Seriously, it's like in order for men, guys to be successful with women, girls, we have to be perfect everything, it's like the list of positive qualities that women look for in men is way longer than the list of positive qualities that men look for in women. Seriously, women, girls they just have to be hot, pretty, cute, look good and automatically they are girlfriend material for us guys. Us guys, we have to have a life, we have to have things going for us in our life, we have to love ourself, we have to have confidence, we have to have goals, have a passion for something, it comes down to the way we talk to people and socialize, social skills and conversation skills, have the right attitude, or just a good, great attitude, the right way of thinking, the right mentality, we have to walk right, sit right, stand right, breathe right, think right. We can't be clingy, needy, desperate. Most of us guys don't care if a woman, girl is a bratty person, boring life or boring personality, has no life, have no goals, have no passion for anything, they can be clingy, needy or desperate and still get a boyfriend or get action. I'm not saying that being needy, desperate, clingy is good thing, it's just ****in' hard to not come across like that.