Would you LTR a single Mommy?

would you LTR a single mommy?

  • I haven't but i would

    Votes: 31 29.2%
  • I have and i would again

    Votes: 12 11.3%
  • I haven't and i wouldn't

    Votes: 48 45.3%
  • I have but i wouldn't again

    Votes: 15 14.2%

  • Total voters


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Short Timer - THANK YOU. Great post. Once again, Both Gio and Malibu are biased. Gio is marrying a single mom who probably reads this site, and malibu IS a single mom. So go figure :eek:

I love that you posted those stats. Just more proof that the whole mess of a single mom and all the drama that goes along with it is NOT worth it.

Not only is the mom tainted goods, but so often is the kid. Let some other fool deal with that mess.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
Okay blu, now you're just contradicting yourself... aren't you the one who has sworn that no women should be trusted with their birth control anyway?

And although there are several kinds of birth control (more than 10 kinds genius)... condoms are the best method I think for a few reasons...
1. they are the only good DISEASE control
2. the are not permanent or semi-permanent - put it on and you have bc, don't put it on and you don't... because sometimes it takes months to get off a bc method if you decide you do want to have kids
3. they don't take time to become effective (you have to be on certain pills & other methods a while before they actually work)
4. they have no side effects... sure there are tons of kinds of bc for women, but each one has its own side effects (both long term and short term), related health concerns, etc... a lot of the time they really aren't good for your body and there are many people who prefer not to "drugs" and other things into their bodies

And as for the morning-after-pill... you're not really supposed to take the morning-after-pill while you're on birth control pills. Secondly, why would you even think you'd need the morning-after-pill if you're on the pill? Don't you realize that the morning-after-pill is just a combination of the hormones in birth control pills anyway? And even the morning-after-pill is not without its side-effects (one of which, is that it can cause harm to the fetus if it is not successful in preventing the pregnancy).

I swear, you must be one of the most ignorant people on this board... :rolleyes: It's always the most ignorant ones who have the strongest opinions and are the most stubborn isn't it?
Uh...you forgot the most effective kind of birth control that works 100% of the time...


Man, women are always the ones that defend abortion the most fiercely yet most of the time they never actually go through an abortion when the choice of having the child or not could drastically affect their lives.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Giovanni Casanova
And I could just as easily say that the people who voted "haven't and wouldn't" don't have much dating experience
True, but they have the good sense in not dating a single mom though. :D

Out of curiousity Gio does your singly mommy bride to be read this site? That could ever so slightly cause some bias now couldn't it :p


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
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Originally posted by Rahul
Uh...you forgot the most effective kind of birth control that works 100% of the time...


Man, women are always the ones that defend abortion the most fiercely yet most of the time they never actually go through an abortion when the choice of having the child or not could drastically affect their lives.
Genious, Your exactly right. The men are STUCK with what ever decision she decides to make. Your pro-life and don't believe in murdering a child? Tuff. Your pro-choice, and the thought of paying child support for the next 18 years isn't so appealing? Tuff.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by myfriendblu
Out of curiousity Gio does your singly mommy bride to be read this site? That could ever so slightly cause some bias now couldn't it :p
No, she doesn't. She read some posts about a year ago but got really bored with this site. Go figure.

However, I AM biased. I'm dating a single mother. You're obviously biased, too... you've expressed that bias here. There's nothing wrong with being biased.
Aug 20, 2003
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I also don't like the idea of moving in on a woman who's been knocked up by someone else. The dominant male in a pride of lions will kill the cubs of his last rival to make way for his own progeny. Of course, people never go this far(I hope), but it's a good analogy.

A woman who already has children is little benefit to my reproductive future. And before anyone tells me I could still have my own kid with her, I'm looking for someone in her early 20's, and I seriously doubt one would want more kids than the one she already had.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by myfriendblu
I love that you posted those stats. Just more proof that the whole mess of a single mom and all the drama that goes along with it is NOT worth it.

Not only is the mom tainted goods, but so often is the kid. Let some other fool deal with that mess.
The only thing that those statistics "prove" is that children need a male role model/father figure in their lives. They in no way proves that single mothers -- or their children -- are "tainted goods".


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Unless they are wealthy, most single-mothers end up having economic problems due to the lack of a second parent aound.
I take exception to this. Sure there's single mom's out there just looking for a daddy to latch onto and support them, but I would assume that a DJ wouldn't date one of these women, or at least consider them LTR material. I wouldn't say that's the rule though. Sure being a single mom is challenging, but to assume that most of them can't handle that challenge is false.

The single mom I married had her sh1t together, solid income, housing, new car, etc. She didn't need me emotionally or financially. She was / is my equal in every way, and having kids didn't make her unstable or needy / clingy in any way.

And as my lady points out, some men have a habit of getting a woman pregnant and denying their responsibility. It doesn't matter if her BC failed, or the man's BC failed. It takes two to make a baby, and it's often the woman left with the responsibility of raising the child on her own while the man moves on to greener pastures. Shouldering that burden alone can build strength of character and true indepedence that so many people lack these days. The more obstacles you overcome in life, the stronger you are, right?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
Originally posted by Giovanni Casanova
Out of curiosity, ShortTimer, why would those statistics be a good reason for a guy NOT to become a father figure to a child of a single mother?


Aug 17, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Originally posted by Giovanni Casanova
The only thing that those statistics "prove" is that children need a male role model/father figure in their lives. They in no way proves that single mothers -- or their children -- are "tainted goods".
It predicts the future for mothers who stay single, and obviously enough are staying single for these stats to come about. Moreover, if these women are staying single then they are either 1.) not dating or 2.) going through a string of men. I couldn't find stats on the marriage rate of single mothers, but I think it's safe to conclude that plenty are not keeping a the same man in their life. I'd be interested to see what the divorce rate is on men who married a woman who already has a child.

And yes, it does show they are tainted. :rolleyes: For one thing if you get involved with a woman who's child is a teenager then those stats are probably already coming about in the real life of the mom, which will make things very difficult for anyone getting involved with her. If the child is a 'child' then they are probably well on the way to being a statistic. A woman with a baby would probably be the best bet for having a 'normal' life (by normal life I mean one that does not involve jail time).

I find that people disappoint me in very predictable ways, so I shall gaze into my crystal balls and say this: If a woman has a child outside of an environment that is economically stable and lacks the support of a second primary caretaker then she is too immature for marriage or any serious commitment. I've lived enough and seen enough that most people are transparent to me, with their predictable lives and habits.

Sure being a single mom is challenging, but to assume that most of them can't handle that challenge is false.
Did you read the stats I got? Obviously most of them are not able to meet the challenge.

And as my lady points out, some men have a habit of getting a woman pregnant and denying their responsibility.
As is predictable, your woman immediately attacks men. The men who deny responsibility are irrelevant to the consideration of the effectiveness of a single-mother set up.

It takes two to make a baby, and it's often the woman left with the responsibility of raising the child on her own while the man moves on to greener pastures.
A man getting off does not a child create. A pregnant woman CHOOSING life does. If you're not ready to have an abortion then don't have sex.

Originally posted by The Great Obnarticus
I also don't like the idea of moving in on a woman who's been knocked up by someone else. The dominant male in a pride of lions will kill the cubs of his last rival to make way for his own progeny. Of course, people never go this far(I hope), but it's a good analogy.
Indeed, it is very beta male to take on the responsibility of someone else's genetic legacy. You'll always be the guy she chose second, the back up, the runner up.

But it makes sense what these alpha's are doing, leaving babies around and letting the betas clean up their mess -- that way the alphas get rewarded with the most sex and largest genetic diversity. Beta's can go ahead and think what they want about their single mommies, but second place is always first loser.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by ShortTimer
Beta's can go ahead and think what they want about their single mommies, but second place is always first loser.
I could have my choice of a wide range of women. I choose the single mother I'm with, and I choose to be the primary male in her child's life. I don't think of it as "cleaning up after some alpha male's mess".

I've dated single girls who weren't mothers and single girls who were mothers. The girl I'm with now is better than all of the others. I'm glad I'm not missing out on her just because I have some ridiculous notion that I'm somehow not "alpha" because I am choosing to have everything that I want in life.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
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Originally posted by ZeeOwl
LMAO Also. hehehe. Let the beta males deal with this mess if ya ask me. You want it, you can have it. :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
As is predictable, your woman immediately attacks men. The men who deny responsibility are irrelevant to the consideration of the effectiveness of a single-mother set up.
And equally predictable is your viewpoint that men have no responsibility for getting a woman pregnant. It's probably ok in your eyes for men to dodge child support when it comes time to pay for their actions, right? And when the district attorney catches up to you, hell, the kid probably isn't even yours (curse that dirty slut).

A man getting off does not a child create. A pregnant woman CHOOSING life does. If you're not ready to have an abortion then don't have sex.
Again another cheap copout to avoid responsiblity for your actions at all cost, so you can live the glamorous alpha male lifestyle. It's the woman's fault for getting pregnant, or so your viewpoint goes. I would submit that if you aren't prepared for the consequences of getting a chick pregnant then don't have sex. But then again that would be admitting that a man has some sort of responsibility for that, and you're too slick to take that bait. Thankfully most states have a law that basically says you make a baby, you make the payments.

Indeed, it is very beta male to take on the responsibility of someone else's genetic legacy. You'll always be the guy she chose second, the back up, the runner up.
I would submit that you have the roles reversed. It's the alpha males that stand up and take responsibility for their own actions. It's the beta males that avoid it, and when the going gets tough they move on. Not just as far as children are concerned. The beta male exhibits that behavior in all other aspects of his life as well. The rent is late, wasn't his fault. His GF got pregnant, wasn't his fault. The project is running 3 months behind schedule, guess what, it's not his fault, because frankly he doesn't have time to sweat the small stuff.

find that people disappoint me in very predictable ways
Again, your self-centered pass-the-buck mentality is equally predictable. And what makes you think your viewpoint isn't equally disappointing to others? Come down off your mountain and get your hands dirty like the rest of us. I agree with a good number of your opinions. It's that self-righteous attitude that your opinions are beyond reproach, and any other opinions are disappointing and somehow inadequate that draws attention away from any valid points you otherwise make.

I've lived enough and seen enough that most people are transparent to me, with their predictable lives and habits.
...or maybe you are so full of yourself that people only appear to be transparent. Has the thought once crossed your enormous ego that others might see you as equally transparent?

Wow this is a fun debate. This board runs the whole gamut of opinions, and there's never a dull moment here!


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
miami, fl, usa
Originally posted by myfriendblu
LMAO Also. hehehe. Let the beta males deal with this mess if ya ask me. You want it, you can have it. :p

what the fukk is so ALPHA ABOUT ABANDONING A CHILD YOU FATHERED? That behavior, to me, is OMEGA as fukk.

Gio gets mad respect from me for stepping up to the plate. Single mother dating notwithstanding..... there aren't a lot of guys who would do that.
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
I would submit that you have the roles reversed. It's the alpha males that stand up and take responsibility for their own actions. It's the beta males that avoid it, and when the going gets tough they move on. Not just as far as children are concerned. The beta male exhibits that behavior in all other aspects of his life as well. The rent is late, wasn't his fault. His GF got pregnant, wasn't his fault. The project is running 3 months behind schedule, guess what, it's not his fault, because frankly he doesn't have time to sweat the small stuff.
I think you have the concept of "alpha" male confused with "responsible" male. In a lion pride, the alpha males do little or nothing to provide for their offspring. The same goes for any dominant male in any animal group/herd. They usually sit around or sleep. They eat first before the others, and they hump all the females. Gorillas also do this. In a matriarchal herd, like with elephants or hyenas, there is no alpha male and an "alpha female" leads. All the males tend to live a solitary lifestyle and only mingle with the herd during mating. And with species that live in pairs rather than groups, it can be a toss-up between the male or female caring for the offspring.

So if you mean "alpha male" in that sense, then the original idea of humping a female and leaving to go and hump some other female is technically correct. Unless you're talking about a completely new definition of alpha male which nobody has yet heard of...


Aug 17, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
your viewpoint that men have no responsibility for getting a woman pregnant
I did not say that. By the definition of a single mommy house there is no man around. Therefore how effective the single mommie is by herself has no bearing on where the man is. And that's what I was talking about -- the effectiveness of a single mommy house.

Again another cheap copout to avoid responsibility for your actions at all cost

It's the woman's fault for getting pregnant, or so your viewpoint goes.
Again I never said that -- I said that a child comes into the world because a pregnant woman chooses life.

and you're too slick to take that bait.
Bill Clinton is my father.

Thankfully most states have a law that basically says you make a baby, you make the payments.
It's too bad they don't also have laws the recognize that the child is 1/2 the father's. If they did then a man would have some say if the child ever comes into this world, instead he has no legal rights once the girl is knocked up. It's not 50/50 and the men get burned.

I would submit that you have the roles reversed. It's the alpha males that stand up and take responsibility for their own actions.
slavery is freedom

And what makes you think your viewpoint isn't equally disappointing to others?
And what makes you think I care about other's opinions?

Come down off your mountain and get your hands dirty like the rest of us.
You're going to want me to get off my high horse too, aren't you?

It's that self-righteous attitude that your opinions are beyond reproach
God forbid I believe I'm right, and have the confidence to express that.

...or maybe you are so full of yourself that people only appear to be transparent.
Of the people who I know in real life I have been able to regularly predict their behavior, which I think is the best test to see if you really understand others -- if you can predict what they will do. I've even predicted specific things others would say -- so THAT is why I say they are transparent.

Has the thought once crossed your enormous ego that others might see you as equally transparent?
Humans are creatures of habit, if you study any of us long enough you'll be able to predict anyone's behavior.

Wow this is a fun debate. This board runs the whole gamut of opinions, and there's never a dull moment here!
Oh so glad I've entertained you.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by The Great Obnarticus
I think you have the concept of "alpha" male confused with "responsible" male. In a lion pride, the alpha males do little or nothing to provide for their offspring. The same goes for any dominant male in any animal group/herd. They usually sit around or sleep. They eat first before the others, and they hump all the females. Gorillas also do this.
There's something to be said for being more advanced than lions and gorillas.

I also think it's pretty bad whenever someone has to find justification for their actions within the animal kingdom. My dominant male dog eats his own sh*t, too, but that doesn't mean that you should.

Bottom line, as far as I'm concerned, is that I enjoy a very rewarding relationship with the girl I'm with, and I enjoy a wonderful relationship with a perfect little girl that her so-called "alpha male" father will never know.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DIESEL


I never said there was anything alpha about abanding a child. Sounds to me like you got what i like to call "Malibu Outburst". Its basically replying to a post without clearly reading it. Go re-read my post :rolleyes:

All i ever said was that ITS BETA BEHAVIOR to LTR a single mom. Its AFC behavior. Its ignorant behavior. But hey, im glad someone out there does it because I aint. :cool:

Deisel, aside from your occasional Malibu outburst your posts are VERY informative. Posts in the health section about working out kicked as s BTW, thanks alot. :) Im into t-mag.com BIGTIME as well as jujitsu


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
Originally posted by ShortTimer
Indeed, it is very beta male to take on the responsibility of someone else's genetic legacy. You'll always be the guy she chose second, the back up, the runner up.

But it makes sense what these alpha's are doing, leaving babies around and letting the betas clean up their mess -- that way the alphas get rewarded with the most sex and largest genetic diversity. Beta's can go ahead and think what they want about their single mommies, but second place is always first loser.
OK let me get this straight. If I shack up with a single mother, and help her raise her kids, that makes me beta male... So to be an alpha male instead, I should kill her kids 1st, and then shack up with her... Hmm... :p

There's a vast difference between second choice and showing up second. ;)

Btw, I think I've always gotten tons more sex from the single mommies I've known than the sperm donors who didn't stick around, or were given the boot. :D