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  1. S

    Good looks = no fashion mistakes?

    Today I was out with a group of girls (just friends) and some guy was wearing an orange shirt with army fatigue shorts, it really looked bad. Now granted he was good looking and the girls said "He can get away with wearing that". It seems like if you're good looking people think whatever you...
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    A bit of chat drama!

    Is that conversation supposed to be a Shakespeare knock-off or something?
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    Help us with a new term

    I'd rather be out talking to woman than sitting here wasting time trying to think up new phrases for the dating game. Lordy.
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    Guys always asking my G/F out

    Yeah but there are guys better looking and taller.. and smoother than me that approach her.
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    Help us with a new term

    Oh wow. I've posted 3 times in a thread!!!! I GOTTA GET A LIFE. NOW 4!!! OHHH NOOO. O RLY?
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    Help us with a new term

    lololol dude, you're killin me.
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    Guys always asking my G/F out

    I'm getting sick of it. They're always checking her out, hitting on her, sometimes right in front of me. I'm not jealous, but man sometimes you have to think it's only a matter of time before someone she thinks is hot approaches her and she hooks up with behind my back or something...
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    Help us with a new term

    Oh my god. lol, no wonder you don't have a girl.
  9. S

    Help us with a new term

    You have too much time on your hands bro.
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    how many of you have lied

    I don't have to act busy to keep a girl interested. If I feel like doing something with her, I will.
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    The Code Of Life

    There was a lot of unnecessary philosophical references in there.
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    Braces ~ teeth

    Forget veneers, too expensive. Just have your dentist file your 2 front teeth down a bit.
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    My point is they can get many RICH GOOD LOOKING MEN TOO, but they settle for much less, don't they?? And race doesn't have to do with anything, but it lessens the odds of a hookup. Most people stay within their race. So with what I am saying, I am right. And I think you're misunderstanding...
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    You're wrong Leviathan. Some of the most beautiful woman in the world are married to ugly guys. Seal? BURNT face, ugly, and is married to HEIDI KLUM! And to top that off, they aren't even of the same race. So yes, the best friend analogy is close. I didn't say it was perfect, did I?
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    More proof? Who are these ugly guys? Just some husbands of Brooke Burke and Jules Asner.
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    How about a way someone's never put it before. Your best friend. Does he have to be good looking? Hell no. He's your best friend because he's cool as hell, you guys have a good time together and you share common interests. A woman told me this. This is probably the best analogy I've heard and...
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    You guys are all hypocrites

    Well then everyone here isn't a moron.
  18. S

    You guys are all hypocrites

    Moaning and crying about how girls judge guys on their looks, yet you guys are always talking about trying to pull in 8's and 9 and want nothing to do with the less attractive girls. Another thing. People post about being jealous when their G/F talks to other guys, and you people come in...
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    You don't need to be ****y

    Okay dude, what aren't you getting? You get these chicks so easily because you're extremely good looking. If some average looking/fat guy did the same thing you did, do you think he could sleep with a chick in a half hour? Don't think so.