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    Post your picture link

    Sorry guys, I got you all beat.
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    Post your picture link

    T Money, you look just like Jimmie Johnson.
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    Hey guys, do you wear goatees? And would that hurt my chances with woman? I'm very good looking, so I'm not concerned with that, but I don't know about a goatee. I only have the hair on the very bottom of the chin, and it's like 2 inches long. People tell me I look like a goat.
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    Are woman intimidated by good looking guys?

    We all know guys can be at good looking woman, but you never hear much about them. Do they get gitters also? Cuz I just don't see many girls get intimidated by studs.
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    good looking and dont know any girls

    Here's my pic Morph. It's not a self esteem issue, I just don't know any girls.
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    good looking and dont know any girls

    I read the bible, I need some personal advice.
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    good looking and dont know any girls

    Sup guys? I know I'm good looking, I'm told this all the time by family and friends, but lately the "are you gay" jokes are starting to go around. All my friends are in relationships except me. I just don't know any girls really. I'm not in college and I work pretty much with all guys, and I'm...
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    How do I be an amazing boyfriend?

    Take her to dinner, be a cool, fun guy. Open doors for her etc. Most of the guys who don't know how to get girls will tell you "Don't buy her dinner, flowers, etc. etc."
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    Girl likes me but is dating my best friend

    told her girlfriends only reason she's dating him is to make me jealous. I liked this girl, but now that she pulled this crap it's ruined any chance of us getting together. what was she thinking when she did this??
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    Complains about David DeAngelo!?!?

    Remember him always preaching about not being able to meet woman and get dates, and how it took him a loong time to be successful with woman? Well, in one of his articles on Catch Him & Keep Him he says and I quote "I've been very fortunate in life in that I've never had a hard time meeting...
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    Do girls like guys who are metro?

    Ya know, the guys who wear the Abercrombie shirts, have the gelled hair, etc. So many times on myspace (girls who I know personally) say they like guys who wear that type stuff. Then there's girls who say they don't like a feminine guy. What do you guys think?
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    Tough situation with a friend

    Well there was an issue where I accused his girlfriend of taking some stuff from my house, which was a pretty big deal in our social group. He says there's no problem, but I wonder if that's it.
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    Tough situation with a friend

    This isn't about girls, but a friend. I know it's off-topic but you guys give a lot of great advice. He's a pretty close friend who I've known for about 13 years, we did everything together. But now that he's met some new people from work, he mostly chills out with them the last few years. Never...
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    How does Don Juan act when she calls you crying and upset?

    It depends. How long have you been dating?
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    On girls who mention a lot of guys

    Any girl who mentions a lot of guys is an immature attention *****. It's that simple.
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    How does Don Juan act when she calls you crying and upset?

    lol how old are you guys, 16? To me nothing is more un-attractive than a girl who spills all of her problems on me. Major turn-off.
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    what is the hetero way to get a tan?

    Under the sun it'd take 3+ hours to get what 15 minutes of a salon can give you. oh, and don't get those fake spray on tans or rub on creams. people can spot those a mile away and you'll feel dumb when they mention it.
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    Brad Pitt a pretty boy?

    I always hear people say this. How so? His jaw is very square and and he's had a pretty muscular body over the years. So where is this pretty boy stuff coming from?
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    weight and sex

    Well the girls who are inviting you over know you're a bit overweight, and obviously they don't care. So there's no problem.
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    Why do SoSuave Front pg Tips suck?

    Are you guys all idiots? OMG!!!111oneone it's not C&F it can't work!!!!111oneone I'm good looking, and use this line (in variation) all the time. They melt like butter.