Mission Impossible Or..........


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys i was wondering if some people could give me some input on how to fix a certain situation. I dont know if its even possible really but figured that before giving up and just moving on it might be worth asking you guys. So lets say you manage to get a girl interested in you and have a great date, yet either during or after you show qualities of desperation as noted in the dj bible. At this point the woman has decided to ignore you and no longer shows signs of interest.Does anyone know if you can possibly fix the situation, so that at least u get to **** her. I know some might say move on but i want some critical thinkers here. I almost want to challenge myself and see if i can somehow get her attracted again just to see if i can. Any advice on how to proceed cause i am sure it is possible but hard at the same time.:kick:

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
There are a couple of reasons why people tell you to move on. First off it's actually the best method to fixing such a situation. The funny thing about memories is that you tend to only think about the good things about people (unless you're really emo), and as time passes by, those good memories sort of get a bit stronger. Back in my freshmen year people found me annoying. I found out about the community, changed my act, and 5 years later I get in contact with these same people again, somehow they're happy to talk to me even though they never really liked me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
There is this notion that you can be your normal self with a girl once you pick her up, and she gets attracted to you.

But the truth is,
You have to always be the guy that attracted her in the first place (Unless your normal self = your best self that you projected to attract her in the first place).

This doesn't mean you need to run your charm on her all the time. All it means is that you can't fake alphaness and let a totally AFC self come out later on.

But you develop this alpha personality with practice and success. And during that process, you are gonna lose some girls, you are gonna miss out on having sex with a girl who used to like you but showed disinterest once you started to act desperate/low value.

It is VERY tough to build the attraction again once it goes away. But you can try and use this tip:

Forget about her for a while. Spin multiple plates. The point is to make her forget about any bad/AFC things that you might have done. She will only remember the best memories of you, if you just move away from her for a while, let her see you as a social guy with lot of other cool stuff going on in your life besides herself.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
yeah i think it is true that after time people forget bad feelings this is natural for us as humans. I am just not sure how to proceed here cause i dont really know her. I mean it was one date and i highly doubt i will see her again unless i make contact at some point. She wanted to help me make a myspace and **** and like i said was all friendly and then BAM ignores me after our date. I have learned from my mistakes but want to see if i can learn how to fix this.

There has to be a way to seduce her again i am sure. Please someone help me out.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
It is possible to turn this around. I know,because I've done it before.
I dated this girl once for about a year. In the beginning,as in all relationships,everything was fine and things were great. Then all of the sudden,she seemed to get distant. She started breaking dates,coming up with excuse after excuse why she couldn't spend time with me,lost interest in sex,and just started doing and saying things that made absolutely no sense at all.
I remember when she said that she didn't want to have sex anymore. I said to her,"Do you want to break up,stop seeing each other?" and she said no.
She said that she wanted to be gf and bf,but she didn't want to be intimate. Crazy,huh? Didn't make sense to me either. Long story short,the answer to your problem lies at the beginning of your relationship with her. You already know what not to do.The qualities of desperation that you mentioned in your original post,and any other afc traits that you can think of. That's what not to do. The things that you need to start doing are the things that you originally did that caused her to go out with you on the first date. Something about you,either something you did,or something you said,the way you looked at her,the way you talked to her,I don't know what it was because I wasn't there,but you was. Just think back to your first interaction with her and whatever you can remember you did then,do it again.
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Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
so does anyone else have any advice or ideas for cause i really want to hear them. I know someone has to have the answer.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
playainthemaking said:
so does anyone else have any advice or ideas for cause i really want to hear them. I know someone has to have the answer.
Let her see you with another girl. It will build a jealousy plot line. If you can make her feel jealous of the other girl who now has your company and is having a great time with you, she is gonna feel attracted to you, she cannot help it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
"Just think back to your first interaction with her and whatever you can remember you did then,do it again.: - IGetIt.

That's also one way.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
okay let me clear this up cause i dont think you guys understand. So basically we meet through a friend over aim. Then i talked to her and **** and we went out for a date. She seemed to have a great time and we made plans for another date. Then she just ignores me without saying anything and just sort of acts exact opposite from when i was with her. I mean she was talkin about halloween and how we should dress up and **** so it baffles me how this turned out like this. I hardly know her and cant get her to see me with a chick she hardly goes out and even if she did thats a hard one to do. It could take months i mean think of all the people u know in your city that you hardly see.

Igetit had a good answer but not one that i could apply to my situation for the most part. I want someone to tell me how i can contact her again over aim. What would be the best way to proceed.

Ps. I cant ask the friend cause he hardly knows the chick either it was one of his friends friends if that makes sense.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
daygameguy said:
Let her see you with another girl. It will build a jealousy plot line. If you can make her feel jealous of the other girl who now has your company and is having a great time with you, she is gonna feel attracted to you, she cannot help it.

I agree with Daygameguy. This will instantly make her jealous,and put things more in your favor. I also think that the suggestion that I previously gave you was pretty good also. You keep saying that you want someone to help you and that you know that someone has the answer. Well,I don't know what sort of answer you want to hear. There is no magic pickup line or phrase if that's what you're looking for. Also,your wasting time. So far you've rejected every idea given to you,so really,I don't know what else to say. Therefore,good luck,man. I hope you can find an answer that you feel comfortable with.