And this is the benefit of hiring escorts/hookers. Forming and maintaining relationships takes a lot of time and energy that could potentially detract from your other pursuits. If you are purely interested in just sex then this is the perfect way to go about it. You get straight to the point and then move on with your life. Let's face it, swiping through dating apps, hitting up the local nightlife and going out on dates takes time and energy, even if you are just looking for a one night stand, casual relationship, etc. If you are focused on your career or life goals you don't have time for any of this by itself, then when you factor in the drama and energy needed it may not be worth it, as is the case with your friend.
Now, if your goal is to find a woman to develop a relationship with then obviously this is not how you go about it. For some men, hiring professionals is not a good idea and could create some issues. Some men may develop attachments to escorts, particularly those they've seen more than once. This is especially the case for men that lack experience, emotional maturity or who struggle with women as a whole. It will also create some weird expectations that don't fly with women that you met in a more normal way.Also, when you visit a professional it's not the same as being with a woman that is genuinely into you and naturally has a very different feeling to it all together, no pun intended. Those women are there for your money and don't necessarily like you, this is where finding good providers is important though. Something else that I personally don't like about visiting escorts is that many of them have issues with drugs, just gives me a vibe of not wanting to associate with someone like that. More obvious issues are related to the law and high likelihood of being exposed to S.TDs.