wow, I've created a monster. again, all good points guys. as of today, I have done NOTHING. no phone calls, and I still have her stuff. I will keep or (more likely) burn the card.
let me lay out some more
facts, just so you guys aren't totally in the dark:
1) the guy she's moving in with does not 'work' with her per se, I believe that he is most likely an independent contractor too, just like her, so they probably met through networking. his story is that he's at a job about 150 miles away all during the week and only home on the weekends. that is all I know about him.
2) by moving in to his house, her rent goes from 650-700/month down to 250/month. she has told me that she won't have to work as often (duh) and so that means when she gets out of this current busy period, she will have more time for us, or so you would think.
3) the age issue - this may shed some light. she is 24, I am 29 and bit more settled. I assume the guy she is moving in with is either my age or older.
4) she has told me that even though she lives and breathes her industry, she could never be romantically involved with any of the men from the same line of work. in one of my earlier posts I mentioned that most of the guys I've met from this industry were raging-alcohol-fueled, lying pricks, and I know she agrees with me - she has to deal with them everday and I've heard her b!tch about these guys herself many times.
5) this ALL STARTED to go downhill about 2+ weeks ago. she had just gotten back from a brief out of town trip, so I gave her a day or two to chill out before I called her up (we were still bf/gf at this point). before she had left town, we made 'soft' plans to get together a day or 2 after she got back. so I call her in the evening and see about making plans either that night or the next. she tells me that she's taking the next day off to go to the lake with her friends and some people from the office/other office, etc.... she also can't do anything that night because she has to make jello-shots for the day at the lake. (wow those take forever to make

so I'm a little disappointed I can't see her and she can tell, so THEN she gets pissy with me saying "look, I've been real busy and haven't had a day off blah blah blah.." I tell her it's ok, I was just a little bummed we weren't going to hang out. continued in #6....
6) so we agree to try and make some plans a few days from then. we end the phone convo on a decent note. I'm saying good-bye and so does she, but SHE SAYS: "ok bye, 86, I love---(cuts herself off mid-sentence) no I don't wanna say that.....bye."
7) 2 days after that phone convo, she leaves me voice mail saying, "i feel so bad, my life's gotten way too busy to have a relationship right now, maybe when things calm down i'll have time... sorry, i hate that i've gotten so busy, but i gotta do this right now and figure out whats going on with me first...blah blah"
so those are the
anyway, guys, again - I'm seeing the light, slowly but surely. I've taken no actions yet, neither has she (no big surprise).
thanks guys, I'll try not to go all mushy on ya.