The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)


New Member
Jul 23, 2014
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Lol! Pbsurf. Thats one way of keeping busy.

I am investing in a weights bench and going to pump some iron. I have always been slim build. I am going to write out a routine for training and a diet plan and follow it. Also going to invest in a couple of tattoos and learn how to cook.

I want to pull a nice fit girl when I am ready to move on and the last 4 years I have let myself go abit being in a relationship. My mates are all doing it and they are shagging different girls every week. Take a look at the meatheads half of them are dog **** ugly but because they are big and tatooed up the girls are all over them.

I dont wanna get massive or anything stupid just inshape and cut. Going to start looking after myself just as a hobby and then it will set me up nicley for when I am ready to get back in the dating game.


May 19, 2014
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thanks Redman. Seriously tho - i've got some major 70s ballfro thing sprouting. Thats what happens when you know you're the only one checking under the hood... Time to trim the hedges...

And way to go on the new regimen!. Make sure you get some advice on all that - if you are slim you can add lean muscle quick through the right diet, and doing a low rep, heavy weight workout (focus on squats and chest, large muscle groups will send your body into weight gain mode quick).

Tattoos are cool too but honestly, do that for you, not to get chix.

I'd also add that you want to read as much as you can about pickup - David Deangelo is a good place to start, but also Corey Wayne on Youtube, Doc Love at Ask men, and of course lots of the guys posting here.

They all say the same thing - take care of yourself, don't treat women like goddesses, build a happy life and they will be lining up for you...

Good luck man!


New Member
Jul 23, 2014
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Thanks Pubsurf. Thats the plan mate getting a new job, changing my appearance and adding to my personality. My friends keep telling me that I need to find myself again and I had no idea who I am after the break up so if I dont know who I am then I will rebuild.

I am definatley doing it for me, I am not going to think about dating for at least a year or two. Just going to have fun and play the field. I've never been that kinda guy so why not.


Don Juan
May 26, 2014
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day 60

i have been busy with work and uni. have been on a few dates but for some reason i choice to not see the persons again.
there are emotional days when i think of the ex and why he ended things with me and if he is happy and better off without me.
some times the thoughts are for a second and then a day.,
For some unholy reason, i decided to check his Facebook today and noticed he has blocked me completely. well he had deactivated me. i just wonder why he will go through that much trouble after months to block me. or maybe he just blocked his account completely.
its funny! he still angry? why? he is the one who broke up and i didn't reply to his cold hearted email. he was the one who said he isn't happy anymore with the relationship. its funny cos i know i am a pretty and fit girl but some how this is beginning to get to me.
maybe i need some closure which am avoiding so am just gonna so what i can do to get over him.
if blocking me makes him happy then, good!

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
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I did. Sorry brothers. I don't deserve to post in this thread anymore.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
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Feed my starving ego.

I will post the results after the meetup. (No, I don't want to back together with her)


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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CerwinVegaFan said:
Feed my starving ego.

I will post the results after the meetup. (No, I don't want to back together with her)
Yeah, sure, lie to yourself.

Im at day 92 of NC and it will last till..........4ever!


Carvin, you are not emotional stable enough to meet her, and you know that!

You can only not look needy If you are completely over her -> INDIFFERENCE

Apply the emergency brake and cancel the meetup, this will end in disaster!

90 Days for NOTHING?!?!

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Don Juan
May 5, 2014
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Lion1985 said:
Yeah, sure, lie to yourself.

Im at day 92 of NC and it will last till..........4ever!

haha you got that right , he dies to go back with her but not look like needy and pathetic .


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2014
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Shaka said:
I wanted some news from you, since we have a similar situation.
And I didn't think about the parents things...
I did say farewell to her mother, but the ex didn't say anything to my parents. And it's kinda make me angry I guess lol. They treated her very nicely so...
I guess gratitude isn't something that she is familiar with... Or maybe like you said, it will be too awkard or something...
Like you, I guess 7 years can easily be erased from a woman memory lol

Anyway, still thinking about her everyday (I'm around the same number of days of NC as you are I think).
It's not painful as it was the first week. It's more like a nostalgic feeling (and sometime anger :D)
So I think I'm doing pretty good. I spinned some plates too, working out 3 days a week + some other activities.

I don't want to contact her so I don't think i'll break NC, ever. She will have to be very determined if she wants to come back. But I don't think this will happen.

Anyway, let's keep us busy and be strong pal,

Best of luck
Yea I'm the same mate:wave: , I still think of her everyday and unlike alot of peoples EX's on here , she didn't do much wrong so its hard to stay mad at her. I'm on 6 weeks holiday from work however all of my friends are working so its just going to be gym,gym,gym lol. Got to keep busy so I'm not staying in all the time pondering and remenising. I'm proud of myself though well over 90 days now and I haven't contacted her. Maybe a 180 job for me though!:yes:


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2014
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Been following this thread for a while and just joined today. I have read every page up to 109 and plan to read everything due to the info has really helped me! Here's my story...

My ex and I were together for 3 yrs. I'm 34 and she is 22. Broke up with me from out of no where. We had plans to get engaged this year, madly in love, and everything. Then one week she began to ignore me, distant, 1 week passed, and asked to meet me in the park and broke up with me?! Said she needed time to herself and to find out who she is etc. 3 wks later I find out on facebook that she has a new boyfriend. This is a guy she works with. I have unfriended her on facebook, haven't contacted one another in 7wks, and been broken up for 8 wks. The beginning of May she had began to hang out after work with people she works with, house parties and bars. I think this really began to change who she was.

Anyways it's been really hard. I haven't chased her too much. After the break up I tried to reason with her but she was cold yet crying. I didn't cry but was truly gutted and heartbroken. A week after the break up I called her b/c I had heard rumors about her and the guy she works with, asked if it were true and of course she denied it. This is where I tried to tell her how much I loved and missed her. She cried, said she loved me, and that she just needed more time. We haven't spoken since then. I was strong and didn't contact her when I found out she was with the other guy.

I don't want her back, won't take her back, but I still hurt D:

Would love some feedback guys. Thanks.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2014
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Lion1985 said:
Yeah, sure, lie to yourself.

Im at day 92 of NC and it will last till..........4ever!


Carvin, you are not emotional stable enough to meet her, and you know that!

You can only not look needy If you are completely over her -> INDIFFERENCE

Apply the emergency brake and cancel the meetup, this will end in disaster!

90 Days for NOTHING?!?!

Cerwin, this.

Please cancel

You will only feel worse, do not waste those last 3 months, you can do it man!

Day 183 - went to a baseball game with a lovely lady. She looks good in those jersey and jeans ;)

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
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I'll tell you guys the whole story.

I cowardly texted her "Hello, my phone messed up my contacts, please text me back with your name so I could fix it, thanks!"
She replied with "The love of your life"
So I replied back with "you're quite the comedian aren't you?"
We texted back and forth, she was very flirtatious:
-laughing at everything I say, even the worst jokes
-she reminded me of a lot of good memories and funny stories we've had along with many private jokes and nick-names
-she told me the picture of me and her is still on the wall over her bed
-she told me I am always in her heart
-we talked about blood donations (don't ask), when I said "oh you reminded me that I recently donated", then she said "sperm?" when she clearly knows I was talking about blood
-she said "only you know me this well"
-she hasn't mentioned her boyfriend even once

I was non needy, non reactive throughout the whole conversation. I showed high value and she sounded just like when me and her started dating and she was all over me. I busted her balls several times and she was laughing her ass off.

I told her I want to tell her something very exciting and suggested to meet at a local park, she then said she'll be visiting her female friend (=boyfriend most likely, again - hiding him) and she'll come over to me afterwards.

Later that day she asked me what did I want to talk to her about and told me "You deleted me off your life, you told everyone we broke up and you dumped me before we had a chance to talk this through, I don't want to tear up the old wounds" "I'm afraid of meeting you" etc.
I brushed it off, told her I just wanted to tell her something exciting and if she thinks she won't be able to keep her hands off me then I'll bring some pepper spray just in case. She laughed so I kept busting her balls, but she eventually told me she won't make it and hasn't suggested another time. My best guess is her much older feminist best friend talked her out of it. Fvcking *****.
I stopped texting shorly her after that.

What happened to her
She's so into me. She can feel I've changed A LOT. Her boyfriend amused her for less than a week but she got sick of that homo.
She wants us to meet. She's down to fvck and she would have no regrets doing so, it just feels natural. She was thinking about cheating. She was getting ready to shave her pvssy. She was ready to cheat.
She's so attracted to me that her boyfriend is just a bump on the road.

What happened to me
I'm still not over her. As one of the brothers here mentioned, I'm still not emotionally stable enough to do what I planned. I let my lust and ego take over me, and worst of all - I used the social skills I learned to pick up the one person I am forbidden to.

What I expected to happen
Simple. I wanted to have sex with her. I wanted to make her my fvck buddy. Part of me even wanted revenge.
I didn't want to get back with her as she ruined my trust, but no commitment sex was fine by me. Let her keep dating that homo boyfriend of hers, let him buy her flowers and take her to expensive restaurants while she still have some of my sperm on her chest can barely walk after me.
Childish? Immature? Selfish? Shallow? Crazy? You name it. Just remember, you only live once

What could've happened
(1) We'd become **** buddies and my plan would've succeeded, only sex no strings attached
(2) We'd become **** buddies but then emotions will fvck it up and sh!t will hit the fan
(3) My emotions would overflow my logic and we'd be back together
(4) She would come over but reject me (not likely)
(5) She would flake
Hello option No.5 - the one option with the least consequences. She flaked on me.

What's now
I dodged a bullet I guess. There's no valid reason for my actions but I can only say I haven't gotten laid in 4 months and my lust is building up. I need to relieve it before I'll rape someone by mistake - just kidding.
Rape is not a funny matter.

What's next
Back to square one, but not empty handed. I am now 3 months wiser and this time it will be quicker. I should go NC asap.
I barely slept this night (was out till 4am with some friends and woke up at 8am due to dreams involving the ex) and I can barely keep my eyes open.
I will open up a thread logging my life progress as soon as I get some rest.

She just called me, said she's near my house. I told her we can't meet. I think I'm going to regret this so much.
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Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
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Hey my friend,

I strongly advise you NOT to make her your fvck buddy if you don't have other options.
Why ?
Because the only issue will be option 2.
And you will be back at square 1 or worst.
Remember how shytty you felt back then ?
Do you really want to feel like that again ?

Also think about it, you're kinda glad that she acted this way, flirty blablabla towards you right ?
What does it mean ? It means that she will probably do the same thing to YOU, with another c0ck
Don't be conceited, thinking that it's different because it's you. It's not. Your ego is hiding the truth. Because it makes you kinda happy, you don't see her true nature. It clouds your judgement. And you're thinking with your d1ck or heart instead of your MIND.

You're on a very dangerous path here. Be cautious, protect your heart and stay NC for the time being (or forever)

Best of luck pal

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
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She just called me, said she's near my house. I told her we can't meet. I think I'm going to regret this so much.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2014
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CerwinVegaFan said:
She just called me, said she's near my house. I told her we can't meet. I think I'm going to regret this so much.
Your doing the right thing!

You're just gonna end up back at square one

If she really wanted to make contact with you before then it wouldn't have taken your text to initiate

She knows your still interested and is playing you
As soon as she gets bored she'll be doing the same thing to some other guy behind your back and you'll be back at day 1 again!!


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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bradd80's Secret Guide To Mastering the Don Juan Way of Life

RULE 25: Stay away from your ex. Chances are that you won't be able to get back with them (the pool has been pissed in). Chances are also good that if you DO succeed in getting back with your ex, you'll wish that you hadn't.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
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As I stated before, logically, I can't go back to her. She emotionally cheated on me and that's a dealbreaker. All I wanted from her is a fvck buddy.

The fact is, I wouldn't be able to handle such relationship.
I talked to my brother who knows her pretty well, he told me she's manipulating me, being vulnerable and playing the victim and I almost fell for it.
Even if we were "only **** buddies", she would've ratted her way into a relationship with me, bringing me down on my knees and being dragged after her.

Although I find it hard to believe that a person can be this diabolic, I can't help but feel it's somewhat true.

She turned me to half the man I was before I met her - she's worse than the worst drug for me because drugs won't text you, show up at your door or stumble upon you on the street.