Would you LTR a single Mommy?

would you LTR a single mommy?

  • I haven't but i would

    Votes: 31 29.2%
  • I have and i would again

    Votes: 12 11.3%
  • I haven't and i wouldn't

    Votes: 48 45.3%
  • I have but i wouldn't again

    Votes: 15 14.2%

  • Total voters


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
k its quite apparent that neither myfriendblu nor Giovanni are going to change their views on LTRing single mothers. You are 2 different people with 2 different views, beliefs, and underlying motives for them. I personally think that there are good single mothers and bad ones, just like there are awesome chicks and then there are the brides of satan.

Gio was fortunate enough to find one of those rare worthwhile single mom's, all the best luck to you my friend, and good luck in your marriage!

myfriendblu seems to have had the flip side of the coin when it comes to single mom's, thats too bad, move on, you dont want to date single mom's, dont, this post was originally made as a poll, not a war!

when it comes to legal issues and the like, if the reason you wouldnt marry single mom's is because of priority issues or child support/alimony, then you are really immature and are not in love. you might say that they could just be after you for money or support, but you could detect that before you get married.. not sure, then dont get married until you are, and if you must, learn about the marriage/legal issues of your state before you do so.

myfriendblu, you seem to caught up on malibu's case, the guy used a condom, it broke, she couldnt take the morning after pill because of overdosing on hormonal drugs, end of story, she has a kid, and she doesnt regret it, If I were to date her, I wouldnt care about her having a kid, Id actually try to be a fatherlike figuire for him/her! i dont understand why kids are seen as obstacles? they are human beings as well, it wasnt their fault their dad's bailed on them, they still need to be loved, cared for and looked after like any normal kids. those statistics only proved what the consequences would be if those needs were not met.

That is just my OPINION, maybe some of you have insecurity problems and need to have your egos stroked by a woman, maybe you just cant handle the emotional issues, whatever it is, im not judging or saying its wrong, whats wrong is knocking people for doing something thats different then what you would do or saying that its wrong and judging them for something they might not have any control over.

well thats my $0.02



Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Wow I don't even know where to start... I guess I'll just go in chronological order :rolleyes:
Again there you go attention whor ing into posts that aren't even about you, with little or nothing usefull to say.
Um... that post WAS about me blu, you said "I was talking to Malibu" :rolleyes:
By the way, who are you to judge what is right or wrong. im stating MY opinion.
Like I said (let's talk about not fully reading the posts...) it's fine for you to have your opinion... it's when you start to state "FACTS" (there are ten types of birth control, ex-stepfathers have to pay child support) that are clearly incorrect that I say you're WRONG.
And one more thing. Take a look at that Poll you little AW. Looks like alot of people here don't want a single mommy either
Yeah, a lot of guys on the sosuave DJ forum don't want a single mommy... what a very scientific study blu... you can't possibly know how the poll would turn out if it was an actual poll. I mean, 87 votes is hardly a big enough control group to make a definite statemen of WHAT GUYS WANT in the real world.
Unless they are wealthy, most single-mothers end up having economic problems due to the lack of a second parent aound. Since most people are heterosexual that second parent would be the male.
fatherless homes
Just because a mother and father aren't together anymore, doesn't necessarily mean that the father is not around for both economic and emotional stuff.
If people want to have sex before marriage that's fine, but if you're not willing to have an abortion then you shouldn't be having sex.
Uh...you forgot the most effective kind of birth control that works 100% of the time...

That might actuall be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. How about this... if you're not willing to have a child then you shouldn't be having sex. :rolleyes: Abortion is not a method of birth control. You want the most effective method of birth control... ABSTINENCE. If you can't handle the responsibilities that come with having sex (the possibility of having a child), then don't have sex.
Short Timer - THANK YOU. Great post. Once again, Both Gio and Malibu are biased. Gio is marrying a single mom who probably reads this site, and malibu IS a single mom. So go figure
I never denied being biased... it's my opinion because it's my life. I do think that someone who isn't in that situation or has never dated a single mother can't ever totally and completely understand it and know without a doubt what they would really do.
Man, women are always the ones that defend abortion the most fiercely yet most of the time they never actually go through an abortion when the choice of having the child or not could drastically affect their lives.
First of all, who else is going to defend abortion fiercely but women. It's a woman's body isn't it? Secondly, you have no idea how many women actually go through with abortions... a lot of the time it's not exactly information women like to share... I think you'd be very surprised if you have actual statistics on that sort of thing. And as for the choice of having a child or not drastically affecting their lives... yes, having a child changes your life immensely... but I think it is only a real problem if you are not financially/emotionally/etc capable of having a child yet. You have no idea how HAVING an abortion can drastically affect a woman's life too... A lot of women go into deep depressions with feelings of shame, guilt, regret, etc. It's hardly something I would call "birth control"... it should only be used as a final resort when you really know you aren't ready to have a child.
Genious, Your exactly right. The men are STUCK with what ever decision she decides to make. Your pro-life and don't believe in murdering a child? Tuff. Your pro-choice, and the thought of paying child support for the next 18 years isn't so appealing? Tuff.
You know what... men don't have to choose to have sex with someone if they aren't going to be able to deal with the consequences (be it an abortion or a child). I think if you're having sex with someone, you should discuss your beliefs and what you think you would do if the situation ever came up (although you really never know completely what you'd do until it really happens). By the way, there have been court cases where a woman wanted to have an abortion and the father took her to court to prevent her from doing it.
I did not say that. By the definition of a single mommy house there is no man around. Therefore how effective the single mommie is by herself has no bearing on where the man is. And that's what I was talking about -- the effectiveness of a single mommy house.
Like I said before... just because the mommy is "single" doesn't mean she is alone and on her own. A lot of the time the father IS in the picture, he IS a big part of the child's life, he DOES contribute financially. I agree that fatherless children may be more likely to have problems (the same for motherless children)... but "single mother" does not equal "fatherless". And if these children do have problems due to the lack of a father figure, then we should all hope that all the mothers of "fatherless children" WILL meet men that will LTR them because their children need a male figure in their lives. Lucky for me, my child's father is a part of our lives... and the guys that I date realize that I am not looking for a "new daddy" for my child...
Sounds to me like you got what i like to call "Malibu Outburst". Its basically replying to a post without clearly reading it. Go re-read my post
That's funny, but again you don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you re-read MY POSTS adn tell me exactly when have I posted something without clearly reading the posts first?? Just because I disagree with you, doesn't mean I don't understand what you wrote. And if I ever do misunderstand, doesn't mean I didn't read it. :rolleyes: Just more mindless drivel from our number one alpha-male :rolleyes:

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
Sexy Malibu:

With all these threads I'm starting know you better than some of my family members. I mean, I even know all your birth control methods.

So I wanted to ask you something no one has asked yet.

Is your belly button an inny or an outy?


Helter :)

Oh yeah, I vote for changing the name of this site to the SEXY MALIBU DISCUSSION FORUM
to more accurately reflect the content
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
There's something to be said for being more advanced than lions and gorillas.

I also think it's pretty bad whenever someone has to find justification for their actions within the animal kingdom. My dominant male dog eats his own sh*t, too, but that doesn't mean that you should.

Bottom line, as far as I'm concerned, is that I enjoy a very rewarding relationship with the girl I'm with, and I enjoy a wonderful relationship with a perfect little girl that her so-called "alpha male" father will never know.
I was only stating the correct meaning of the term "alpha male" and that it does not refer to a responsible guy. I agree we as men are supposed to be above this classification. However I was also stating that the men who are not above it, the men who hump and dump, can be classified as alpha males.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Helter Skelter
Sexy Malibu:

With all these threads I'm starting know you better than some of my family members. I mean, I even know all your birth control methods.

So I wanted to ask you something no one has asked yet.

Is your belly button an inny or an outy?


Helter :)

Oh yeah, I vote for changing the name of this site to the SEXY MALIBU DISCUSSION FORUM
to more accurately reflect the content
ha ha ha... Well I wouldn't be offering this info if blu didn't keep asking me all these questions and making all these statements. I think MYFRIENDBLU vs. SEXYMALIBU should really be the title, because it seems he has decided to call an all-out war against me. ;) I'm usually happy to ignore the posts that offend me (there are barely any) and I have to say I wasn't even offended by the original 1,000 posts of this thread... but when blu starts to give "facts" I have to say something. I totally respect his opinion to not want to date single moms and he certainly doesn't have to. But when I read something like "most single moms are this"... I feel like I have to defend single moms as a group because although there are cases in which he might be correct, it is far from the norm. Oh... and it's an innie. :D

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
There's plenty of male celebrities who are in LTR/married to single mom's when of course, they don't have to be.

Ultimately what it comes down to, like everything else in life is, personal preference.

If you meet the right person, most people can deal with the total package whatever that may be.

The more important question up and above everything else.
Is the girl wackadoodle? That's what everyone should be asking.:D


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
By the way, there have been court cases where a woman wanted to have an abortion and the father took her to court to prevent her from doing it.
I'm no legal scholar but please inform me of one single case in which a man has won his request to block a woman from having an abortion. In every single case that I've ever read or heard about the judges have always upheld roe v wade which found that pregnancy was/is a private matter between woman and doctor. Most courts won't even hear arguments because of the fundamental right to privacy issues.

Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
You know what... men don't have to choose to have sex with someone if they aren't going to be able to deal with the consequences (be it an abortion or a child). I think if you're having sex with someone, you should discuss your beliefs and what you think you would do if the situation ever came up (although you really never know completely what you'd do until it really happens).
Malibu (and all others interested in getting in on the discussion) I see you are current on your law. Im not a lawyer but help me understand this and reconcile this with the consitution. When a woman gets pregnant she has 5 options:

1)she can have the kid and never tell the father,
2)she can have the kid and include the father (by his own free will or by forcing him into the childs life through legal pressure against his free will)
4)Adoption, a woman can give a child up for adoption without the consent of her babby daddy and in most cases can do so AGAINST his wishes
5)Abandonment, Safe harbor laws in the majority of states allow her to walk into any hospital, clinic, firehouse, or police station and legally without any penalty abandon the child.

In essence all 5 choices allow her to accept or reject parenthood, post conception.

My question to you is this, if the 14th amendment, which I'm sure you know, promises that no state will deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws, (read: MAN, Woman and Child would be equal in the eyes of the law) shouldn't men under the 14th amendment not be given the same right to accept or reject parenthood post conception? I'm not aware of a best interest of the child amendment, and my hope is not to make this a moral discussion but an equal rights issue. As i said Im not asking a moral question, I'm asking an equal right/ equal protection question.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
I believe the most intelligent people in the world have strong opinions and beliefs.
this is true, but only if they are intelligent enough to know that they do not know everything. i believe sexy malibu followed her statement with stubborn, as in refuses to be openminded, clinging to their opinions and beliefs just to be right.

Again I never said that -- I said that a child comes into the world because a pregnant woman chooses life.
a child comes into the world because a man sticks his d!ck into a woman's vag!na, you fcuking retard. if you think abortion is a decision easily made by a woman, you are disgusting. how old are you, 13?

btw, i would never date a woman with kids:p ;)


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
The AFCs are coming out of the woodwork on this issue.

First of all IGNORE all posts by women on this issue, they naturally have the wrong opinion. Why? Because they want to find an AFC to financially support thier kids, thats why!

It should be obvious.

Second, raising some other Alpha male's kids is AFC without a doubt. Marriage is already AFC, then raising somebody else's kid is double AFC. You are ensuring that the other guys DNA survives... while your DNA dies out!

Read Darwin!

Plus it is just not a good idea. Oprah and Dr. Phil would approve of it... enough said right there!!!!

Gio, you will remember all of us in about seven years. Sorry.



Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
LOL this is fvcking unbelievable!!! FVCK DARWIN and his theories, there are many proofs that slap his theories in the face, just tell me if you want some examples.

we are not ****ing animals, were not monkeys or gorillas, It is not AFC to raise other peoples children, JESUS, I swear some of the things i read here!!!

first off dietzcoi, you seem to be disturbed talking about being AFC raising another guys kids, whats AFC is the father who bailed out on them!, it takes a real man to step up to the plate and take care of offspring that dont belong to him!, imagine if you had kids and you had to leave them due to circumstances, wouldnt you want them growing up a normal healthy life? i swear, it seems as if fatherless kids are sworn enemies to you darwinian followers!

what about compassion? these are human beings with the same hopes, dreams, and oppportunities that you want, not something thats going to kill you and take over your pride and control your harem?? please! what, would you rather herd up all fatherless children and exterminate them or something??? their 'DNA' will survive regardless if you are there or not, thats a fact, unless other un-controllable circumstances arrive, but if you love a woman, her having kids should have nothing to do with your decision about being with her, what is to be said about single fathers then? they are looked upon with valor and courage, is it because that single mom's are so common that they dont deserve the same acknowledgement?

and about marriage being AFC....that is by far the most AFC statement i have ever heard!! its apparent that you dont believe in love or the like, please explain to me how marriage is AFC, im just dying to know:rolleyes:, you seem to have some deeply embedded issues against single mothers, and why their opinions shouldnt count on this board (Sexy_Malibu). you are looking at this from an animalistic uncivilized point of view, in the end, we are all human beings, not some order of animals that get special attention or treatment with our ranking status as Darwin would like you to believe!?!?



Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score

1. Are you religious? I know religious people do not believe in Darwin and evolution. Does not make it false just because you choose not to believe it. Does the bible say you should raise other men's children as your own?

2. Do DJs waste their lives caring for other men's children? I think that if Oprah and Dr. Phil would support this, and they would, then it is by definition anti-DJ. "Real Man' is a different term. While society will praise a chump who raises other men's children, that is just affirmation of being a nice guy AFC.

3. How old are you and have you ever been married, divorced and fvcked over by the courts (and society in general)? BTW I share custody of my kids, in fact they are with me today. My ex works part time and lives off my money. She does nothing to improve herself. She will live off me and the government her whole life. Great deal, huh?

4. Since we all agree that the majority of society is AFC, and the majority of society supports all this marriage and family crap, then it follows that it is AFC.... Do you think marriage is a DJ institution?

5. Guess how many single women want to date a man with three kids? I will tell you.... a lot fewer than the men who will date a single mother.

6. It is not my job to be compassionate to other peoples' children, at least not to the point that I need to spend my hard earned money on them. According to you, I should take care of all fatherless children everywhere! Are you a Hillary CLinton fan?

All you young guys who want to marry, even marry and raise other guys kids, you need to find a board for this "chumps r us"

Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
LOL this is fvcking unbelievable!!! FVCK DARWIN and his theories, there are many proofs that slap his theories in the face, just tell me if you want some examples.
From dietzcoi's point of view(and mine), Darwinism and evolution is true. You can't tell us our opinions or beliefs are wrong, because they are our truths, just like you have yours. And for every nugget of information that you can offer which "proves" Darwin wrong, and I use the term "proves" with incredulity, I could offer you another that proves your beliefs wrong too.

we are not ****ing animals, were not monkeys or gorillas, It is not AFC to raise other peoples children, JESUS, I swear some of the things i read here!!!
Yeah, I agree completely! Some real narrow minded and declarative statements around here. Sheesh.

But back to the real situation here. I wouldn't call it AFC to raise another man's children, and I wouldn't call it AFC for a father to bail on his kids either. I think the term "AFC" is being thrown around like nobody's business, when it doesn't even apply. I'd call it counter-productive to raise kids who aren't your own, because your own kids are your only real legacy. They'll remember you and so will your grandkids. I've learned a great deal about my great grandfather and I wish so badly to have known more. I plan on having children and great grandchildren who'll be a part of me and will remember me. Someone elses kids would never really be my legacy.

it seems as if fatherless kids are sworn enemies to you darwinian followers!
Literal translation: "Blah blah, your ideas suck, mine rule, so I'll make more declarative statements, etc..."

Really, slander of one's beliefs? Has anyone done that to you?


Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Originally posted by iqqi
a child comes into the world because a man sticks his d!ck into a woman's vag!na, you fcuking retard.

You're the ****ing retard if you actually believe that.

if you think abortion is a decision easily made by a woman, you are disgusting. how old are you, 13?
You must be 13 if you don't know how babies come into this world. As for abortion: pardon me if I don't feel sorry for you, the 1960's happened, you're equal now, suck it up and take it like a man.

She will live off me and the government her whole life. Great deal, huh?
For her it's a great deal! It's the scam of the fukkin' century, let me guess you lose like 1/2 of your pay in child support and alimony if you don't mind me asking?


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Actually it is 1/3 of my pay but that is enough.

WOuldn't be so bad if she would really work and try to better herself.

I blame myself first but society/religion/family pressure, etc was on me at age 22.

But obviously I will never convince some on this board not to follow in my AFC footsteps.


Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by ShortTimer
You're the ****ing retard if you actually believe that. You must be 13 if you don't know how babies come into this world.
Last I checked, babies do come into this world as a direct result of a guy sticking his d*ck into a woman's vagina. Maybe that's not how sexual reproduction works on your strange planet. I'd be curious to hear your theories about how babies are made.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by princelydeeds
I'm no legal scholar but please inform me of one single case in which a man has won his request to block a woman from having an abortion. In every single case that I've ever read or heard about the judges have always upheld roe v wade which found that pregnancy was/is a private matter between woman and doctor. Most courts won't even hear arguments because of the fundamental right to privacy issues.

The infamous X Case in Ireland, about 8 years ago - a 14 year old girl was raped by her friends father and was stopped by the courts from travelling to England to get an abortion (it's still illegal here, as was the distribution of information pertaining to abortion - no longer the case I believe).

There's your one single case.



Don Juan
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Call it fatalistic if you want, but all life on Earth can be summarized as competition between genes. Humans are no different. We can attach a lot of lofty notions to it if we want, but really our drive for success, one-upmanship, etc, all boils down to a subconcious desire to make sure our genes enter the next generation.

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
Originally posted by dietzcoi

2. Do DJs waste their lives caring for other men's children?
3. How old are you and have you ever been married, divorced and fvcked over by the courts (and society in general)?

The one thing I do know, a DJ is NOT an angry, bitter, resentful, miserable 43 year old man.

4. Since we all agree that the majority of society is AFC, and the
majority of society supports all this marriage and family crap, then it follows that it is AFC.... Do you think marriage is a DJ institution?
It's always the people who have failed at one of the most
important things in life that feel this way, ignoring the millions of happliy married people in the world who wouldn't have it any other way.


5. All you young guys who want to marry, even marry and raise
other guys kids, you need to find a board for this "chumps r us"
It's very important to take advice in life from those who have failed and are miserable. (I think their is sarcasm in here somewhere)
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Originally posted by Oscar Wilde
The infamous X Case in Ireland, about 8 years ago - a 14 year old girl was raped by her friends father and was stopped by the courts from travelling to England to get an abortion (it's still illegal here, as was the distribution of information pertaining to abortion - no longer the case I believe).

There's your one single case.

Actually I'm an American. I was refering completely to US law. Im certainly no Us legal scholar but Im completely ignorant of the laws of other countries. Abortion is illegal in your country and is legal everywhere here in the US. I don't think your example applies to what Im talking about.