Many a woman will drop hints they're into a man, I agree.Why, yes, it is. Just as it's the general consensus to get a lot of money and status symbols to woo women. And to go to the gym and get shredded. And to build a successful business so you can reel in the babes with your business acumen.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm a bit of an outlier, so I don't care about the 'general consensus' on a board of people who in general don't know a vagina from a hole in the ground.
In my experience, they do, but most men are too ignorant or lack the subtlety to notice. I had to take initiative when I was younger, especially when my work required me to 'blend in'. I don't need to do that anymore and I don't need to 'take initiative' with women, but I live in abundance whereas you... don't.
Taking the initiative fails for most beginners. Doesn't mean you shouldn't take the initiative. It means you should take more initiative and turn the tide, but for that you need to improve on your approaches with experience.
Experience you never gained because you threw in the towel the moment you got punched.
Talk about that with your shrink. If you keep hiding why you're such an incel, nobody will be able to help you.
As you pointed out though, the man fails to pick up on it in many cases.
That being said, the female behavior you're describing (dropping hints that she wants us to make the move) isn't the same as her making the move on us.
I've dropped hints with broads before. That doesn't mean I made a move. Or does it?