Problem with that is two fold. First, those guys may not have been aware that their relationships were in trouble, let alone that their women were cheating on them, so any advice they give may be ineffective. "Sure, we have our ups and downs, like any other relationship", he says, "but overall, I'd say we're happy". Meanwhile, the wife silently thinks, "I'm not happy at all. Thank God for Raoul the pool boy or I'd go insane."He should take advice from guys that never have women cheat on them.
Secondly, since they don't have the experience of what happens when a spouse strays, they wouldn't be able to give solid advice. It would be an unknown area for them.
Actually what you have are guys who had a fortune, but lost it, and recognize now how it went down and what the signs were. They've been there.What we have here is similar to guys that are broke giving advice on how to make a fortune.
This isn't about "transferring painful experiences" and "disempowering beliefs". Try this little experiment: Call a PI and tell him that your wife is doing all these things we've read about, and see if he transfers his painful experiences and disempowering beliefs unto you, or if he tells you what it pretty much sounds like to him based on his experience in the field.
What we have here are some young men giving life advice without having lived through it themselves.