go beyond 15 min in terms of what? and so should I call or text first another thread on page 2 said not to text but I'm afraid just calling would be too upfront and direct


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
Reaction score
COD said:

when texting always use a cool nice name for yourself (your ID) SEXYADAM, SLICKRICK, CUTEGUY,ETC)

then initiate contact with a tease text-incorporate something familiar (from their profile, email, your conversation earlier, etc) and associate a nic name to it.

Hey four eyes, hey tramp stamp chic, Yo dances with Boots how are u doing,
yo america next top model wannabe.

Wait for a response and build from there. Keep the texts in small chunks rather than write the max characters.........unless of course your reaching your text maximum allottment. Anytime you text long communication or go beyond 15 minutes.........time to take it less virtual and have a phone call.

Good luck
Sorry, but that makes you look like a total tool.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
did u even try it...........dude those examples are from PSYCHOLOGY 101 tactics in dating,......they work...........looking like a tool and her wanting a tune up IS a good thing.

Stuff doesnt always makes sense.............BUT GET THIS............THEY WORK.

i JUST DONT SPEW PSYCHO babble or say HERES what to do, those lil nic names teasers WORK. TExt for a purpose always!!!!

now onto the other question-texting beyond 15 minutes is time consuming.........CALL HER...........talk, let her get addicted to your voice/talking to you. Yes texting is a valuable "TOOL" when used CORRECTLY...........please dont make the mistake of being one of those spuds that has a $900 phone bill and like 12 pages of texts.

CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH..............TEXT FOR A PURPOSE, keep it short and get them on the phone.

Phone game-everyone claims they got phone game down..............DO U REALLY. Phone game INCLUDES TEXTING, SEXTING, VOICEMAIL, ANSWERING MACHINE, CALL BACK 101, PHONE SCREENING, RING TONES, extracting digits, Identifying fake numbers, power of phone peacocking, escape a date, and much more.

I love reading when people claim they got phone game............yet they wonder why the chic never called back when u left a message or hide their caller ID, or spew generic advice like '' UMM IF A DAME DONT CALL ME BACK I JUS NEXT THE BIATCH"

WRONG.............phone game like any other involves a ton of specifics in every scenario to truly master. ANYONE WHO SAYS DIFFERNT just plain don't have a clue.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
nikko49 said:
go beyond 15 min in terms of what? and so should I call or text first another thread on page 2 said not to text but I'm afraid just calling would be too upfront and direct
call...it's just like talking only she won't see how nervous you are when you start to sweat.

why text when you can talk anyway?


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Call first. Always try to converse with voice instead of just written text. Voice lets you pick up on certain inflections and subtleties that can show emotion and state. Text cannot.

Remember, this isn't just all about "winning", but finding a girl that is compatible for what you are looking for, whether it be just a hook-up or something long term.