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  1. T

    A Skinny 6 is Really an 8. Keeper Material.

    Yeah I know what you mean. It's a good idea, but especially when you can get the best of both worlds. Yeah, I know a HB9-9.5 who is not only very intelligent, but also runs for about an hour every day. On top of all of this, she has a good personality. Anyways, I screwed up and got LJBF'ed (you...
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    Females on the DJ forums: the pros and cons

    Wow, I actually made a good thread! :D
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    Females on the DJ forums: the pros and cons

    Discuss your opinions on females posting on the forums here. Please do not flame. I'll start it off: PROS: Advice from a reliable source (usually) Being able to see things from a woman's perspective CONS: The female attitude that we long to escape from by talking to male friends, etc...
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    Help with convos

    How to include a compliment in the small talk, if at all?
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    I f*cked up today

    I completely disagree. Always try, don't just walk away. If she says no, screw i, move on. If you don't do anything, you will always regret it.
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    Any biochemists out there? One would be helpful to us DJs... Just read it.

    It is a known fact that humans produce pheromones. I am not suggesting that ou throw your game and rely on these things to get you the HB, but I definately believe that they can mean the difference between ending the night with a kiss or a visit to her bedroom.
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    Any biochemists out there? One would be helpful to us DJs... Just read it.

    Pheromones. Possibly the most influential and overlooked part of human sexuality. The reason most people overlook them, is well, we don't understand them. Yes, most of us probably know that a certain type of solid mindset will cause you to evenually crank out a few, but just exactly how can we...
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    DJS who wear Hats : How does it affect your game ?

    Experiment! Go to a club with no hat, see if you pick up any HBs. If not, try it with a hat. See how things go. Just try it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
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    I f*cked up today

    Pretend that your target is the only person in the room. You must convince yourself that no matter how many other people are around her,you can still go up to her. Block them out, pretend they are invisible. They will probably be so astonished that you are bold enough to do this in front of them...
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    Should I break up with her?

    Break off contact and see what happens. Do not call her, do not talk to her, avoid her somewhat, but not TOO much (IE don't run away if she starts talking to you). If after several days (at least 3-4 depending on how often you talk to her) she gets in contact with you, tell her that you are sick...
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    Need conversation and #-getting help... FAST

    The hours grow fewer in number...
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    Haircut Dilemma

    Let it grow. :P The difference between a good haircut and a bad one: 2 weeks.
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    Need conversation and #-getting help... FAST

    Well in the class I have with her, our "exam" is a short presentation on some stupid project we've been working on. I might be able to talk to her some during class. Plus I have tomorrow. Lunch I could try if I can find her (its a fairly large school), but afternoons are a no-go. I have a life. :)
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    One day hot, The next day cold.

    Ignore her, if she is really interesed in you (wich I think she is based on your past experience), she will come after you. Flirt with other girls in front of her and watch what happens.
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    Need conversation and #-getting help... FAST

    Thanks. At least someone tried to help. I but should i just casally talk with her during cass, or wait and try to catch her after the bell?
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    Say stuff like "Nice [ITEM], my mom has one just like it." [ITEM] being some accesory or articl of clothing. A purse, pair of shoes, necklace, etc.
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    Need conversation and #-getting help... FAST

    Double posing is bad, and triple posting is worse, but this is pretty important to me.This isn't one-itis or nything, but it would be very advantagious to date this chick or at least get to knoe her and her friends. She has connections if you know what i mean. Most of the chicks at school that I...
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    How to take care of a bully

    Lead Pipe. Need i say more? Lol, jk. Don't get yourself thrown in jail.:D
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    How important is Sex??

    There's no place like