The Master Disaster said:
bam bam #15 is incorrect. This makes me look bad, but last semester she and I use to meet up once to three times a week to work on our project. We'd spend sometimes 5 hours, and we'd talk and have a blast.
This is what got you into the friendzone with her.
The Master Disaster said:
It sounds terrible but I'm learning and improving my greed, pride, jealousy, ego.
Yeah,I agree. This
DOES sound terrible. Pride/ego? Greed? Jealousy? You just named 3 of the seven deadly sins! :crackup:
The Master Disaster said:
Today, I've been for the majority unaffected. I seem back to my normal self.
Back to your normal self? I hope not. That's what got you into the mess in the first place.
The Master Disaster said:
I mean yea, there was a smidgen of denial yesterday, but I'm for the majority over her.
I think Bam bam and Pimp-sicle were right about you being in denial. So you think you're over her,huh? You spent the last 3 months chasing this girl,thinking about her,on this forum discussing her
EVERYDAY,meeting up with her 3 times a week,5 hours each time laughing and talking and having a "blast",tried to have a date with her just
yesterday,and now in one fail swoop,24 hours later,you're over her?
If you say so.
The Master Disaster said:
I think if there one major thing that has changed in me. This situation I was looking at women and wondering if they are attracted to me, but now I see women and I couldn't really care if they're attracted. I'm trying to phrase this. I almost assume now that they are attracted I guess.
The last sentence here is good. You
should just assume they're attracted and act and behave congruent with that assumption. The first part about not caring if women are attracted to you.....well,I don't know about
not caring,but they shouldn't get the sense or impression that them being attracted to you is important to you,or the your world is over if they don't like you.
The Master Disaster said:
I don't put much emphasis there because it's not important.
Well,I wouldn't say that.
The Master Disaster said:
What's important is if I deem them worthy of pursuit.
True,but you foundt this girl
worthy of pursuit and look what happened. You
DO need to take into account the woman's attraction and some things from her point of view.
The Master Disaster said:
Plus, I use to mainly attempt to get women attracted and that was that. Now, I'm well aware that getting women attracted is facile even pointless to me. It's about progressing and escalating.
I'd be careful here. If you
really think getting a woman attracted is pointless,then you need to go back to chasing after this girl for a few more months until you get it in your head that attraction
is an essential part of the dating process. Without it,you get
exactly what you got here: pain,confusion,and wasted time. Or to put it another way:FRIENDZONE.
The Master Disaster said:
Before this girl, I did not have many options as far as the female spectrum went, and that probably was the main reason for my severe case of one-itis. Now, I have 10 or so that I can pursue.
WHAT??? Why are you saying this? What do you mean you didn't have any options? Dude,you've had girls around you
THE WHOLE TIME. Let me refresh your memory. Check out reply #132 on 12-09-08. YOU said that a girl you were working with in French asked you out 3 TIMES!! YOU said that. Not only that,but you said that that was the
second time a girl had asked you out. Those are your words. Oh,you've had options. Don't give us that bull.
The Master Disaster said:
I might go to that party....If she sees me with a good looking girl as I come in late, and only stay for a little while as she is drinking her ass off. Sure, it's petty, but it will at least give me some of my self respect back.
So you want to get your self-respect back. How does going to her party with a girl give you
self-respect? You get SELF-respect from yourself. IMO,just the fact that you're even thinking about taking some girl there with you in order to show her means that you're not over her,and that she still has some sort of effect on you.
The Master Disaster said:
I always loved this phrase, "You learn nothing from winning, but you learn everything from losing."
Disagree with this. You learn what you did
right. But even if you don't learn anything from winning,it sure feels a lot better than losing!!!!!!