The Master Disaster said:
Wow, there was a lot of good insight in there bro.
Well thank you. This shouldn't be a surprise,after all,my name is Igetit!.
The Master Disaster said:
Helps when you're not flaming me for once.
Oh come on. A little fire will help get you off your backside and get something done.
The Master Disaster said:
So I think we agree she's feeling some sort of a void. Doesn't this give me the opportunity to turn on the sexual attraction and fill that void with a romance. I mean, it's almost easier now that she hasn't seen me in 4 weeks, but if I up the push/pull and KINO. Wouldn't that be a smooth transition?
This is EXACTLY the problem. There shouldn't be any "transition". If you like a woman,it should go straight from meeting her to dating,not from meeting her,to a six month detour through the friendzone,then to trying to date her. As for turning that void into something more romantic,well
anything's possible....EXCEPT getting out of the friendzone. That's a done deal.
The Master Disaster said:
How about i tell her like,"You know,I really don't consider this or the time we went downtown as a 'date'. How about I take you out on a real date Thursday night.
Eh? How does that sound?
To me,it sounds like you're too scared to just come out and tell her want you really want,so you're beating around the bush,trying to ease your way into a date with her. That's what it sounds like to me. And trust me,she'll "sense" the fear in your hesitation to ask her out as well. And if that happens,you're done.
Let me tell you how I approached and dated my last girlfriend. She worked at a grocery store behind a counter,but I had reconized her from a fast food resturant she she had previously worked. Anyway,I took my groceries to her counter and this is how the approach went down:
her:How are you doing today?
me:I'm doing ok,how you doin?
her:Fine,thank you.
me:Hey,didn't you used to work at so and so place?
her:God,I hated that place. How did you know I used to work there?
me:I know because everytime I went in there,I wanted to talk to you.
her:..(surprised look on her face)
me:Are you married?
me:Good,then we can go out.
her:Woah,woah,wait a minute...
me: (me interrupting her)What's the deal? You're not married,you don't have a boyfriend,so what's the problem?
Now I
actually said that to her. What she did was write her name down on a piece of paper and handit to me. Then she told me that if I come back there to the store at exactly the same time the next day,that she'd give me her phone number. I was like,"Is that all?". So long story short,I returned the next day,got her number,and the rest is history. My point is this:I immediately presented myself as a romantic interest from the get-go. This way I automatically put myself in the dating/potential dating catergory bypassing the LJBF zone altogether. I established the way I wanted to relate to her (romantic) instead of taking the chance of letting her do it in her mind. This way your guaranteed for her to at least think about dating you even if she turns you down. She has no choice but to see you in a sexual way,because that's the "YOU" you presented to her from the instant you met each other. That's all she's ever seen and known of you.
This also works against you as well. If you from the beginning,present yourself as a friend,then YOU(not her),puts yourself in the friend catergory. She didn't do it,
you did. All she did was went along with what
you established from the get go. Once you start off being a certain way with someone from the start,it's hard,hard for them to see you in a different way.
That's why you can't get out of the friendzone.
So the way you want to ask her out on Tuesday? Go with whatever you feel comfortable with. Just know that the you've presented yourself to her from the moment you met her is probably how she'll continue to see you.