The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

Dec 3, 2023
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Well, the issue with your example is that it certainly isn't low volume-high intensity. I don't do 8 sets of anything throughout the week. My leg days as a whole are only like 12 sets.

Failure training doesn't work well for compounds regardless - I think Layne covers that in the video as well.

Perhaps a bad example, but I still disagree on the basis of connective tissue. Reason being that most gripes and groans for joints are related to inflammation, not tissue tears. I would argue that you're causing less inflammation by keeping your working sets lower in volume.

It's okay if we disagree here, this is just my train of thoughts and experiences of what I've heard from others who train like me. Most of them say that their body feels better on HIT than otherwise.

If you haven't, you might find Fortitude Training by Scott Stevenson to be both joint friendly and HIT. Just an unsolicited suggestion.

Thanks for the good faith conversation
I think that we actually agree on more points than disagree.

For heavy compound lifts, especially the spine loading ones, the issue is keeping the form really good when approaching failure with heavy loads. Something little bit off on last reps of bicep-curl? who cares. Something little bit off in 5RM deadlift? Might need surgery, sh1tload of physical therapy, mk-677 and bpc-157 to fix that at this age..
Also the systemic fatigue is totally something else so SFR would be un-optimal also.

And I of course include some failure training myself, from 5 week mesocycles two last weeks before deload are failure weeks and last week has some beyond failure components. Streched partials for these are my favorite nowadays.

Thanks for the fortitude-training tip, I bet it's interesting concept to check out!
Good discussion!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
The more I'm on this forum the more I realize most guys talking about money don't know what they are talking about
It's either 2nd hand information or just regurgitating Redpill talking points, it's very easy to see the guys that make money and the guys that don't.

If you're leading with your wallet, you will finish with your wallet. It's really quite simple if you wanna be a magician then go ahead be a trick. Real ones know money matters only for women in the initial stages when it comes too

  • Access-meeting women, you usually wouldn't be able to meet i.e.private parties, functions, venues etc
  • Logistics-Being downtown, uptown, or in a city where it's popping in a nice condo/apartment and house etc typically the hottest women tend to live in that area, which makes them more abundant as well (goes hand in hand with access)
For Example:

College guys have access to the hottest girls in their state/city, why they are on campus.
The guy making 150K a year working remotely has the best logistics why? cause he's in 4K a 4 K-a-month condo in uptown where some of the hottest women are etc.

Most guys who talk about money talk about it from a trick's point of view and not from a DJ's point of view. I got more women when I was broke then when I started making money. (time and access)

Genuine desire and attraction, which are fundamental for a good relationship don't involve money
Mic drop!


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Most guys who talk about money talk about it from a trick's point of view and not from a DJ's point of view. I got more women when I was broke then when I started making money. (time and access)
I think location is more important than money (although you do need money for good locations).


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I won't speak to any specific races. I will say that the lighter your skin [and more european your features], the less money you need to get the top girls. The darker your skin, the more of money you will need and just about every other stat. I'm generalizing but I would likely make it a bellcurve for lighter skins [get more average and above average women with ease] and a high slope for everyone else [much harder to bid for any women above average and above].


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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College guys have access to the hottest girls in their state/city, why they are on campus.
The guy making 150K a year working remotely has the best logistics why? cause he's in 4K a 4 K-a-month condo in uptown where some of the hottest women are etc.
The college guy on campus has better access to more attractive than the post-college guy (let's say he's early 30s) making $150,000 per year with a nice urban condo in a big city. That early 30s urban condo guy can find attractive women at nightlife venues and maybe at a few non-bar venues. However, because he's not able to be on campus, the quantity would be less and the median age of the hotties he is seeing are older (maybe 25-26 instead of 20).


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2011
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Ice coast
The college guy on campus has better access to more attractive than the post-college guy (let's say he's early 30s) making $150,000 per year with a nice urban condo in a big city. That early 30s urban condo guy can find attractive women at nightlife venues and maybe at a few non-bar venues. However, because he's not able to be on campus, the quantity would be less and the median age of the hotties he is seeing are older (maybe 25-26 instead of 20).
In a way, college is a sort of pssy heaven. I wish I could sponsor an awareness campaign for all high schoolers so they prepare accordingly, because boy, not an easy thing to recover if you completely miss out college action.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Make no mistake, money is #1.
Mostly cap in this thread with all due respect.

A man's smv is connected to his money, because money allows you to buy health. With money you can constantly update whatever flaw you're having such as hair, teeth and other physical problems.

On top of that money = a better wardrobe, crib, car ,more opportunities to travel ect. So imo money especially means you have more opportunities to do what YOU like and take a woman with you along that journey. I rather have money and "pay" for a woman's service than being broke and needing women to compensate for my lack of finances ( because that's what's happens when you are broke . Talking from EXPERIENCE! A broke man will use women to say that he is just as good as the next man with money).

I do agree that it's never the end all be all. Because women will switch from broke guy to guy with money. When she sits in a rented small room without air-conditioning in the hot summer watching you play Call of duty she'll long for money guy who can take her to places in a nice car to drink expensive ****tails. And then when that gets old she wants the existing broke guitar player again.

So whatever you pick, it will never be waterproof. There will ALWAYs be a dude with variables that make her wetter somehow.

Some men choose to be the badboy with the occasional jail time. It will get him women. The corporate guy will also get his fair share. Fitness dude, musician ect. You can combine some of these and yet there will always be another man who SHE sees as a better option.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Yeah I didn't explain it well. I always though that AF/BB idea meant that she'll fukk an alpha, whatever his economic situation, but then "settle" for a beta who's earning a living. (And then sometimes go fukk an alpha behind his back.)

If that's true then money is not a requirement for getting steady pu$$y. Which is the point of this thread.
The difference between the same man who's broke or has money is like day and night. ( same with women, being a woman is expensive) Now, there are levels to having money. Sometimes you just need enough to at least be able to "be you". A decent job can get you there. A 200 bucks Diesel jeans = a 200 bucks diesel jeans. Yet most people won't be savy enough to get this done( and yes they'll still feck ).

Imo no man who is clueless should roam around this earth being satisfied because Stacy fecks him now. You should chase excellence and try to make your wage hours as worthy as possible. The 9-5 hustle is an art on itself that has nothing to do with women, just like hitting the gym it MIGHT benefit you to get /keep women.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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I really don’t get how people underestimate money in SMV. Money and status are linked. Nearly all positions that bring in higher-than-average income involve authority over others or autonomy and hold high status, all of which are aphrodisiacs in women. It might not be the money per se, but what brings the money brings women. Some women only want men with money, and not all such men conscientiously “lead with their wallet” considering often what it takes to be high status or high earning doesn’t favor socially-stunted people. In fact, in some cases, getting status involves being socially astute or being a scumbag and pushing people around. Few rich men I’ve met or know are social retards. Some are nerdy, but they wound up with nerdy women.

I’ve never met a rich man who was socially retarded or lead with his wallet. I’m sure some do. If that backfires, I’m sure they get over it quickly.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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I really don’t get how people underestimate money in SMV. Money and status are linked. Nearly all positions that bring in higher-than-average income involve authority over others or autonomy and hold high status, all of which are aphrodisiacs in women. It might not be the money per se, but what brings the money brings women. Some women only want men with money, and not all such men conscientiously “lead with their wallet” considering often what it takes to be high status or high earning doesn’t favor socially-stunted people. In fact, in some cases, getting status involves being socially astute or being a scumbag and pushing people around. Few rich men I’ve met or know are social retards. Some are nerdy, but they wound up with nerdy women.

I’ve never met a rich man who was socially retarded or lead with his wallet. I’m sure some do. If that backfires, I’m sure they get over it quickly.
There's reason why they call a certain amount of money " feck you money". Because it allows you to have abundance. I am from South America. Most of our women are money hungry whoores. Yes ,looks wise they'll check all boxes, but their main mentality is "money talks bs walks".

Most men in my culture have no problem using their mouthpiece but ,or because they lack finances and a specific background that allows one to know how to navigate through the financial world. In the west on the other hand its the other way around. Men have the finances but not the skills to close the gap.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2021
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I got a dubious perspective. I'm currently without job and low on cash, but I haven't yet been rejected based on that, it seems. I phrase it in positive ways, I got a respectful degree and my wardrobe is ok, meaning I don't give off the image of a bum.

That being said, money would improve logistics, and I would perhaps have a much better vibe if I wasn't at the bottom of society, leading to better closures.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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I really don’t get how people underestimate money in SMV. Money and status are linked. Nearly all positions that bring in higher-than-average income involve authority over others or autonomy and hold high status, all of which are aphrodisiacs in women. It might not be the money per se, but what brings the money brings women. Some women only want men with money, and not all such men conscientiously “lead with their wallet” considering often what it takes to be high status or high earning doesn’t favor socially-stunted people. In fact, in some cases, getting status involves being socially astute or being a scumbag and pushing people around. Few rich men I’ve met or know are social retards. Some are nerdy, but they wound up with nerdy women.

I’ve never met a rich man who was socially retarded or lead with his wallet. I’m sure some do. If that backfires, I’m sure they get over it quickly.

I have read on here a few times that men who “use money,” do so to “make up for their personality”. Is the reverse true? Are “charming” men making up for their lack money (although one can have both)? Most rich men do have other desirable qualities, which is partly why they are rich.

Cope 1: “Money doesn’t matter.” Says the man who isn’t rich or was never close to rich people or wasn’t a rich boy who pulled up to high school with a car his teachers couldn’t afford.
Cope 2: “Status doesn’t matter.” Says the man who doesn’t have status, doesn’t have authority over others, isn’t part of a group respected or feared by others.
Cope 3: “Muscles don’t matter.” Says the man who never experienced women looking at his body with lust or copping feels on his arms, shoulders, and upper back as they talk to him or never had a nude-body-worship massage with a happy ending by one.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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In a way, college is a sort of pssy heaven. I wish I could sponsor an awareness campaign for all high schoolers so they prepare accordingly, because boy, not an easy thing to recover if you completely miss out college action.
This is very accurate. A college campus is the best place to meet women for men who are enrolled in a college. This is far more likely to happen for men at larger universities. Men who never enroll in college or go to trade schools do not get to experience this.

The access to young, single women on a university campus is better than any 25-40 year old man working man will have from nightlife venues or non-bar approaching. This is even true if the 25-40 year old man is in a large city. It doesn't get better than a college campus.

The non-bar approaching opportunities walking on campus, in your classes, or in campus extracurriculars are better than urban grocery stores, malls, or any other non-bar approach environment not associated with a college or university.

This forum has a great thread about the college sex experience.

The corporate guy will also get his fair share.
This isn't true. A lot of STEM workers are corporate guys and a lot of STEM guys are incel/borderline incel. Most medical doctors/dentists are beta male married men too. These are men in mediocre to subpar marriages.

Most men in corporate business type roles are either blue pilled, beta males in mediocre at best marriages or struggling to get attention as unmarried men.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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mediocre to subpar marriages.
In TLDR fashion, can you describe a good marriage with children (aside from sex)?


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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All the 'outer trappings' like visible wealth / status are only necessary if you're a charmless douche nozzle.

I have money, I retired in 2011, but I don't flaunt my affluence, don't spread 'provider vibes'. Women have sex with me because I'm fun, not because I can buy them stuff.

Or pay for car repairs, home improvement, or airline tickets. The only women who can ask that from you are the ones who married you. And if you're smart, you don't marry someone who sees you as a walking wallet.
Eh, if the gal is prime enough, I wouldn't mind playing SugarDaddyGame up to some extent. Maybe through experience, I've learned that I'm going to pay for it one way or another. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
In a way, college is a sort of pssy heaven. I wish I could sponsor an awareness campaign for all high schoolers so they prepare accordingly, because boy, not an easy thing to recover if you completely miss out college action.
You can still bang college girls if you stay in shape and do your thing. My buddy is 35 still bangs 21 year olds cause he is within 10 miles of 3 of the biggest colleges in the state (logistics/access)When I was in my late 20s I was still getting to Frat parties and I'll leave at that
This isn't true. A lot of STEM workers are corporate guys and a lot of STEM guys are incel/borderline incel. Most medical doctors/dentists are beta male married men too. These are men in mediocre to subpar marriages.

Most men in corporate business type roles are either blue pilled, beta males in mediocre at best marriages or struggling to get attention as unmarried men.
I agree with the STEM part and even agree with the blue pill part. But the part that you and a lot of people miss is that a lot of Blue pill guys get pussi too in corporate America ( lotta people meet their wives/girlfriends at the work office even to this day). When you spend 8-12 hours with the same people or more than your partners it's natural for some people to gravitate towards each other but you can't be greedy and try to spin 3 co-workers I don't care if you work in a skyscraper(been there) women will find out and eff up your career, Heck I've seen guys get fired or written up for banging co-workers. Co-workers banging off or even on work premises happens more than people think. The "Work husband" and "wife husband" trope is a stereotype for a reason.

6 years ago I had a female co-worker who I was out of town with, she offered the P but I had to turn her down, ain't no pussi getting infront of my money


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Money will give you more options to be a better person. BUT that's only if someone takes that option. In reality, it amplifies who you really are too.

Meet Harvey Weinstein. He is not the only producer in Hollywood who has done this, but he was one of them. The meta in Hollywood is to hook up with jewish producers to get acting roles so it should not be surprising.


He never worked out a day in his life. His p*nis was even described as misshapen and necrotic. Even his tie right there is so lazily and sloppily put on. And his social skills can be considered subpar at best. And yet because of his nepotistic connections and money, he had access to any hot women he wanted. All the girls you fapped to or thought of wanting to f*ck, this old ass man got to them first with his fat belly, below average looks, and half working p*nis.

Weinstein had every chance to get fit, clean up, and become a better looking and better social person. Yet he did not because money and status afforded him to be as lazy as possible.

Money is not everything but it's pretty damn powerful when giving options. Weinstein chose to take the option of full on lust and greed instead of self improvement.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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This is very accurate. A college campus is the best place to meet women for men who are enrolled in a college. This is far more likely to happen for men at larger universities. Men who never enroll in college or go to trade schools do not get to experience this.

The access to young, single women on a university campus is better than any 25-40 year old man working man will have from nightlife venues or non-bar approaching. This is even true if the 25-40 year old man is in a large city. It doesn't get better than a college campus.

The non-bar approaching opportunities walking on campus, in your classes, or in campus extracurriculars are better than urban grocery stores, malls, or any other non-bar approach environment not associated with a college or university.

This forum has a great thread about the college sex experience.

This isn't true. A lot of STEM workers are corporate guys and a lot of STEM guys are incel/borderline incel. Most medical doctors/dentists are beta male married men too. These are men in mediocre to subpar marriages.

Most men in corporate business type roles are either blue pilled, beta males in mediocre at best marriages or struggling to get attention as unmarried men.
Yeah ,but being bluepilled/beta does NOT mean a man won't get coochie. I do agree that it becomes harder for such a man because most women nowadays have had their fait share of "Bad boys" so the temptation is always lurking. And it takes ONE moment of weakness for her to destroy everything you've build.

Don't forget how sheltered a lotta women live life: work, family, visiting friends rinse and repeat. Occasionally a night out at a rather save spot. And in the western world only the states have ghettos (not talking scatchy neighbourhoods, they are everywhere). Stacy won't roam the ghetto looking for D unless she is extremely toxic by heart.

And here the real kicker : a woman will pick from the man available to her rather quickly. If she's surrounded by beta men she'll pick the best beta man available. She won't wait untill Don Juan one sweet day passes her by and approaches her. She'll long to be held, fecked ,be a mother,be spoiled ect.