Once you go black you never go back.....


New Member
Oct 16, 2005
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Is this statement true?

Well, It certainly seems to be from what I have been observing lately in the clubs / bars at the mall etc. I used to think that this was just some sort of pick-up line on T.V and in Movies but it actually seems to be quite the opposite.

It seems to me at least that alot of black guys are scoring big points on women relentlessly and pick up women at the drop of a hat. BAM! just like that they get the numbers of smoking hot babes without effort.

Just the other day me and my buddie (Who happens to be a black male, I'm white BTW) were out shopping (OMG did I just say that?!?!) :p Anyways, we needed a few peices of cloths and as we were walking around from store to store when we happen to stumble across some extremely hot chicks, they looked like girls out of a magazine, blond hair, blue eyes you name it lol, they had it going on. Anyways, they were just sitting there on one of the benches just chatting with each other.

My bud looks at me and goes "Check this out" he then proceeds to walk over there like nothing is going on, and before you know it, he comes back to me with a huge smile on his face after like 5-10 mins with the numbers on his cell of 4 of the girls who he had only a brief chat with moments earlier.

He has like an un-limited charisma lol. Even when we were kids he was the ladies man, getting kissed on the cheeks constantly in pre-school and all the little girls wanting to sit beside him at lunch time lol. I know this because we have been friends since like 6 years old in frist grade and are now in our 20's

I was like "Ha! Good stuff man, good stuff" and he looks at me and goes "well you know, once they go black they never go back" We both laughed and finished buying some remaining items we needed.

Anyways it brought up an interesting question, is this perception true ? Do black guys really have an easier time at picking up women than us white guys do? And if so, what is it about them that were missing.

They also seem to have a much easier time at picking up with caucasian women, (Not that their's anything wrong with that and I'm not racist at all obviously lol) this is just a general observation I made, cause all the girls at the mall were white.

Other people I've talked to about it were mostly joking around in good fun and were saying "Well white girls mostly go after the black guys because they know that they are well endowed" LMAO.

Anyways, I'm just curious as to what everyone else thinks on this :)

The Master Disaster

Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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I know a lot of girls who go black then go right back. Just like food its a taste for different things.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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hyphy bay area, ca
Like Paul Mooney said: "The American black male is the most imitated man in human history."

Being black is "cool" I guess, it does make it easier somehow to get girls that way.

Sorry if I offended anyone, but it's true and you know it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Originally posted by AC/DC
Like Paul Mooney said: "The American black male is the most imitated man in human history."

Being black is "cool" I guess, it does make it easier somehow to get girls that way.

Sorry if I offended anyone, but it's true and you know it.
I dont think its "cool" to be black, people are stupid and wanna be hardcore. Yesterday i was trying to figure out why people wanna say ni99a so badly. Its not really any easier, but ive never really had trouble. Some girls just like black guys, just like some guys like asian girls more than air.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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Please stop acting like redneck retards.

Generally speaking, colour does not matter. The reason he got the numbers is that he has game. He's got the balls to approach hot chicks sitting by themselves. I'm sure if you had the balls to do the same and the game to follow up, you'd also get the number.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
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yah, just as part of black culture most black people have better social skills so its not because they are black. ive never met a non-funny black perseon in my life, ever.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2005
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black guys are raised to go **** around and multiple.
so they tend to be good at it.

but its true, its only about the game gentlemen and i play the game.

anyway what do except, black people invented the words pimp and playa. its in their blood to eat the fat of the land.

but it doesn't really matter, as long as we all keep getting laid.


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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i once ****ed a venus williams lookalike, only she was fat.
I didnt go back.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
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Originally posted by oakraiderz2
I dont think its "cool" to be black, people are stupid and wanna be hardcore. Yesterday i was trying to figure out why people wanna say ni99a so badly. Its not really any easier, but ive never really had trouble. Some girls just like black guys, just like some guys like asian girls more than air.
^ Agreed and that's unfortunate...

People really just need to be themselves. :)

You know, I never knew what the deal was with people wanting to say ***** either. Don't they realize it makes them look just as ignorant as my fellow people who say it to each other on a daily basis.

Anyway, back to the topic. Let's see... two of my exes dated Caucasian men after me, so I guess they do go 'back' (to where... I'm not sure). And in my personal experience, it's not really easier to get women but it's not overly difficult either. It's just like anything else... if a girl likes really tall men, then I probably don't have a chance in hell, but if she just has this strange fetish for black men (I never quite understood that one) then I'll probably be at the top of the list.

As for the social skills thing... a lot of it just has to do with how a lot of black people are raised versus how a lot of Caucasian people may be raised. The differences though do not really lie in 'black' and 'white' but more of where these children grow up. A lot of black kids grow up in inner cities and urban areas, and such conditions tend to force you to be very social at a young age... I had to go outside and play all the time when I was a kid. Conversely, a lot of Caucasian kids are born and raised in the suburbs... where you probably don't know your neighbor (unless you're ****ing them) and X-Box Live makes up the majority of your social interaction. :)

Living in both conditions for a long time (urban area and suburbs) I can honestly say that living in the burbs forces you to teach yourself how to be social on your own.



Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Originally posted by Evangenlion
black guys are raised to go **** around and multiple.
so they tend to be good at it.

Youre 23, dont be so ignorant.


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
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Davie, FL
Originally posted by Centaurion
Please stop acting like redneck retards.

Generally speaking, colour does not matter. The reason he got the numbers is that he has game. He's got the balls to approach hot chicks sitting by themselves. I'm sure if you had the balls to do the same and the game to follow up, you'd also get the number.
I love how you're telling us not to look at color, yet you're quick to hate on rednecks--why? Because they're white. I bet you wouldn't have the guts to say "Please stop acting like thugs" to black guys. Who's really the bigot?

As for color, my personal belief is that it's an image thing. White girls from a young age are taught to fear dating black guys, and when they get into teenage years, they're very rebellious. Hence, they love black guys. Add that with the thug image envisioned with black guys, and white girls fondle over them. You also can't forget that African-American blacks tend to have better genetics allowing them to play RB and QB on the football team.

Eventually they go back. They end up marrying white guys.

It's just like skinny guys vs. muscular guys. Girls want to f*** muscular guys, but want to marry skinny guys. Same thing here.

If I was black, I'd want to f*** white girls too. There's more hott white girls than black girls.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
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Originally posted by Bling
I love how you're telling us not to look at color, yet you're quick to hate on rednecks--why? Because they're white. I bet you wouldn't have the guts to say "Please stop acting like thugs" to black guys. Who's really the bigot?

As for color, my personal belief is that it's an image thing. White girls from a young age are taught to fear dating black guys, and when they get into teenage years, they're very rebellious. Hence, they love black guys. Add that with the thug image envisioned with black guys, and white girls fondle over them. You also can't forget that African-American blacks tend to have better genetics allowing them to play RB and QB on the football team.

Eventually they go back. They end up marrying white guys.

It's just like skinny guys vs. muscular guys. Girls want to f*** muscular guys, but want to marry skinny guys. Same thing here.

If I was black, I'd want to f*** white girls too. There's more hott white girls than black girls.
1. I've been proposed to more than once, and I'm a 128 pounds. :)

Of course there's more hot Caucasian women... you make up about 60% of the American population. :)

Much to learn you have young Jedi. ;)



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
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" There's more hott white girls than black girls."
That's a personal opinion, don't speak for everyone.

Bling, your entire post sounds 'racial', so don't go there.

Have you met every black male?

Have you met every white male?

Have you met every black female?

Have you met every white female?


Your judgments are false. You seem like a very naive person.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
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Chicagoland area
Well, I'm 30, so I have a little more experience than many of you guys in this section of the forum ~ unfortunately for me .... :mad: the years just fly by. But anyway, incidentally, the saying, "once you go black you never go back". Is it "true"?? I think it's a joke, basically, but me personally I kind of have gone "back and forth" , so to speak. I've been with alot of white and black and Hispanic women (personally, the best ones to be with, and this is just my personal taste, are Hispanic women; maybe it's because I'm an Italian by birth and our cultures kind of have quite a few things in common). I think Middle Eastern women are gorgeous. Pity about those veils covering up so much beauty. I've seen Persian women that would make you change your religion. Some East Indian women (particularly Punjabi) are smoking hot. Russians, Slavs , etc , Eastern European, have never really been my thing. Although I know many of them are blessed with very nice faces and features. Oh and I'm not talking about American women whose , you know, great great grandparents came from Poland or something, because those I would just call American women, but I mean Eastern European girls right from over there. They tend to be too pasty-colored for me, and ......... no hating here, I apologize ahead of time........ but there's a body odor issue there with them many times too. :eek: Far Eastern women, and Southeastern Asian women, etc etc, to be honest I have never been with any and never been attracted to them in the least (again no offense to anyone please). Oh, except Lucy Liu. She's hot! :D But I personally really admire the beauty of black women. Especially Africans or just really dark African-Americans. What a color. Like the deepest darkest most permanent tan anyone could ever get. And it never fades. They don't realize how lucky they are with that skin tone, in my opinion. Anyway, once you go black, yes you'll go back, how could you not, but you'll also go to many other "lands" as well. Enjoy the trip ! :cool:


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2005
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Well heck these post always seem to show those who are a tad bit racist, at least to me anyways. Ok this is how I see it. Black people do not make up much of this country, are numbers are pretty small, and were quickly being passed up by mexicans. So white women see a black male and say wow hes PRETTY hott, not neccessarily ANY HOTTER than the 20 other white guys walking around him but he stands out because he is the ONE black guy among TWENTY whites. Its just a thing about being the minority in a group you stand out. Im black and I go to a 82% White school in alta loma cali, and most of my friends are hotter than me, but I can pull the white girls they like because i stand out. Oh yeah and whoever said their is more hott white women than black is a racist *******!!!

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
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Now I'm just going to throw something really crazy out here guys so don't kill me for it.

Could it really be the case that people are just attracted to various men/women... without even taking race into account?

Impossible... :eek: ;)



Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Antichrist_Star
Now I'm just going to throw something really crazy out here guys so don't kill me for it.

Could it really be the case that people are just attracted to various men/women... without even taking race into account?

Impossible... :eek: ;)

Nope, thatd be to simple, there has to be a set way of thinking for this topic...THE ONLY WAY!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: