fbplayer06 said:
It shouldn't matter what your diet consists of (although it's better that you're eating right). That you will get acne from eating greasy foods is a myth not because of the nutritional aspects of these foods but because of their greasy nature. This only exacerbates the excess skin cells/oils on the face as it is...
(I cannot speak for any allergic reactions someone may have to any type of food, however, which may cause acne.)
Common acne is simply dead skin and oil clogging pores in the skin. Support your body's cleansing processes by drinking lots of water, eating right, and getting enough sleep and your skin should clear up.
you have no idea what your talking about!
Anyway to get rid of this stuff listen to the other posters not this one.
control your diet, eat healthily avoid:
hydrogenated Vegateble oils
High salt
Keep those 4 main things out of you diet and you will an improvement.
that means:
No crisps, pop, soda, chocolate, sweets, cakes, processed food usually tinned that is bulked up with cheap ingredients ie. hydrogenated oils and MSG.
you will still see an improvement.
Wash your face with clear soap not marketed branded acne face wash, buy baby soap.
This will help clear you up alot, also drink lots of water, replace pop with water and refain from drinking caffeene.
diet is a factor, there is a lot of money in acne and the reason most suffer from it this day and age is due to your body not being able to proccess all the shi* that goes into it.
even with using the brands i posted in the last thread they still WONT work unless you control your diet.
this is a regieme i want you to follow for a week or two.
Buy BP 2.5% and but a cheap good moistorizore that contains good ingredients.
Bath or shower at least 3-4x per week, ideally every night, take a long 25 min soak in the bath before you goto bed, it will help you sleep also.
Buy and a bunch of banana's and a bag of apples and oranges.
For breakfast have 1 of each.
At work or school or what-ever buy some nice food avoid the packet of crisps to go with it and the chocolate, check the packaging for MSG and HV'oils.
for tea, eat well also, there are loads of cheap good foods that contain good stuff.
Stick to this for a about 2-3weeks, you may break out since your body is flushing the toxins in your system, but after that you will see an improvement.
use the BP and the most' per night.
If you dont do this, enjoy your life with acne bro!