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  1. K

    Dating somebody you work with...

    most companies have rules about dating, like you cant date someone you supervise
  2. K

    Here's How To Make Yourself Good Looking

    better make sure it is hot out if you do that
  3. K

    Here's How To Make Yourself Good Looking

    amen to that, my dad is divorced, but her is more of an AFC than me, and if there is one thing I think I am a little gifted in its style, I still cant get him to stop buying his shirts so damn big, im 6 foot, 190 pounds, and I still wear a medium, unless the shirt is designated as a slim fit, or...
  4. K

    going to a movie

    so if she invites me, should I expect her to pay?
  5. K

    Face Reading cheers
  6. K

    Face Reading

    i dont really read much validity into that, maybe if her hair is dyed and she had plastic surgery, read more into body language and facial expressions rather than facial features
  7. K

    Here's How To Make Yourself Good Looking

    as for how many unbuttoned, I would try to make it a max 2, 3 if you can pull of being a ****y bastard
  8. K

    Here's How To Make Yourself Good Looking

    you can try tucking it in a little bit, like on one side, and if it is long sleeved (if its a dress shirt, it should be) then make sure you roll the sleeves too
  9. K

    going to a movie

    thanks a bundle :)
  10. K

    At the college level...

    ROFL, makes sense
  11. K

    going to a movie

    im a RAFC, so when I go to a movie with a hb, I dont buy her ticket? SO I just go up and buy mine, and wait for her to get hers?
  12. K

    Do Not Buy new interests anything!

    ROFL, man thats my prob too, im just a nice guy in general, I give shi.t to everyone I know, maybe thats why im always flat out broke, lol
  13. K

    approaching chicks on the dancefloor

    breakdancing is not a good idea, ive done it before at clubs, and sure the girls like it, but its hard to breakdance with someone lol, what happened is the girls just wanted to watch me breakdance, and not much happened. I cant really b-dance anymore, now I just stick to popping, locking, etc
  14. K

    At the college level...

    im not a master, but I say go for the digits early, that way she doesnt see you as a friend
  15. K

    Approaching on first day

    well thats how I met the best girl friend I have, but come to think of it, that might be why im stuck in LJBF land
  16. K

    Approaching on first day

    no, a hand kiss open, offer your hand, and when she goes to shake, kiss it, sometimes it works, sometimes the girl just gets weirded out
  17. K

    BLISTERS! help

    try a lubricant on your feet like a bit of vaseline. THe blisters are caused by friction. ANd when you get the blister, take a sanitized needle, push it into the blister from the side and let the liquid seep out, never pull off the hood
  18. K

    Approaching on first day

    WHat do you think of using a hand kiss approach on the first day of class, the only problem I could see, is it kind of singles on one girl too much, but it could increase the IL of other girls. WHat other approaches might you recomend
  19. K

    Butter or margarine?

    I cant believe its not better is pretty low in trans fat ie Men's Health