Wanna date successfully? Date DOWN!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
If you agree with OP then I don't know what you're doing here...

This is supposed to be a place for men to self-improve while dating and bedding the type of women they desire - not the leftovers, thinking they'll be easier (they're entitled too, thank online dating and OnlyFans for that).
You are just as delusional as the entitled OnlyFans and OLD women if you think you are going to bed and date a 9-10/10 with nothing to offer but frame and mouthpiece.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
You are just as delusional as the entitled OnlyFans and OLD women if you think you are going to bed and date a 9-10/10 with nothing to offer but frame and mouthpiece.
When the **** did I say any of that?

I don't know why you're so hung up on MY replies specifically.

My advice is simply not to settle. You want to **** the prom queen? Cool, go be the kind of guy the prom queen wants to **** - don't start with the band geeks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
Self improvement has its limits.

There seems to be a subset of guys here that think unsuccessful people are unsuccessful just because they are lazy. If they were determined enough, they could do anything.

Frankly this is just untrue. The human mind for almost all of us has a finite capacity for concentration. The ability to focus relentlessly and to work tirelessly beyond repetitive manual labour is not attainable for everyone.

But fine, even if you obtain the reasonable goals, getting in good enough shape, dressing well, increasing your income to reasonable middle class levels, you are still going to be left out in this world of hypergamy unless you follow OP's advice.

The young guys who aren't as experienced won't understand what OP is saying, but those that have had life humble them will realize very acutely he is speaking the truth.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
Self improvement has its limits.

There seems to be a subset of guys here that think unsuccessful people are unsuccessful just because they are lazy. If they were determined enough, they could do anything.

Frankly this is just untrue. The human mind for almost all of us has a finite capacity for concentration. The ability to focus relentlessly and to work tirelessly beyond repetitive manual labour is not attainable for everyone.

But fine, even if you obtain the reasonable goals, getting in good enough shape, dressing well, increasing your income to reasonable middle class levels, you are still going to be left out in this world of hypergamy unless you follow OP's advice.

The young guys who aren't as experienced won't understand what OP is saying, but those that have had life humble them will realize very acutely he is speaking the truth.
I'm not saying everybody in here can be Leonardo DiCaprio or Andrew Tate, but to act like settling is the way to happiness with women is such a soft mindset, and goes against what this forum is about.

But hey, if you guys wanna aim low and take the the 5s and 6s out of the game, that's fine, more for me.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
I'm not saying everybody in here can be Leonardo DiCaprio or Andrew Tate, but to act like settling is the way to happiness with women is such a soft mindset, and goes against what this forum is about.

But hey, if you guys wanna aim low and take the the 5s and 6s out of the game, that's fine, more for me.
What are your goals? Do you want a wife and kids?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Self improvement has its limits.

There seems to be a subset of guys here that think unsuccessful people are unsuccessful just because they are lazy. If they were determined enough, they could do anything.

Frankly this is just untrue. The human mind for almost all of us has a finite capacity for concentration. The ability to focus relentlessly and to work tirelessly beyond repetitive manual labour is not attainable for everyone.

But fine, even if you obtain the reasonable goals, getting in good enough shape, dressing well, increasing your income to reasonable middle class levels, you are still going to be left out in this world of hypergamy unless you follow OP's advice.

The young guys who aren't as experienced won't understand what OP is saying, but those that have had life humble them will realize very acutely he is speaking the truth.
If your best isn't good enough, then you can always better your best.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
Of course, just not now.

My goals for marriage are the same goals I started with when I came to this forum and just wanted to get laid:

I want to choose. Not settle for whoever chooses me.
Everyone has these goals, but over time you realize what the market offers in 2024 and realize how much of an uphill battle it is.

Of course I want you to succeed and not settle. I don't think this is a zero sum game where your win is my loss. But until you have actually started seriously dating women and contemplating putting a ring on their finger, deciding how many kids to have, you are just a theoretician with no understanding how the market is in 2024.

I say that with earnest conjugality and not in a pejorative sense against you. But you haven't expressed any writing here to suggest you would understand the stark difference of risking your own assets and freedom with a woman versus just using them as toys for sexual pleasure.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Yo G: at least he has the balls to post his pics here. Do you? I don't. What's up with the hatred? Can't stand that he may have successes you may not? Scared about aging?

Asking for a friend.

Grumpy old man screams at cloud.

Great way to go, diss another man's job while you're sitting at home all day watching pron and creating a fantasy life that nobody believes is true. I need to be a lawyer in order to give dating advice :lol: what do you actually do besides typing all day on qoura reddit and sosauve?

You look like you just escaped from a elderly home and claim you have "kittens". GTFO. Your smv is 3 at BEST.

You are ravaging the forum with your negativity lately . Why dont you actually ADD something valuable?

Ah now a typo determines whether a man is allowed to give advice? I am a CERTIFIED Tyrone bruh. Let ANY woman choose between the two of us and 99 ,9 out of a 100 times she'll pick me over you haha:whistle:;)

Yes. Lets listen to a 60 year old fart who has a pirate eye and walks around with a nasty cat on his shoulder. I bet that dude has the best dating advice. You are a charlatan and it's clear as day to everyone, gramma.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
When the **** did I say any of that?

I don't know why you're so hung up on MY replies specifically.

My advice is simply not to settle. You want to **** the prom queen? Cool, go be the kind of guy the prom queen wants to **** - don't start with the band geeks.
Again self improvement has limitations.

Some of you dudes are just as delusional as that fat girl, who is age 45, with 3 kids, and feels entitled to a chad.

Yes you should try to aim high... But because us men don't live in a Disney Fairytale, it's best to face reality...

Your likely going to settle down with a very average girl.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
My musings:

1. Because beauty is highly subjective in the eye of the beholder, the 1-10 scale is severely off-kilter.
2. But if we try to use numbers to rate physical attractiveness, most do not understand that 5 is the MEDIAN - a five on an absolute scale is the minimum acceptable attractiveness, but it is still attractive.
3. Most guys here probably would rate themselves 7-8, which means they're in the top 20-30% of attractiveness, looking at statistics simply. And this, my friends, simply isn't true. Some of yall are some ug mfers.
4. Most men here inflate their notch count, the attractiveness of their notches (because it provides them some weird validation), seriously like who cares? If it was attractive enough to you why do you seek external validation? Get help.

p.s. this reminds me of the virgin-only discussions that rage on here. The chances of getting on is like finding a flying purple unicorn with rhinestones on its horn that farts glitter. Frankly its cope-tastic.

The thing these guys don't understand is basic statistics. If everyone improved as much as they possibly could you would still have everyone distributed by a bell curve. And if they understood the central limit theorem then things would be even clearer.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
But you haven't expressed any writing here to suggest you would understand the stark difference of risking your own assets and freedom with a woman versus just using them as toys for sexual pleasure.
That is because I am not at the point in my life where I have any interest in risking my assets and freedom with a woman.

Again self improvement has limitations.
It certainly does, but those limits are much higher than it seems any of you are willing to accept as a possibility.

If I had "accepted reality" and let other people shape my perception of myself I would probably be some virgin playing video games, questioning my sexuality since I'd had no success with woman, and maybe snapped from the bullying and shot up a school.

If I wanted to be average I wouldn't be here.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
Even if you punch above your weight, she will not respect you as much as she should. You don’t be who she truly wants
Respect has more to do with your behavior than what you look like.

She'll start treating her type like sh1t sooner or later if his behavior/bedroom skills starts turning her off (controllable factor).

But in order to fvck her, all that matters is that you look like her type and can lead that to a lay (controllable factor).

Hot single girls are scarce. Yes. After making yourself into a girl's fantasy type, you gotta be lucky enough to run into one (controllable to an extent. Got to know what places are more likely than others to lead to "right place at right time" thing).

If she’s young and hot, yet single, you’re either very lucky (caught her at a tiny window opening) or she’s got a personality disorder.
Therefore no reason to ever settle for a girl that is below your standards.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
This is wildly different from "any man can be a 7-8".

Also, is this for rec use women or LTR prospects? Different things apply in each sitch.

I stand by my assertion that not everyone can be in the top 20%. Ugly is ugly.

The manosphere sells a lot of snake oil, and I can see you've imbibed a bit.

Barring any physical deformities, a guy can get in shape, find a wardrobe and hair style that suits him, and work on a skilled trade or skilled degree job. Even if he is a 7 on paper, he can still race or nichemax his way in to an 8 or higher in another girl's eyes.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
Reaction score
If you agree with OP then I don't know what you're doing here...

This is supposed to be a place for men to self-improve while dating and bedding the type of women they desire - not the leftovers, thinking they'll be easier (they're entitled too, thank online dating and OnlyFans for that).
Self-improvement is not limited by the beauty level of a woman.

The woman a man desires, may differ quite dramatatically wether he seeks a mother for his kids or a slvt to bang during vacation.

The term "leftovers" is relative....... at one point that 9 is going to be a leftover because she was waiting for the better deal while the 7 is a married wife with kids.

You are 29 boy? What do you know about marriage, kids and LTRs?

Of course, just not now.

My goals for marriage are the same goals I started with when I came to this forum and just wanted to get laid:

I want to choose. Not settle for whoever chooses me.
Getting laid is the easy part, raising kids without getting divorce raped is for the pro´s.

The wise man chooses amongst the ones that choose him.