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  1. E

    Not Gaining Mass

    Yes I could eat more. But just find it strange I was about a stone heavier about 6 months ago (all lean muscle). I was eating less back then and but no where near as strong as I am now. My goal is for size not strength My plan is to eat even more carry on my heavy weight training sessions. Im...
  2. E

    Not Gaining Mass Um...................... Im gonna have to give this high rep thing a go.
  3. E

    Not Gaining Mass "The number of repetitions performed to fatigue is an important consideration in designing a strength training programme. The greatest strength gains appear to result from working with 4-6RM. Increasing this to 12-20RM favours the...
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    Not Gaining Mass

    To be honest I don't count calories but Im eating more than I have ever done before and I used to be a lot bigger. Thats what I find strange, Thank you for your reply "arboss, will have look into how much im eating a bit more!
  5. E

    Not Gaining Mass

    Im really getting mad at looking at the scales and seeing im not gaining. About A about 2 years ago I started to train at home with light free weights. Had massive newbie gains from 140 pound 168 in the first year. Then about a year ago I joined a gym, used compound exersises and got to 172.2...
  6. E

    Dumb stuff you've done at the gym...

    Doing dead lift with my wallet in my pocket. The bar somehow hooked onto the wallet on the down part and down come my pants. Not too far mind you!
  7. E

    Need guidence!!!

    Got two teeth pulled today having a white brace fitting within a week. Any older guys had any experiance with a brace, and how to deal with the comments?
  8. E

    that dj dan transformation

    Anyone read the ebook yet? I can't seem to find it. Very inspirings stuff on the video.
  9. E

    Need guidence!!!

    Slowly getting better. I had a taste of how things used to be last night before I fell into my pit. Was suppost to being going out with those 2 girls at half 8, I started playing guitar and had a few drinks and was horribaly late. Ended up meeting them in a club about 11:30 pm. There were 3...
  10. E

    broken heart, broken relationship
  11. E

    Need guidence!!!

    yeah I am serious Tried to mail you got this message "Sorry! That user has specified that they do not wish to receive emails. If you still wish to send an email to this user, please contact the administrator and they may be able to help."
  12. E

    Need guidence!!!

    Quick update. IM going to be using this like a progress diary for myself mainly. Been to the gym lots. Not had much of a social life been on nights. IV started to learn the guitar again, spent today learning the solo for "teen spirit" almost got it nailed!!!!! I have a new buddy, going to be...
  13. E

    To facebook message or not

    Checked out her facebook. Looks like she's got tons of guys tryin to hook up with her on her facebook account. Don't want to fall into the trap of being one of these guys chasing her, im better than that. Will be harder than I thought.
  14. E

    To facebook message or not

    What would be a good message to send to a girl on facebook so she don't forget about me? Met this girl a few months ago most of our comunication was through the internet and TXT. I tried phoning her when she was really into me but she would never answer, for example id phone her then about 2...
  15. E

    Bulking but i need to be fit

    Thanks so much guys loving all the advice. Im not going to over think this. Going to stick to my heavy weight training sessions Mon Wens And Friday Thurs and Tues Mabye Sun will muay muay thai boxing at my gym 1 to 2 hour sessions each time. I don't want and have no intention on...
  16. E

    Bulking but i need to be fit

    My body size is naturally skinny But iv put on lots of muscle through weights. Iv heard cardio is bad if a skinny guy it trying to bulk and this leads me to my problem. Im starting back boxing soon. And I need to get my fitness levels right the way up but i still want to bulk and get bigger. My...
  17. E

    Need guidence!!!

    Quick update. Been training hard/Stretching. Getting ready for when i come off nights and can go back to muay thai, just really focused on getting back into shape. Been trying to go out as much as possible, finding it kind of hard do to neglecting my friends in the past and not having many now...
  18. E

    My workout

    I love to deadlift, so thats bad news :(. Im not one to jump routines. So im going to give this one a go for 2 months. Go light for a few weeks. If I have not made any gains with my original routine i'll switch to option A like you suggested, it looks right up my street.
  19. E

    My workout

    Iv started doing this three times a week. All sets are heavy and I try to fail by atleast 10 reps. Everything is done using free weights apart from pull ups. I train hard with strict form. 4 Sets of squats 4 Sets of bench press 5 Sets of wide grip pull ups (to failer each time) 5 Sets of...
  20. E

    Need guidence!!!

    Ok. Iv started stretching about half hour before my gym workout. Downloading a yoga DVD going to do that every day aswell. I have bad posture so hopfully the YOGA will fix this. Also iv heard its good for the mind. Im on nights for the next 3 weeks and will be working very unsociable hours. So...