Master Don Juan
An ox which pulls a wagon or the plough on a field also oozes peace and security. Take a few of photos of a serene looking ox and show them to a mustang while telling it about the security the ox has. See how that works if you then try to put a saddle on it.Beta Bob who isnt even too bad looking walks with the stroller and the golden retriever with next to him a hb5,5. Yet he oozes calmness, peace and security. Seemingly unscathed by the fact that YOU judge him and say you'd "never be with such a woman ".
In other words, one has to be true to one's own nature.
That's not true. Take your favourite rich, super duper alpha guy and see who he is with. You can start with Jeff Bezos and Marcus Jordan.Every man wants a hb8,5 whose loyal,easygoing ect. Unfortunately that's NOT realistic. I've learned that through trail and error.