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  1. F

    How many of you would let your woman.......

    sorry for the narrowminded/insecure comments. but i still think that its no big deal.
  2. F

    How many of you would let your woman.......

    ^^ maybe dunno not planning on it, but then chalk isnt a chick with a bit of plastic, is he?
  3. F

    How many of you would let your woman.......

    didnt realise there were so many insecure people on this sight ****ING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey i think me and chalk are comfortable with our sexuality;) i certainly dont have a problem, with regard to being on the wrong site, i dont think so, after all...
  4. F

    How many of you would let your woman.......

    Good luck 2 ya!!!
  5. F

    Help me out of a rut

    Thats a good idea, i mean you dont have want to get a new job, but writing a resume/ CV can pick you up. Write down every job youve ever had, but particularly write a lot about your hjobbies, every hobby you ever had or any interest you ever had- this will make you remember what your...
  6. F

    How many of you would let your woman.......

    NArrow minded insecure ****! ^^^
  7. F

    A Shocking Revelation About My Health: And I Will Answer Your Questions Here

    im sorry to hear about that, how did you feel when you found out? also what are the symptoms?
  8. F

    Girl I am with wants constant attention

    and this from a mater don juan, you could either; switch you phone off whilst you are busy with the risk of her getting moody, or you could next her, after all she is eight years younger than you. More to the point a Master Don being controlled by a chick eight years his junior???
  9. F

    Help me out of a rut

    Maybe,but gym sessions are boring as hell, thats the best way to make somebody who cant get anything done, get even more de-motivated,it is at this point he realise he isnt as fit as he could be and will give up instantly. Personally, i reckon you should remember the last time you enjoyed...
  10. F

    How many of you would let your woman.......

    I whioleheartedley agree with this view point,i mean if you do something like that, who know what youll get in return. Newtons Third Law: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." maybe that means you may end up with piles or amedical condition, however very unlikley...
  11. F

    something I learnd the hard way on v Day

    So, sinned,In order for me to get the bigger picture, why did u hate yourself so much and what were these issues??
  12. F

    Father question?

    Mark Hammond?? I was reading this post and couldnt help but notice that this guy needed some help, what he didnt need was statistics on how two parent families have declined since ww2. If Hammond has stuck around this site, cant blame him if he hasnt because of you *******s throwing your...
  13. F

    This forum isn't helpful to anyone, just depressing...

    So what is the idea of this site?
  14. F

    The power of the mind

    i would say more of a coincidence that power of the mind. Or maybe it was Fate that brought the chick back 2 you and they wasnt her boyfriend ad you just blew it. dont pass up on your opportunites all the time dude.
  15. F

    A little story that must be told.......

    Well done dude, like to know where you found the confidence or what ever was needed to accomplish what you did.
  16. F

    Dating several women at the same time.

    do the math: your seeing more than one chick, is it inevitable they are going to find out? Is it reasonable for one of them to become upset? Do you like her enough to become exclusive? if the aswer is yes to all three, then call her up and apologise make arrangments to talk with...
  17. F

    Is this a nexting?

    Ask her when shes free next, if she not , then u should be able to tell by now if shes playing you for a fool or not. If she is free sometime, pretend you are not, and say well let take your numbner ill call you one night when i am free, she will love the spontaniety.
  18. F

    SOS (what?)

    Actually, i think the plan is to eliminate desire, females can sense desperation aswell you wanting to jump their bones.
  19. F

    AFCs -- What's wrong with them??

    The words DJ and BIBLE spring to mind??