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  1. F

    No Masturbation for 6 months! Join in!

    Im in, i need to distribute the energy into other areas of my life. I have read the whole of this post and it has taken me about half hour. I have been bashing it out at least twice a day for the last few months(****), i now want to know wether there is any truth in the motivational theory...
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    This isnt about CLOONEY'S fighting. Plus it wont make any sense to anyone if hes wasted will it? As far as im concerned, this is normal stuff, the morning after a big niight people fell ashamed of what they have done or blackout and feel like they have wasted a few hours of their life- just...
  3. F


    NO its an open invitation to flirt with her, so do your ****.
  4. F

    Once you go black you never go back.....

    i once ****ed a venus williams lookalike, only she was fat. I didnt go back.
  5. F

    Explain why this is pissing me off...

    man. you were 16 at the time, your in a relationship with someone ese now it was 4 years ago. Grab your balls, and put ya feelings(wotever they are) for the chick and keep your friendship with your mate.
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    Nail Ugly Chicks

    If all you want is to get laid, then **** all chicks it really doesnt matter, law of averages says if you **** so many ugly chicks theres gunna be average bird that comes along.
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    How to b popular

    To be popular if you cant pull of C&F yuve got to be : respectful slightly sensitive to peoples feelings Funny slightlyarragant you just have to know when to use each aspec. and above all else you gotta carry yourself well- be confident in doing all of the above. everybody has a...
  8. F

    Going red (its horrible) advice?

    Ok, so you blush, because your nervous. The only way to cure nervousness or anxiety is to face up to it. Guess what im saying ispractice makes perfect, the more chicks you talk 2 it becomes easier. So talk more, approach more chicks, the more you talk the easier it gets. then all youve...
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    Your are up at her level, you are above her, you dont need this chick, she mite just be auseful addition to you socially.Keep this in mind and if she rejects you it doesnt matter one bit cuz u didnt need it anyway.
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    Best Friends Gal

    Your bro has been with her way 2 long for you to be muscling in on the action. lets be honest here, placing your best mates chick (cuz thats all is she is) before your best mate sux. Its all about priorities.
  11. F

    i just had a really good idea

    why not say, whats your number? Honestly, this is the only way to find out if she is remotley interested. 9 times out of 10 a girl will give you the number if youve been talking to her for at least 5 mins.
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    The 5 second test...

    what stop are u getting off at?
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    How often should you call or text a girl?

    i wouldnt text a girl that often, cuz even i get pissed off when myphone gets bombarded with texts from the same perosn, but im not chick i suppose. keep texting as long as your getting replies i suppose. and then just stop give the impression you gto something better to do, texting is ok for...
  14. F

    girl wants exclusive relationship

    you need to answere the questionas she is asking to yourself. is she special to you, do you feel the same way about her? if you just want to bone her, i wouldnt reccomend it cuz it seems like she might be one of those clinging broads. but having said that your the don, youve got the...
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    Girlfriend and other guys

    Your the Don, not him, you can get any chick you want, so if you really wantthis one just tell yourself: That ****er is nothing and I am the master!
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    prom story

    If your as good a freinds with her as you say you are, you know what you should be doing. i would reccomend leaving all the "are you ok" **** to her chick buddies because thats what there best at. just be her friend hopw you have been and stilll have lugh and joke with her dont act any...
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    Going to a prom?

    I have a prom coming up in abput a months time, everyone going for the whits shirt black bow tie look, i want do it the other way round. black shirt white tie? does anybody think this is do able?
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    -=Why You Should Stop Masturbating=-
  19. F

    UK Crime

    Yea, crime in Uk is rife, and to be honest it starts from a young age, the main point being that there is absolutely **** all to do for youngsters. There are no role models for any young people either and its all gunna spiral out iof control pretty soon i agree.