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  1. P

    Mission Impossible Or..........

    okay let me clear this up cause i dont think you guys understand. So basically we meet through a friend over aim. Then i talked to her and **** and we went out for a date. She seemed to have a great time and we made plans for another date. Then she just ignores me without saying anything and...
  2. P

    Mission Impossible Or..........

    so does anyone else have any advice or ideas for cause i really want to hear them. I know someone has to have the answer.
  3. P

    Mission Impossible Or..........

    yeah i think it is true that after time people forget bad feelings this is natural for us as humans. I am just not sure how to proceed here cause i dont really know her. I mean it was one date and i highly doubt i will see her again unless i make contact at some point. She wanted to help me make...
  4. P

    Mission Impossible Or..........

    Hey guys i was wondering if some people could give me some input on how to fix a certain situation. I dont know if its even possible really but figured that before giving up and just moving on it might be worth asking you guys. So lets say you manage to get a girl interested in you and have a...
  5. P

    Experienced People Only I Need Help Now!!!!!!

    honestly guys your all right i let my guard down here and decided to be nice and help her out. She was like crying out for help and **** and that was the only reason i even called her at all. I made the mistake of thinking that because she had all these problems i could just act differently...
  6. P

    Experienced People Only I Need Help Now!!!!!!

    wow i just read another thread u care you lose. Wow that makes me feel like an idiot. And i thought that captain save a ho was just something they called ***** ass guys not guys who actually might care about someone or something in even the slightest form. I learned a valuable lesson here and...
  7. P

    Experienced People Only I Need Help Now!!!!!!

    hmm well i dont really know what to say lol.
  8. P

    Experienced People Only I Need Help Now!!!!!!

    Lol yeah captain save a ho i say HELL NO. Naw but on the real she was a cool ass chick and her last boyfriend was when she was really young and she had a 4 year relationship with him. Her dad seems to slave her and make her work her ass off and be his little ***** and ruin her personal life. I...
  9. P

    Experienced People Only I Need Help Now!!!!!!

    first off thanks pathgen for helping me out at least someone is here on friday. Im very curious to here what others think but this **** is driving me nuts in a way. I read somewhere that this is a game that crazy chicks play but it could be garbage info. I mean if her parents are the reason, i...
  10. P

    Experienced People Only I Need Help Now!!!!!!

    Couple corrections here that i want to mention. Her parents havent even met me yet and so i doubt thats the problem. I mean if it was she would at least tell me cause she was all talkative before our date and during. She was a nice person who i connected with. She hasnt lost her phone cause she...
  11. P

    Experienced People Only I Need Help Now!!!!!!

    Hey guys so i started to date this chick and before we even met she told me she had some issues. She told me about how her life is controlled by her father and that she is not happy. She stated that she liked to drink to make her pain go away form all the unhappiness in her life. So anyways i...
  12. P

    ****ing on first date

    hey guys whats going on i was just wondering what people thought about ****ing on the first date. If a girl is down for that what should you do. Reason i ask is because i have heard if you do, it never lasts past that first encounter. So if you are just planning on leaving her for the next...
  13. P

    "Do you think I'm pretty?"

    lol Wait why would you not complement her if shes your friend. You sound like an ******* to have said no. I mean if shes a friend then you should treat her as one and say that to her without her asking from time to time. Im sure she has told you that you look handsome or dress nice. If shes not...
  14. P

    guys come on stop just reading and help each other out

    okay where are all the good commentor's now. I really would like to know the answer to the conversation question i asked. What would i talk about besides, how she feels or what shes doing there. Anyone.
  15. P

    Hey anyone tried online dating before.

    yo lol so only one guy fesses up. come on people keep the community ball rolling and reply. What sites?
  16. P

    guys come on stop just reading and help each other out

    okay in all seriousness though anyone else got any advice before i embark on my journey.
  17. P

    Hey anyone tried online dating before.

    lol i have read some post or comments about guys doing online dating on this site. Why so quite all a sudden come on guys.
  18. P

    Okay Someone Needs To Give Some Straight Talk

    yeah your right lol see how different people say two different things. I guess personally i would have to say i agree with bat. I aint no girls personal wallet and she is an adult so i would have to say i would make her pay too. I guess though if it is really cheap maybe its not a bad idea to...
  19. P

    Hey anyone tried online dating before.

    So yeah i am trying to widen my chances of meeting as many women as possible. I am strictly doing this for a side job type thing. I realize that internet dating is a bit of a joke but if it works and i can send some girl a message,.leave my house and go to the mall and pick up women, you can see...
  20. P

    Okay Someone Needs To Give Some Straight Talk

    Okay so i have heard contradicting advice about who should pay on a first date. I also just read a thread where people are debating about it. Could someone who has gone on many dates perhaps someone at least the age of 25 or older comment on this. I am curious because i have heard if your out...