To facebook message or not


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
What would be a good message to send to a girl on facebook so she don't forget about me?

Met this girl a few months ago most of our comunication was through the internet and TXT. I tried phoning her when she was really into me but she would never answer, for example id phone her then about 2 min later id get a text saying I could not answer the phone I was swimming (lol I know). At one point this girl was tottaly into me!

Anyways went out with her about 5 times she stayed the night I think 3 out of our 5 dates. Then went on holiday, with summer festivals and partys e.t.c. we lost contact. A few flaked dates from her and me.

I know she has been workin out loads and is looking pretty fine now, think that gave her a big ego boost and with all the parties and being busy she forgot about me.

So I thought Id phase her out and cut contact, not spoken for weeks now. Thing is I still want to hook up with her again, but after cutting contact for so long not sure what the best route would be. I know she would never answer her phone and I really want to try one last time before moving on for good. ID be gutted if I never tried one last time with her before moving on for good.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2008
Reaction score
Hey man,

I'm in a similar situation to you.. Facebook has so many ways of communication, if you didnt wanna be so obivous with a message you could use the poke or superpoke, or dedicate a song that she likes, then you will have something fresh to talk about..

How quick did the relationship escalate? With me we both escalated too fast, we have been seeing eachother (longdistance) for 2 months and we know everything about eachother so if you are the same as me, at least you will have a lot of fresh new stuff to talk about.

Who cares if she is looking fine, hopefully you are the same guy she was crazy about so what has changed, unless you messed it up by being clingy and needy, I'll hold my hand up there.. But the last time I went to see her I laid well back and let her come to me, i didnt initiate anything until the cue was staring me in the face and it worked a treat, you dont pick them, they pick you!! Try that!

Hmm.. Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Maybe like an inside joke? Something to remind her of a good time you two had?

Try something that exudes confidence...


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Checked out her facebook. Looks like she's got tons of guys tryin to hook up with her on her facebook account. Don't want to fall into the trap of being one of these guys chasing her, im better than that. Will be harder than I thought.