Has a crazy chick ever got you questioning your own sanity?
Like sometimes she would say or do some stupid chit & I would check her azz, which would lead to her arguing or being challenging.
I give you an example. I'm a firm believer, that any type of bad/rude behaviour should be nipped in the bud immediately at the early stages of dating.
Example - My ex on several occasions, in a pretty stirn voice asked me to pass/or give her something, but failed to even say Please or Thank you, this came across as kinda harsh & a little rude to me.
So I checked her, and let her know, nothing wrong with being a little polite when you ask for something. Anyway later down the road, if at any point, I forgot to say please/thank you her, because I'm in a hurry or whatever, this bich would immediately remind me of the time, that I checked her on being polite & she would become all petty about it.