Wife goes to Club/Bar


Feb 10, 2005
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cordoncordon said:
Not trying to steal this thread and get off topic but.....

Dinosaurs lived hundreds of millions to billions of years ago. Modern man didnt even begin to make an appearance until about 100,000 years ago.

Do you believe that a man walked on water and healed the sick as well? Then he died and some how rose up to...heck I dont know what. It's ridiculous. :) Do you believe in Mithra and Horus and Attis and too? You must because these gods from about 2000 years before Jesus just so happen to have the exact same story as jesus, along with about 200 other "gods" that have the same story. Born on Dec 25 to a virgin Mary, accompied by a star in the east, addored by three kings, started a minsitry with 12 disciples, known as the light or the good sheppard etc, crucified, buried for three days, and then rose into the heavens etc etc etc. The all have the EXACT same story.

You do know that the birth cycle of Jesus is completely astrological right?

Watch this...then tell me how you feel. Especially from about 7 minutes in.


Your facts are wrong in the first place. Dinosuars were here up til 10's of millions of years ago not billions of years ago like you said. And there's evidence that man has been around for several million years. Granted it's generally believed most dinosaurs became extent about 60 million years ago, but no one knows for sure what all was alive before that event and continued on. Point is I never even said whether I believed they co-existed or not. Their coexistence or lack of isn't necessary for intelligent design anymore than it would be for Evolution.

And you're wrong again about the religions having the "EXACT" same story. But it not releveant anyway, who the hell brought up Christanity, Jesus and the new testament anyway? You did, no one else. It's just one straw man argument after another from you. I read enough of your stuff to conclude you're probably very liberal and atheistic and kind of militant with it. It's usually the case with the types that hold your beliefs so strongly.


Feb 10, 2005
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STR8UP said:
To be honest, I can't even fathom that there could be a debate here about what PROBABLY transpired. We might disagree on how he should handle it, but to me this is almost cut and dried. If wifey hadn't gotten home so late it would be one thing. The fact that she is 1/2 of the parental unit (actually MORE than 1/2 since she's the MOM) also speaks VOLUMES.

And you know what's even more amazing is, it's not even the few girls on here that's really debating it, it's a few guys lol.

Cesare Cardinali

Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2002
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Hey guys,
This thread is awesome and will probably be a contributing factor to the original poster's baby growing up with divorced parents...;) so lets not derail it with talk of Jesus and stuff that will get it locked down by the mods.

Cesare Cardinali


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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ketostix said:
Your facts are wrong in the first place. Dinosuars were here up til 10's of millions of years ago not billions of years ago like you said. And there's evidence that man has been around for several million years. Granted it's generally believed most dinosaurs became extent about 60 million years ago, but no one knows for sure what all was alive before that event and continued on. Point is I never even said whether I believed they co-existed or not. Their coexistence or lack of it's necessary for intelligent design anymore than it would be for Evolution.

And you're wrong again about the religions having the "EXACT" same story. But it not releveant anyway, who the hell brought up Christanity, Jesus and the new testament anyway? You did, no one else. It's just one straw man argument after another from you. I read enough of your stuff to conclude you're probably very liberal and atheistic and kind of militant with it. It's usually the case with the types that hold your beliefs so solidly.
This is the last I'll say about it as a retort to the tart.

I said that dinos lived 100's of millions of years ago, even billions. And yes I know that the latest estimation is dinos went extinct about 65 million years ago.

As for the different religions. I just said look at the gods, not the religions. Their are all kinds of gods that were created before Jesus that have the exact same story as Jesus. Jesus was never thought of as a diety, or a god, until 300 years after his death at the Council of Nicea, which was brought together by a Roman Emperor Constantine to unite his people and stop the fighting between the pagans and the Christians.

As for your read on me, wow you couldn't be further off base. I mean you are so totally opposite of who I am. I am a republican, VERY conservative in my political beliefs. Ronald Reagan is imo one of our greatest presidents. I am a stock daytrader as my profession. I have been involved in business since I was 10 years old. I have a degree in econ. and my MBA. I have no artistic ability nor do I really care for anything to do with art. I do however belong to many animal conservation groups and would one day like to have my own conservation reserve for rare or unwanted animals. I am an agnostic too btw. I am not saying what I think started us all is right, and until something is absolutely proven I keep my opinion open. But one thing i do know is men didn't ever live with dinosaurs. It's just a physical impossibility.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
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Trust your gut feeling something is off with this little episode. Forget the advice on glossing over it and working on the relationship. Knowing what your partner is capable of is probably more important at this early stage of the relationship. I’d quietly dig a bit before you bury this issue. No need to fly off the handle though. But knowing what she is capable of now, gives you an indication of what to expect further down the track when you hit bad times.

It seems a little preplanned; most likely she was invited before the fight. Lucky for her she didn’t have to explain herself beforehand, as an argument gives perfect opportunity for an excuse to keep silent. Nothing may have happened, however they way it was done seems to indicate there is a little more to this story.

You know her best though so judge it by any behavior changes in the last few days or weeks.
Jul 13, 2007
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Hey DJ Traveller, I take it that you can't update us because you are too busy beating your wife for her ill conduct - give her a BREAK AND UPDATE US, IF YOUR Arms aren't too tired to type.:rolleyes:


Feb 10, 2005
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cordoncordon said:
This is the last I'll say about it as a retort to the tart.

I said that dinos lived 100's of millions of years ago, even billions. And yes I know that the latest estimation is dinos went extinct about 65 million years ago.

As for the different religions. I just said look at the gods, not the religions. Their are all kinds of gods that were created before Jesus that have the exact same story as Jesus. Jesus was never thought of as a diety, or a god, until 300 years after his death at the Council of Nicea, which was brought together by a Roman Emperor Constantine to unite his people and stop the fighting between the pagans and the Christians.

As for your read on me, wow you couldn't be further off base. I mean you are so totally opposite of who I am. I am a republican, VERY conservative in my political beliefs. Ronald Reagan is imo one of our greatest presidents. I am a stock daytrader as my profession. I have been involved in business since I was 10 years old. I have a degree in econ. and my MBA. I have no artistic ability nor do I really care for anything to do with art. I do however belong to many animal conservation groups and would one day like to have my own conservation reserve for rare or unwanted animals. I am an agnostic too btw. I am not saying what I think started us all is right, and until something is absolutely proven I keep my opinion open. But one thing i do know is men didn't ever live with dinosaurs. It's just a physical impossibility.

OK well fine then. It just seemed like you were painting everyone who isn't convinced of evolution as being unscientific and a religious zealot. Which definitely isn't the case, and especially for me. And when you seemed like you were making excuse for the female in this thread, I got suspicious that you might fall into a certain group. I guess we both maybe misjudge it.


Feb 10, 2005
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Rumpelstiltskin said:
Hey DJ Traveller, I take it that you can't update us because you are too busy beating your wife for her ill conduct - give her a BREAK AND UPDATE US, IF YOUR Arms aren't too tired to type.:rolleyes:
Yeah kind of strange he never updated in so long. Is he not even reading our advice or what? Anyway thses situations are universal.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
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cordoncordon said:
Drive through please?

Are you his father? Brother? Friend? Lover? :up:
Nope Maths. He posted during the 7th, till date 3 days gone by and he hasn't said a word.

Do you believe his coming back? His resolved something (he had a whole weekend with her) and doesn't care what we think, say,or believe.

Don't know but i doubt he has many friends. He came here during the whole incident to try and clam himself down. She came back... and well the rest is a mystery to us.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
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First of all, I want to say a great thank you to everyone who has participated in this thread. It’s been really great to see everyone’s different opinions. Like some of the posters have said, you guys have had only my side of the story. Nonetheless, I am glad and very thankful to everyone as all the posts are worth reading and considering. I'm glad that I came back to this forum as I felt overwhelm by myself in this situation.

I know I did not come back to this thread right away, but I needed some time to look back at everything and talked to my wife some more. We had quite a few discussions this weekend.

In the end, I do not believe that my wife has cheated on me, but I will remain vigilant of her actions. Although I will never the truth unless I could go back in time, my wife’s action was below baseline behavior. I think this is a major warning signal for my marriage that I need to re-assess my goals. One of important message that I learn here is about RESPECT. I have talked to my wife and I have made it clear to her that she disrespected me, and I questioned our marriage because of what she did that night. After all, if I had been the one going out with another woman and sobering up at some woman’s place I’m sure she would be as upset as I was.

In short, coming back to this site was a great thing as I feel that I have gradually lost and forgotten some of the key rules about what is it to be a Don Juan (becoming more BETA). One thing is for sure: this forum is awesome, and I strongly believe that there is a lot of great wisdom from what can be harvested here at the Don Juan Forum, the Hall of fames posts and exchanging posts with other brothers on this site.

On my next post, I will elaborate on some facts which are worth mentioning and why I feel my wife did not cheat on me.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
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Dugger he came back! Way ahead of my expectation.

At least it went just the way i thought it would.

Good on DJ_T, happy that you have come to some resolve. You've taken in the advises here, which may at times been extreme, but you have utilized it well.

Hope you remain happy and continue to grow.

You don't have to elaborate anything, be content with your decision.


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
I agree that the OP is at fault for calling her lazy. I also agree with Pen & iqqi's analysis. However what I would have done was eaten out her pvssy when she got home.

I've always found its a good way to see if a women is cheating.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
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Personal Fact
• Wife is 23 years old. Working toward her Bachelor. Works a Yoga and Pilate Instructor
• I am 29 years old. Work in urban planning. Also work as a Yoga Instructor

• We did not plan to have babies until she was done with her bachelor.
• The year we met in 2006, I had just finished my Master’s Degree. I was planning for a trip to New Zealand to celebrate. When we found she was pregnant the trip got cancelled.
• I sold My 2004 Yamaha R6 and bought a ring and kept the extra cash. (I have been riding a motorcycle since I was 23 and I was ready for a break)
• I looked at my finance, and I knew I had to make more cuts in order to keep my expense below my income and I sold my 2006 Mustang GT and got rid of my loan.
• Since neither my family or her family helped us out financially. We were only married at the court house and we never celebrated as we went to the court house on a day that was convenient to us.

Wife Goes Clubbing Fact:
• I left her a voicemail after our lunch argument. She never checked her voicemail as it was still unread (She listened with me, and it did say new voicemail not saved).
• She left me five voicemail on March 6th through March 7th but I acted immaturely and never picked up.
• 9:10 pm she tells me that she is going clubbing on the phone.
• 11:51pm: First voicemail from bar/club
• 12:45am : Second voicemail from bar/club
• 1:25am : Third voicemail on her way to dancing club
• 3:01am: Call me from Hess Gas station. She says that she is going to sober up
• 4:41am : Just got in her car leaving
• Bars/Club stop serving alcohol around 2am
• I found the Bar ticket
Once she got back I did some research (check her phone, and emails) and found the following:
• Josh called her at 9:07pm on March 6th probably to confirm their plan
• Josh calls her at 11 pm while she was at the club
• Josh call at 1:03pm on March 7th for four minutes
• There are no prior records of Josh in my phone bills from December to February 2nd. I will have to wait for April 2nd to be able to see my new bill with the details.
• There are no emails from a guy called Josh or any other male, but I do need to check her school email.

In the end, I don’t believe that my wife cheated, but I will never know for sure. I will stay vigilant mentally and will continue to keep an eye on things.
By the way, my wife thinks I should I meet Josh? She says that he likes to go rock climbing (I do too). My wife also said that Josh has a girlfriend. Would you guys advise me on trying to get to know him better by doing hanging out with him to size him up or let this whole **** dormant on the surface?


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2008
Reaction score
Seems to me this could be a point in your life where finding out the truth could put your mind at ease for years to come or leave it in disarray. If you do decide to meet "Josh" you could try being clever and do it without your wife knowing...or you could be upfront and honest and see what he's all about.

Just my 2 cents.

You could also put your wife on that game show "Moment of Truth"...
just kidding.

Cesare Cardinali

Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2002
Reaction score
I think that you should suggest dinner with Josh, Josh's GF, and your wife. The quicker you can move on from this the better. And I think the wife's story is legit.