approaching chicks on the dancefloor


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
Wassup? Does anybody know any good approaches for the dancefloor? cause Im tryin not to be like those other 10 suckas that start dancin on all the girls from behind and look at them like they're the first women they've ever seen in their life lol

besides it seems to me that its way harder to make eye contact or get a smile on the dance floor than on the streets or somewhere it important to make eye contact with a chick before makin ur move on the dance floor? oh and yet antoher question....what is a good way to start dancin on a chick...cause my guess is that most girls dont really dig it if a guy starts dancin on them from behind...

any helpful advice on this topic?thx

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by 21-Q'z
Wassup? Does anybody know any good approaches for the dancefloor? cause Im tryin not to be like those other 10 suckas that start dancin on all the girls from behind and look at them like they're the first women they've ever seen in their life lol

besides it seems to me that its way harder to make eye contact or get a smile on the dance floor than on the streets or somewhere it important to make eye contact with a chick before makin ur move on the dance floor? oh and yet antoher question....what is a good way to start dancin on a chick...cause my guess is that most girls dont really dig it if a guy starts dancin on them from behind...

any helpful advice on this topic?thx
I'm no expert, but I've tried a few things and here's what I've learned. The best thing you can do is simple: just touch and nudge them gently on the hip\waist, give them a second to look at you, make eye contact, and then she'll let you know by a smile, look, or word whether or not she wants to dance. Then, start grinding lightly. She'll probably get more into it after a while and really start backing it up, which is when you want to start rubbing your **** up in her ass. After 2 or 3 songs, go for a kiss. Then, tell her "let's go talk," and go sit down somewhere and talk\make out, whatever.

I haven't actually done everything in the above, but I think it's the best course of action, especially for getting the dance. Just give them a gentle touch\nudge and I suggest always dancing from behind because if you don't, some other guy is gonna come up and start freaking her.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Take it from an expert :D

Approaching women on the dance floor is very easy. Do the things that Dave134 stated, they work out pretty good. Most of the guys will stand around looking at the women jam on the dance floor. This is the best time to dance with them because the women are "wondering" when the fellas will develop the courage to come up and dance with them.

Just walk up to the female, make the eye contact, lend out your hand(palms up). This is a very classy approach which will let you know if she interested in dancing with you or not.

Plus other woman will see you as a classy fella:cool:


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
It reeaaallllly helps if you are a good dancer..take some classes in hip hop if you have to or watch and learn the other good dancers..

Im not the best dancer..but Ive got a few moves down..and I just go to the floor and dance..I notice most chicks detect good dancers like they have a Radar on

if they dont notice you, their friends will..and point you out..

thats when you start working your way to your target..then make eye contact and smile..and keep dancing..make it look like you are having a BLAST! with or without a partner..

then do what Dave said..




Either Palm out or Go Nudge against her (like Kino..bump her with your waist or something)


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by 21-Q'z
Wassup? Does anybody know any good approaches for the dancefloor? cause Im tryin not to be like those other 10 suckas that start dancin on all the girls from behind and look at them like they're the first women they've ever seen in their life lol

besides it seems to me that its way harder to make eye contact or get a smile on the dance floor than on the streets or somewhere it important to make eye contact with a chick before makin ur move on the dance floor? oh and yet antoher question....what is a good way to start dancin on a chick...cause my guess is that most girls dont really dig it if a guy starts dancin on them from behind...

any helpful advice on this topic?thx
Maybe you should ask yourself, why those suckas on the dance floor are all up on 'em, and you are here asking questions. LOL! :)Don't be a hater, jealousy ain't goign to get you anything on the dance floor or anywhere.

Start by not worrying about what others are doing on the dance floor, and start figuring what works for them, and not you. Eye contact, body contact, and smiles, all come easy if you have confidence in yourself. Eye contact is always good, but not a gimmie... half the women on the dance floor ain't dancing with anyone, so instead of trying to make eye contact before ya set foot on the floor, just get yo ass on the floor and have a good time. hta'ts what is most important here.... YOU, having a good time. If a chic likes your moves, she'll approach you first. If no one lieks your moves, no one will approach you, and I guess in this case, you find the one you want to dance with and dance towards her. I dunno, but I would bet that it's probably not a good idea to walk up and start from to grind her. If your ass is as smooth as me, you'll start pulling old school dance moves like the robot, and the pop, and if a chic sees you as being funny, she may just want to dance with you. Don't try to force it, dancing has got to be natural. I went dancing with somes friends last weekend, and my brother, who can dance, but not like me, seemed like he was trying to hard, ultimately, his gf switched to dancing with me instead. This of course only added to his stress, so I switched to dancing with some of the many other fans, er women that wanted to dance with the pimp.

So my best advise is just get your ass up there and dance to the music... if you are still a virgin to the dance floor, don't fret, it will improve in time. ;) ...until then, just focus on having a good time instead of how to be a pimp like me. :) day, you will join all those suckas grinding on the dance floor, and maybe, MAYBE, you'll get to dance with a HB9, and have that same look on your mug! ;)


Don Juan
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
austin/san antonio. texas
heres a pointer

if you have a really good friend that is a girl who likes to go clubbing take her along and get to dancing with her from the get go and while dancing with her look around and see who is checking u out. From there move to someone else. The purpose of having a friend dance with you is because probably no one knows u two. Also you wont be standing around like an idiot staring at other people dancing. Finally all the girls will see that you can dance. That should help


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
I also want to add that if you are at a true dance club, there will be no slow dancing.. if you are at a club that has slow dancing, then this is a good place to start. Find a good looking babe, watch the body language, is she shy, is she passive, fun, friendly? When you get an idea... go up and extend the hand, motion towards the dance floor, and 9 out of 10 times, she will dance with you.. depending how confident you look. I did this a couple of weekends ago. I notice this fine babe on the dance floor, and when a slow song kicked in, I can tell she wanted to dance, but the guy she was with, didn't have the balls to take her on the floor... so I went up, stuck out my hand, smiled, looked at the dance floor, she got up, smiled, and we both started dancing... her first words to me were, 'I guess ya snooze, ya lose.' I replied, I guess so...' then looked over at the guy and shrugged my shoulders. ...also, on the dance floor, try to keep the chit chat on a down low. Introduce yourself, compliment her, ask her if she's having a good time tonight, but that's it... focus on getting her feeling safe in your arms. Now, this is different than at a real dance club... at a techno dance club, I still find it funny that some pimps would try to talk to a woman... fellas, women just want to dance, they aren't looking for small talk here, so don't do it. If they want to talk, call you fine, sing to you, it's cool... but be a mystery, and like someone wised once said, 'Shut the f*ck up and dance!' :)

It's all about having a good time, first and foremost...


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
yup, best approach is to dance lol :) Usually i'll go dance by myself then a few girls will start stearing, I just pick one and go dance closer to them, take them by the hand pull them in possibly :) works just fine.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Do you guys do all that pop-lock, hip-hop, and breakdancing stuff when you go to clubs? I just kind of get up there and groove to the beat...and I've had success with this.

I'm sure if you CAN really get out there and bust a move, it makes an impression, but I rarely, if ever, see anyone doing any serious dancing out there...most of the time they just move their hips and grind on chicks.

A little rhythm, plus good eye contact and knowing when/where/how to touch, has always been enough for me.


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
breakdancing is not a good idea, ive done it before at clubs, and sure the girls like it, but its hard to breakdance with someone lol, what happened is the girls just wanted to watch me breakdance, and not much happened. I cant really b-dance anymore, now I just stick to popping, locking, etc

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know what kinda dance clubs you guys go to, but where I go in DC, there is no room to do breakdancing or anything and they don't play slow songs. The easiest thing to do is go to the hip hop floor and just find a girl to grind away with. Grinding is God's gift to white boys. It takes no skill whatsoever, just getting used to.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
x for your help fellas...first of all:
(@Inlawshateme) ..I do know how to dance and im out on the dance floor dancin havin a good time and sometimes I do get a smile from a girl and major eye contact and start dancin with them and everything ..its not like im one of those shy guys whos never been on the dance floor before.
Secondly I didnt hate on guys who are grindin with girls on the dancefloor (I like to do that too ;-)) but I meant to say that I kinda think its crazy when u see a girl on the dancefloor and all of a sudden u see some guys dancin next to her starin at her like crazy (aint that one of the reasons y there r SOME stuck up *****es out there?lol)

All I wanted to know was some good techniques to approach and how to make a move on a chick on the dance floor. But I never thought of "kino"techniques on the dancefloor..I mean i read some post about buttbumping and stuff but...does anybody got any other good tips about KINO on the dancefloor?