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  1. P

    Is the same approach relevant to different class of females?

    yeah i realized he was saying that but i had to generalize because i dont think you can act a certain way with a different chick. I mean whats he gonna do go up to her and recite some words he learned off of urban dictionary. He has to just be himself and try and seduce her. I guess what im...
  2. P

    Is the same approach relevant to different class of females?

    okay ill add my two cents since no one else commented on your post. What you have to understand is that women are human just like us. Sure they are different in many crazy ways but they are not aliens or goddesses. Their **** smells like ours and not like roses. You have to treat all women the...
  3. P

    Okay I need a verdict

    yeah well the thing is that she seems like a very shy person and im just not sure. Oh and shes home schooled too which is why shes shy in many ways. I mean i can easily move on and just grab another chick but i thought id ask. She seems to be interested though cause when i got her number she...
  4. P

    Okay I need a verdict

    Wow no reply, anyone here today.
  5. P

    Okay I need a verdict

    okay so i met this chick and asked her out and got her number. I told her i would call her so that we can go out and she agreed. I asked her this on monday and called her today on thursday. I would have liked to caller her last night but didnt get a chance. Anyways i called her and said "hey i...
  6. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    lol okay ill be as crystal as possible so as not to confuse anyone. So basically i am just going to school and thats pretty much it at the moment. I used to go to parties a lot but stopped doing that a while ago although thats really a gold mine and i prob will hit some people up and do that...
  7. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    okay well i want to give a brief report on my situation i went to the mall today randomly and again ****in managed to just be scared to randomly approach. Again guys im not el stud and i am trying my ass off here its alll i think about so dont think that this is just another guy talkin out his...
  8. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    You know there was one more thing i forgot to mention and wanted to see how you guys see the situation. Whenever i want to approach a girl i get that feeling of if she turns me down it will be very awkward. Awkward when she says no and later if i see her again or if say shes in one of my...
  9. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    lmao wow what a post. This has to be one of the best ever that i have received anywhere. My problem is that i just seem to care to much and therefore dont want to be hurt. If a girl doesnt pay attention to me or doesnt seem to like me i get mad and feel like wow wtf how could she turn me down. I...
  10. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    okay so i went out to the mall two days in a row and actually had a hard time finding chicks lol. I guess i went a bit too late but it was friday and saturday so im baffled. It pissed me off but yeah i couldnt find any chicks. I walked into one store though and some chick who was working there...
  11. P

    First Date? Come On Give Me Good Ideas

    Blake could you please go into detail into how to escalate plz. You seem to obviously know what your doing and good at noticing if shes really into u. Also could u give some examples of how to kino perhaps besides a high five. Anyone else got comments.
  12. P

    First Date? Come On Give Me Good Ideas

    Sup guys its me again so i was wondering what you guys would recommend for a first date. There is a lot of nonsense around the net and i was wondering if people could give some input. I know the fact that it should be a action date at all times but want some ideas. I mean lets say i plan to...
  13. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    okay alexander i will go out tommorow and see what happens. I will make sure to get at least 5 numbers. Wish me luck.
  14. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    on some real **** you are dead right. I wish I could just adopt that but you dont want to be embarrassed cause you have pride. Same reason we dress nice or drive nice cars it adds to self esteem and makes u feel good. Now ask someone to risk themselves like that and its hard. I really would like...
  15. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    lol wow man i dont know how u come up with this ****. I guess my issue is allowing a conversation to flow cause instead of hopping i pause and have to think of what to say so i call it tripping. I mean thats the hard part for me cause i know im going into a situation where i wont know what to...
  16. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    okay first off i want to say excellent job to JDA70 for posting so thoroughly on my thread. Yeah see my problem is that i just cant seem to think of what to say unless its like in my face. Like today i was in line and this chick who was an 8 wa s in line. I had already gotten my food but went...
  17. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    anyone else got anything to add. Come on i know we all have struggled with this at some point.
  18. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    lol this is a real nightmare man. THREE girls you say, that is impossible cause so much can go wrong. I wouldnt know what the hell to say. If i used the "can i help you" line they would think i worked there and be like "No thank you".
  19. P

    Moving Forward . .

    hey man i just wanted to add something since i had the same issue in some ways. Dont think about her and just move on and do something else. If you have nothing going on in your life or no ohter women thats when you get hit with the feelings. Feelings are bad for the first few months or weeks...
  20. P

    The Dreaded Anxiety Of Approach

    Okay guys so i wanted some input on what I am doing wrong cause i cant seem to get this right. So basically I have a problem with approaching women and knowing what to say. I have this anxiety that makes it feel like i would rather fist fight everyone in the mall than approach some chick. To me...